Transformers: Reactivate (console MMO)


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
If what I've been hearing from other previous leaks is applicable(and it included the Bumblebee design that obviously matches the arms in the trailer, and the Optimus design in that first cutscene) it's basically Warframe's style of gameplay, just with Transformers characters in place of the Warframes.


New member
I'm open to the idea that this game will be alright but this trailer just feels like it could be anything. Like, "Call of Duty Mecha Squadron" or something."

I don't really enjoy the pandering that this franchise sometimes engages in. I'd probably have groaned if standing and falling were directly quoted but this left me feeling ignored. I seriously was wondering if the title was a mistake until I got to the end.

Oh well. I guess it got me interested enough to dig out my apparently unused Allspark account. And the bit of leaked cutscene I sampled actually gets me way more pumped than the trailer. I hope the next trailer actually shows Transformers in some meaningful way.


Continuity Nutcase
I'd already seen the two leaked cutscenes that were posted on the other page, so seeing this trailer made me feel that this must be the game that those cutscenes belong to, since the trailer matched the tone and feel of those two cutscenes.


Staff member
Council of Elders
Considering we just got a generic rail shooter where the Transformers are so tacked on that you don't even play as one, it's not crazy to see this teaser as a bit of a red flag.


Clearly all these announcement trailers are doing it wrong, by actually doing more then saying 'hey' here's a game. its maybe what we tell you it is, if you squint'
For a minute I thought maybe there are different kinds of announcement trailers that take different approaches. But no, that's just crazy talk.

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
Reminder that this game spent years in development hell before being moved to an entirely a different studio.

I'd be keeping my expectations low for this one until people start getting their hands on it.


Well-known member
For a minute I thought maybe there are different kinds of announcement trailers that take different approaches. But no, that's just crazy talk.

No, but maybe reading comprehension is, as I am countering a very specific point.

"Announcement trailers aren't meant to do anything more then say a game is being made."

*Announcement trailers that clearly don't follow that, of which are vastly more plentiful then the 'hey, game here' type*


NOT a New Member.
It's not showing you anything, that's the point. It's an an anuncement trailer. It's just telling you they're making a game.
Was that aimed at my post? If so, I was referring to the aesthetics of the trailer, rather than making any comments about the game. It looks similar to a scene in Robocop.

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
While I'm left wondering "How desperate for content must a person be to be excited over this 'in-name-only' Transformers game?'
Well, excuse me for recently thinking about how Transformers used to be up there with the Triple-A franchises in terms of production and visuals, lamenting that the last few years have given us Battlegrounds and little else from the publisher of Bratz and Paw Patrol games, and then being interested in finding out more when I see something that looks like it might be closer to what I was just lamenting the loss of. =P


I mean, I'm not putting a pre-order down or anything -- I'm still not even quite sure what kind of game it is. But I'm at least interested in finding out more.

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
Apparenty some product descriptions for some Transformers "Shine" toys has surfaced. Shine was apparently the codename for the tie-in toys for the Rise videogame that eventually became Reactivate. Dunno if these toys will ever see the light of day but it's for a Prime and Soundwave 2 pack.


LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
You've got to be kidding me.

Sounds more like it should be the name of a Pokémon-styled second version, "Transformers: Rise" and "Transformers: Shine."

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