Transformers: Rise of the Beasts

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
Technically it says "Pablo" right on the side of his vehicle mode.

That said, it's Wheeljack guys. I find him disappointing, but he's in the movie for so little and does basically nothing I can't even get annoyed by it anymore.


Continuity Nutcase
That said, it's Wheeljack guys. I find him disappointing, but he's in the movie for so little and does basically nothing I can't even get annoyed by it anymore.
*shrug* Meh, he's just a different Wheeljack. Steve Blum voiced BB Wheeljack with a middle-aged voice akin to that of Chris Latta's G1 Wheeljack, whereas ROTB Wheeljack is younger, sounding like he just graduated high school.


Well-known member
I mean he was put through the same lens Hot Rod was in Last Knight. Just wild stuff, but its fine. Transformers is a multiverse. Its fine.


Wondering bot
I'm not long back from seeing this film, first impressions, its well shot and the film budget does show, Mirage in the trailers, he wasn't that likable, but he did grow on me as a character, thou I felt very little when a certain scene happens during the climatic battle! I can see why Airrazor's toys are, how should I put it, inconsistant, thou I do kind of question the nature of how she appears for the first time in the present day!

About my biggest gripe, would be in the climatic, involving Optimus & Noah, size issues aside, the dialog implys that the thing Optimus tends to do a regluar basis, is meant to happen, thou another issue kind of pops up earlier in the film, between Scourge & Optimus, again Dialog,
mainly how Scourge knows OP is a prime or who he is, while to Primal, he says:"Didn't I kill you already?"

The humans, were ok, not really a fan of Noah's character, how he turns to crime because he can't get a job, the female character, her name escapes me as she wasn't the central human and she wasn't really getting my attention as her character was kind of shallow, the whole thing with her boss, could easily been admited from the film and you loose nothing as she is the one with the office and yet her boss was the one with access to the equipment!

The Mcguffin of the movie,
I kind of wonder why the Maxmals, just didn't bury the pieces, but then, I would of thought it would been smarter to break it into more than just two pieces and scatter them across the globe

Post Credit:
GARBAGE, plain old Garbage,
setup for a cinematic universe, that just not needed, Gi Joe is very much a Armeican brand with little importance/foot print outside of the states and it would of been smarter to have that be Sector 7

Overall, I give the film a 7 out of 10, not bad but it could of been better, the climatic of the film feels like the higher ups wanted more spectical than character, thou I wish they had let one of the Terrorcons live, sort of, thrawt their scheme and they return in the sequel for revenge, add more depth to their character

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
*shrug* Meh, he's just a different Wheeljack. Steve Blum voiced BB Wheeljack with a middle-aged voice akin to that of Chris Latta's G1 Wheeljack, whereas ROTB Wheeljack is younger, sounding like he just graduated high school.

My issue isn't that he looks different it's that his head/face looks genuinely bad and gets rid of of one of the most unique head designs in all of Transformers. (Seriously, its a dude with no mouth who's head fins glow when he talks. Nobody else does that!) and I likely wouldn't even care as much if they hadn't nailed that in the Bumblebee movie.

But like I said, he's Wheeljack whether you like him or not, calling him "Pablo" ain't going to change that. Especially given his tiny role in the film.


Well-known member
I mean, is this the same wheeljack that was in bumblebee and is this wheeljack actually going to call himself Que one day?

Movie Wheeljack is all over the place.


Wondering bot
I mean, is this the same wheeljack that was in bumblebee and is this wheeljack actually going to call himself Que one day?

Movie Wheeljack is all over the place.

Why are you so surprised, the movies have been pretty much all over the place from the begining, even this film is like that, the scene that leads to the Autobots and Maximals meeting each other, your going from a urabn area to the middle of nowhere, rather quickly!


Well-known member
No, I'm not surprised. I'm just saying when it comes to the movies Wheeljack has been presented in three pretty wild ways.


Continuity Nutcase
I mean, is this the same wheeljack that was in bumblebee and is this wheeljack actually going to call himself Que one day?
It's probably easiest to just consider this guy a different Wheeljack, while the one in the Bumblebee movie goes on to become Que.

