What stupid thing did the GOP say or do this time? Episode 3!


Well-known member
never once heard a Jewish person whine about the war on Hanukkah.

and they actually HAD one of those...


Now with hi-res avatar!
I know that too many Republicans are ride-or-die no matter what weirdness the GOP gets up to, but is it unreasonable to imagine them seeing this and thinking to themselves, "What are we doing?".


Now with hi-res avatar!
Not even briefly? Not long enough to trigger full-blown introspection, obviously, but just for a second or two before their programming re-engages and they're back to taping maxi pads to their ears and barking incoherently about immygrints?

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
Briefly? Maybe. Long enough to actually change their minds? Wouldn't count on it. And even if it did, would they dare go against the rest of the party, knowing it would make them pariahs and probably end their careers, if not put their health and that of their families at risk from the GOP's deranged cultists? Extremely unlikely.


Well-known member
Not that the hypocrisy is in any way surprising, but...

I'm going to put on a weird hat for minute. Before doing so, I really feel like I have to say I don't like this lady and I don't like what she stands for. Going to a microphone to say that she's signed a letter asking for Biden to send relief funds, explicitly stating that the governor has already followed the actual procedure, is pretty transparent showboating and probably another thing that I'm not sure what to call. It feels like she has to write a letter because Biden isn't going to do it until he's really pressed to and that is patently ridiculous. Biden isn't looking over this with a critical eye. FEMA has its job to do and it will do it. Biden's place in it all is just as ceremonial as Georgia's governor.

But I don't think calling her hypocritical in THIS is really very honest. I'm not aware of a time she has opposed disaster relief on principle. She risked disaster relief being held up in this specific situation because of a principle she holds higher, but she doesn't pick the timing for hurricanes and she doesn't pick the timing for appropriations bills expiring.
I don't think she should like shutdown threats as a tactic as much as she does, but I think at least on most levels she's being honest that she thinks the government is doing a terrible job with money and this is the only way to get the proper attention for it. I think she knows that a government shut down at any time is going to cause some real pain somewhere and if it didn't the threat wouldn't serve her purpose.

I don't totally understand her purposes. I think a government shutdown would've hurt her party in general at a pretty bad time politically, not to mention hurricanically. But she often does things that hurt her party in general and does it knowingly. I'm not sure she expected the government to shut down last week. She may have known that it wasn't going to happen, but digging in got her something else she wanted. More moderate Republicans showing that they'll work with Democrats. She seems to believe that every one of those that outs themselves might get replaced by someone like her.


Well-known member
Ok, Vance just dropped a head-scratcher. An idea to help with housing is to build houses on federal land that isn't being used for national parks or drilling or whatever.

People don't want to move to housing additions that you build in Alaska. They want housing in cities....
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jumbled pile of person
Yeah, I think the one thing Walz dropped the ball on was not calling him on that, or the idea that illegal immigrants with no money are the ones buying up all the $200,000 houses.


Well-known member
Oh, I thought Walz let him running away with talking points several times. I think Walz is smart and has deep understanding of most of these issues. That's what I saw last night. But I also so he wasn't as quick on his feet and was sometimes worried or baffled by what Vance was saying and didn't have an answer ready. To point, *I* don't think that's a big issue. Debates are a weird animal. If Walz becomes President (because hardly ANYTHING matters just for VP) he'll have advisors and in almost every conceivable situation he'll have at least 10 minutes if not weeks to think an issue through with no harm done. His understanding and judgment are more important than how fast he can snap a response.

It was evident to me that Walz understands the issues surrounding illegal immigrants very well, but I don't think he was ready to teach a lesson about it on stage. He did give the executive summary that they are being blamed for all sort of things unfairly. I don't think it is an issue that anyone watching was going to change their position on anyway, but while there was a broad audience it would've been cool if he had knocked down some specific stuff about it.


jumbled pile of person
Sadly, given how few explicit responsibilities vice presidents have, making their opponent look like a jerk in front of millions of voters might be the most important thing a vice presidential candidate ever does.


How does that thing about leopards eating faces go again?



jumbled pile of person
So they put a law in place that forces everyone to provide proof of identity, and then a huge number of them just didn't bother to do that? Not surprising, honestly. Anyone else remember the /pol/ thread with the people bitching about getting turned away on Election Day because they hadn't even bothered to register? I guess they were expecting to just be able to show up and be waved on in because they're white. Well, Karen, the computer handling the registration can't tell that you're white.

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