What stupid thing did the GOP say or do this time? Episode 3!


Well-known member

On Monday, the Nez Perce Tribe released a statement titled “We are all from here,” saying it was disheartened by the events that took place at the candidate forum last week where GOP Senator Dan Foreman told a Native American candidate to go back to where she came from. The Tribe said the region’s diverse population deserves leadership that represents and respects everyone.

Senator Dan Foreman told a Native American candidate to go back to where she came from

It really is a race to the bottom.


Well-known member
It isn't just racist and I'm sure also classist. It's just...so stupid. Where did he think she was from?


too old for this
I'd love for there to be audio. Take all those denials, play them on air, them all saying it didn't happen. Then hit the audio of the event.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
And it's already been done: and trump just kept claiming he never said it. You can't shame shameless hypocrites into backtracking. They will simply keep doubling down on claims and accusations.


Well-known member
I don't know to what extent Trump did it on purpose, because I'm actually pretty doubtful about his perception of truth at all, but it has been very useful to him how he has polarized truth itself. Now he can just lie. And when someone says he's lying, even when someone brings evidence, Trump can give his base a knowing smile and a shrug. They know he tells the truth and the people who say he lies are liars. They know people make things up about him. They know people create fake evidence to support themselves and to attack him. So he can say whatever he wants his base to believe.

I mean, the perimeter is a little smooshy. A lot of people know some of the stuff isn't true. But the people that he really needs to go vote in a couple weeks, the very most important people, he can tell them whatever.

Pale Rider

...and Hell followed with him.
FB friend:
If you argue with Republicans, you'll soon find that they always explain the success of socialist policies in Norway and Finland by saying that those countries are "ethnically homogeneous".

They're literally saying out loud that socialism is fine for white people, but bad if brown people are allowed to partake.
OMG, Jesse Waters said that Trump moves like an athlete. The only kind of "athlete" that Trump resembles is a pie-eating champion
I hate the fact that Republicans are perceived as the party of the working-class even though they worship a billionaire, always cut taxes for rich people, and responded to the 2008 Detroit automaker crisis by saying that Obama was wrong to save them, and they should have just been allowed to go bankrupt.


Well-known member
If you listen to him and believe him, the cost of childcare isn't going to be relevant because of Chinese tariffs. How that money is going to get from their pockets back into their pockets isn't clear to me, but presumably the nation is just going to be so wealthy that we're not going to be worried about what childcare costs. Presumably grocery inflation won't matter anymore either.


Trump has convinced a lot of people that the only reason they aren't millionaires is because government and regulation and whatnot has been holding them back. They vote for this guy because they know they are destined for more just like him.
That's not just Trump, that's a lie that the GOP has been repeating since at least the days of Reagan.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
Their shtick is getting old too. Wealth inequality has grown by orders of magnitude since they started spouting and implementing their policies(didn't help that Clinton, Obama and Biden decided to mostly 'stay the course' with said policies instead of meaningfully rolling them back in any way) You'd think people would wise up on it, especially those who want to bring us back to the 1950s. Granted Eisenhower would be considered a socialist by most of the current GOP establishment if he were running today.


Well-known member
If Trump got all of the stuff cleared out of the way so we would all be millionaires, I wonder if that would affect inflation.

Pale Rider

...and Hell followed with him.
The rich depend on a large pool of have-nots to do all the grunt work only they can afford. They'd sooner burn their disposable wealth than give it to us.

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