Velocitron Speedia 500 Collection - Transformers: Legacy subline at Walmart


How did we get so dark?
Really, it's hard to believe that Hasbro went this route again after the consternation over Netflix 'Bee and Soundwave.

I'm also surprised that Cosmos is still up for pre-order on this side of the border. Hopefully Walmart isn't pre-selling stock they'll never receive...


Not Crew.
I thought I saw a rumor that Studio Series Hot Rod was going to be released in the Velocitron line - was there something to that or was it just a hopeful daydream?


Continuity Nutcase
I thought I saw a rumor that Studio Series Hot Rod was going to be released in the Velocitron line - was there something to that or was it just a hopeful daydream?
Originally, that mold was planned to be the base mold for Override as a retool. But Takara surprised Hasbro by making her a new mold instead.


Continuity Nutcase
The phrasing of that feels off. That sounds like Hasbro asked for a repaint and opened the box to find a brand new toy that Takara had done without their knowledge which is not how that sort of thing works at all.

-ZacWilliam, anyway a Hot Rod recolored should 100% be Sideburn/Speedbreaker
In one of their Instagram posts, it was shown that Hasbro had originally planned for Override to be a Hot Rod retool, but Takara managed to work out the mold budget to allow her to be a new mold instead.

The same thing happened with Cosmos, whom Hasbro had originally planned to be a retool of Origin Bumblebee. But instead, Takara was able to work out the budget to let him be a new mold too.


Not Crew.
So Hot Rod may have been a starting point for Override, or, Rodimus may show up in Crasher's wave.

I'm cool with a "maybe" on this one.
(Maybe Speedbreaker? Maybe Spectre colors?)


Continuity Nutcase
Found the Instagram post in question:

The important parts:
Much like Cosmos, I had a initial sell in plan that would only require some new molds mixed with molds from the awesome Studio Series 86 Hotrod that @naveskoorb worked on. It would of been a new look for her but Im glad TT brought out the cybertronian wizard staff and figured out a way to do her in 4 new molds, a voyager!! What!!!



Well-known member
Yeah Velocitron wave 2 has

Deluxe Crasher
Deluxe Shadow Striker
Voyager Hot Rod
Unknown Leader

Platypus Prime

Well-known member
I hope they do get Cosmos in stores simply because my chances of getting one online now seem to be slim and I don't care enough to pay ebay prices. Though in the process of looking I did get an unexpected bonus as I saw a Sparkless Seeker way after they were recent, and while only one of his Targetmasters actually matches him, the non-matching one DOES work perfectly color-wise with Dead Optimus Prime.

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
Apparently these are already showing up in stores.



Well-known member
Fingers crossed that Clampdown doesn't end up being an eBay exclusives. I'm hearing talks of Cosmos getting sent out in full cases, but I doubt Clampdown will get that luxury.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Good thing I've got a couple spare Netflix Bumblebees from when my store marked them down. Might be solid trade fodder.

I'll keep an eye out. My local store is usually bit behind the new modular sets, and prior years I've had great success with the deluxe figures. Not so much with the Voyager and leader offerings, though. My store didn't even carry those two price points.


Staff member
Council of Elders
I'm glad they found a way to do an all-new Override. The compromises made for Minerva kind of undermined that release, sticking her with a robot mode that's serviceable but different enough from her own to be noticeable, and Elita's weird chunky "it has curves AND boxiness!" car altmode.

Hope we get a Dark Hot Rod next.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
And from that day on, Steevy never knew another moments rest.
Lol, and I got a PM within half an hour asking for one!

And just to clarify what happened, my local crap hole Walmart has been terrible about stocking for YEARS (and continues to be). For some odd reason, they got LOADED with Netflix wave 2 deluxe. Until Voyager wave 3, they never carried that assortment and NEVER had Leaders at this store.
They get an initial case or two, I get my one Bumblebee and thank my lucky stars. Couple weeks later, they get like 3 MORE cases, so I'm like, what the heck, who doesn't need an extra VW Bumblebee? So I got one.
Then, after a few months, stock whittled down to, like 4 Elita One, a couple BBs, and a Wheeljack. They get rolled back (with the rest of the Deluxes being carried) to 18 and change and I figured, what the hell, snag another for trade later on.

That might have been fortuitous depending on how things go with Velocitron. Prior experience says I have a decent chance seeing Cosmos locally, but then again this might be the ONE time Walmart dicks me over on that front.
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