Much like how the Mirage in this movie is now considered a separate guy from Dino.

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
I don't consider the Bay films to be in canon with the non-Bay ones, so that's not an issue for me.

If they want to put out a movie that makes the connection absolutely solid, then sure, but until that point I'm not holding anything from the Bay movies as necessary to consider for these new ones.

Otherwise we wind up with a situation where Unicron is being summoned to Earth, which is actually Unicron, by way of a transwarp portal device, while a DIFFERENT portal device capable of teleporting a planet is hanging out on the moon at the same time, and that's just silly. :)

Though it'd funny if it was all canon and Unicron suceeded in eating Earth, because he'd also be eating the Allspark, the Matrix of Leadership, the solar harvester, the Knight's spaceship, Quintessa's staff, Megatron, the Seekers, a bunch of cyberformed dinosaurs, the Knights, and himself.

if he also ate the moon for dessert he'd also nab Sentinal Prime, a bunch of Decepticons, the Ark and the space bridge.


Wondering bot
Maybe Wheeljack is a very common Cybertronian name.

That is a good possabilty!

The thing that kind of bugs me about these live action movies, is that the Autobots have no way home, its stated in the Rise of the Beasts, OP's plan was to regroup on Earth, yet it doesn't seem like a well thought through plan, they got no base, no ships, nothing aside from a single Autobot who can fly, in the Prime Cartoon the Autobots built a base with aid from humans and had the means to travelling across the planet via ground bridge and a similar bridge was used back in Armada, thou they then built a space ship to get back to Cybertron, while in Prime, I think OP's plan was to evenly capture the Nemesis and use that to go back to Cybertron, thou things took aroundabout route, so I wonder what the heck is movie Prime, plan, I kind of hope if they green light a sequel to this, OP has a confrontation with a fellow Autobot about this issue, if they can make movie Optimus Prime someone who pretty much a field commander type leader, have another Autobot who actually questions his leadership and what their actual plan is in the long run aside from hiding in plain sight!

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
I know I just went on a spell about pre and post bay continuity, but maybe Optimus was waiting for others to show up and bring a ship with them, like how the second wave autobots apparently came aboard the Xantium.


Well-known member
I don't consider the Bay films to be in canon with the non-Bay ones, so that's not an issue for me.

If they want to put out a movie that makes the connection absolutely solid, then sure, but until that point I'm not holding anything from the Bay movies as necessary to consider for these new ones.

Otherwise we wind up with a situation where Unicron is being summoned to Earth, which is actually Unicron, by way of a transwarp portal device, while a DIFFERENT portal device capable of teleporting a planet is hanging out on the moon at the same time, and that's just silly. :)

Though it'd funny if it was all canon and Unicron suceeded in eating Earth, because he'd also be eating the Allspark, the Matrix of Leadership, the solar harvester, the Knight's spaceship, Quintessa's staff, Megatron, the Seekers, a bunch of cyberformed dinosaurs, the Knights, and himself.

if he also ate the moon for dessert he'd also nab Sentinal Prime, a bunch of Decepticons, the Ark and the space bridge.

I mean, these are all the reasons I want them connected. Its bonkers. Give it to me.


unfortunate shark issues
Earth isn't Unicron in Rise of the Beasts, but at some point before The Last Knight, Unicron time travels back and merges with primordial Earth so he can start emerging in that film. There, fixed!


Continuity Nutcase
It's implied that the Maximals came from the future, so the Unicron seen in this movie would likewise be from the future. Which suggests that, at some point after TLK, he escapes his confines within the Earth and becomes his own separate entity from it, complete with a new planet-eating body of his own.

Him wanting to eat the Earth may not merely result in him just consuming his past self, but may rather result in him merging with his past self to become even more powerful.

And all those Cybertronian relics and MacGuffins buried within the Earth would be like energy-boosting candy to him, making him even more extra super-duper powerful.


Staff member
Council of Elders
We've had Unicron plots that make a lot less sense than that.

I want this to happen now. Tie it all together. Go full bonkers.

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