UK politics thread – meet the new boss, same as the old boss

Anonymous X

Well-known member
Or they just didn't see the point because the media and government lumps everyone who peacefully protested the stabbing of eight children, three of which died/were murdered, in with labels like 'racist' 'far right'. Granted the usual masked yobs turned up for the first few but very strange they didn't turn up for the rest despite many of them escaping.
Oh FFS. The whole excuse about the protests ‘actually’ being against the murder of several kids doesn’t wash given that 1.) misinformation about the assailant being a Muslim and an asylum seeker started immediately 2.) the protesters used racist, xenophobic slogans like “stop the boats”, “send them all back”, etc. It was a load of far-right thugs looking for an excuse to be destructive and you know it.


too old for this
Apparently Liz Truss was going to scrap cancer treatments on the NHS. (Of course thankfully she didn’t, as she was only prine minister for a month.)
Good thing. Thats the sort of thing that brings out pitchforks and torches. And I'm sure the french would be glad to lend a guillotine or two for the cause.

Anonymous X

Well-known member

The new government is just as batshit and right-wing as the previous Tory one. New idea: send prisoners to Estonia. (I mean, Estonia is much nicer country to live in than Rwanda, but still.)


Now with hi-res avatar!
Did they put the giant unrelated picture of William next to the headline to try to make it look like it was his idea?

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