UK politics thread – meet the new boss, same as the old boss

Anonymous X

Well-known member
They’re all appalling people, really; a complete bunch of Joffreys. Hopefully my country will come to its collective senses sooner rather than later.


Well-known member
Seems like the best thing would basically be resigning as King, selling all of the royal accoutrements (Crown jewels, Buckingham Palace, etc) to the British government for a few billion then directing all *that* profit to be distributed as reparations to all the places that deserve it.

That way Charles gets to be the last and most famous King of England and a fuckton of goodwill. All he’d lose is a bunch of stupid LARP and ceremonial stuff he’d probably rather not do anyway.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
He can't really, strictly speaking, sell any of the royal accoutrements anyway, since most of it was stolen from the far flung regions of the empire. The africans, indians and natives of the carribean would very much like THEIR precious gems, metals and linens back.

But hey, so long as we're talking about impossibilities anyway, let's give the contents of the british museum back to their actual owners.


Well-known member
He can't really, strictly speaking, sell any of the royal accoutrements anyway, since most of it was stolen from the far flung regions of the empire. The africans, indians and natives of the carribean would very much like THEIR precious gems, metals and linens back.

But hey, so long as we're talking about impossibilities anyway, let's give the contents of the british museum back to their actual owners.

He’d be selling it to the British government and directing proceeds from said sale back to those regions. That seems much improved from the current status quo of “no return, no proceeds”

If those areas want to keep pushing for the rightful return of their looted property; they can take it up with the new Owners. Charles would no longer have anything to do with it.


jumbled pile of person
Ceremonial monarchy in a nutshell: They're only allowed to make one rule, that everyone has to pretend to care about them. And they milk it for all it's worth.


Well-known member
The Conservative administration hopes its program of lower taxes and deregulation will turbo-charge the economy

Paul Johnson, director of the Institute of Fiscal Studies, said the plan amounts to the biggest single giveaway by the Treasury since 1972, when Ted Heath was prime minister and Anthony Barber chancellor. Barber’s budget resulted in spiraling inflation and a recession.

history will repeat.

I’m so sorry for your people over there. Both the fact the people running your country are morons but also the fact you don’t have any kind of meaningful opposition to said idiots.


jumbled pile of person
The chancellor* just announced a ludicrously right-wing budget that slashes taxes for the rich, including abolishing the top rate of income tax entirely, and it seems to have had immediate negative reactions from the markets. It’s almost like the Tory government is deliberately crashing the economy…

* finance minister
OK, can somebody explain this to me? I thought "the markets" are controlled by the kind of rich people who would love a policy like that. But it seems like the UK is so progressive that even the rich don't want policies that make them even richer???


Well-known member
While a lot of them would (and do!) love policies like that they also know it’s absolute poison for the overall economy because it doesn’t make economic sense.

What is likely to happen is a bunch of rich ***** (as above) are going to short the pound. Make a bunch of money off the suffering of the poors and then the actual non-mini budget will likely reverse most or all of this.

Or the flip side of that is you (as in the US) have right wing lunatics who don’t know (or don’t care) this is all for show and they end up doing insane things like actually outlawing abortion instead of just claiming they will.


jumbled pile of person
Wait, you lost me. What does abortion have to do with the UK's economic policy?

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
It's one of those things they talk about doing: but would never actually DO because doing it will not only **** everything up in an obvious way, but they also lose the talking point.

"Yeah, and do you remember when you did it? We do: because lots of people ******* DIED.".


Well-known member
Yeah, it’s basically something to use to corral the rubes into voting for you but then they’d never follow through because it’s A) incredibly disruptive and B) drives turnout for the opposition.

It’s the difference between having elites gate keeping actual policy and the “true believer” ideologues having control.

Anonymous X

Well-known member
While a lot of them would (and do!) love policies like that they also know it’s absolute poison for the overall economy because it doesn’t make economic sense.
Basically that. The powers that be know catastrophic economic miss-management when they see it, even if it gives them an income tax cut.


Well-known member
How is it that none of these people have realized that if you cut off the bottom rungs of society, the ladder falls down?

Ironbite-I mean yeah you can have millions of pounds in your bank account but if the pound is worthless.....

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