Transformers: One - New Animated Prequel coming September 20th, 2024 - New Toy Official Images!


Staff member
Council of Elders
Yeah, 3D movies going 2D for subsequent adaptations/series is not unheard of, and frees up resources that can go to design and writing. It's succeeded more often than not.

I'm just hoping it gets a robust toyline that's more than the kid mainline style we've gotten for the last few years where it's all one-steps and gimmicky sublines and some token Warrior class molds of four characters. (Er, aka the One movie toyline as it is... Drat.) It would be frustrating to never see, or only see in trickles over years, a lot of these great designs. And I don't want this to take over Studio Series either, although it makes sense for it to step up as one of the line's running sources.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
If they do expand the toyline, I hope they go all in on Warriors, because they've gotten good.
Turns out Hasbro CAN make decent, cost effective, converting toys when they aren’t compelled by marketing to shove in some compromising action gimmick. :p

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