Wild Manes


This is how a unicorn comments


I'm sorry "What's a log doing in the forest!?" I legit love that. XD
I'll probably be the only one, but honestly the song isn't too bad. For a show like this. I don't hate this song.
I don't remember seeing them record like 80% of these scenes though.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Using her muzzle to interact with her touch screen is exactly the kind of content I'm here for.

"What's a log doing here in the forest?"

This is not wild at all, actually.

*twitcha twitch* It transcends cartoon horse universes, apparently.

"But I'm terrible at making decisions." My spirit animal.

The music in these shows is just never going to do it for me. G4 was an anomaly. My tastes are very particular and G4 didn't always do it for me either, but sometimes they'd dedicate an entire episode to Danny Elfman because they felt like it, and it was great.

No flashback. This show is still just a transparent wannabe with boring characters and a boring setting, but it is trying to improve and I respect that.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Off the top of my head, Say Goodbye to the Holiday. It's one of a few that tried to imitate Danny Elfman (Stop the Bats being another memorable one), and I personally find Starlight's voice easy on my ears. She's not squeaky.


Well-known member
It's a music video episode! Wait...Wild Manes has songs?

Wait, wouldn't Candy's message to us at the start count as our flash-forward? I hate to say it, but I'm not sure this episode actually breaks the flashback trend.

Is it weird to watch your own friend's streams? I wouldn't know. It just seems like it'd be weird to watch a video of someone you see everyday.

It's big, it's heavy, it's wood! It's better than bad, it's good!

Huh, these horses CAN sing. Or at least can really rock the auto-tuner.

Poor girl's allergic to herself. Must be murder during shedding season.

"Ride the waves!" Every time Bailey mentions the ocean, she gets $1. She can retire in style, at this point.

Candy, this is happening on your channel, why are you making someone else pick the winner? I mean, at least run a poll so your fans can decide. Get that sweet viewer-engagement! This is streaming 101!

Everyone's a winner, which means that no one is...

I could see this song getting stuck in my head. I'm a sucker for "spelling-the-lyrics" type songs.

So...is this the last episode of the "season"? Because that "That's a wrap" kind of makes it feel that way.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
I hope there's more. I have low expectations but I will be so proud of this show if it actually becomes good. I hope these writers have enough time to get there if they can.


Well-known member
Flashback fail! We don't need no stinking flashbacks!

Horse crime. The worst kind of crime.

No, no, we avoided this you can't make us go back! Noooo....

We finally get to see this mythical "beach" that Bailey is always talking about.

So, they're stealing her cart to give her a day off. Awww...well-intentioned crime is the best kind of crime.

"Ocean Waves....NOICE!" Oh, Bailey, you and your constant ocean references are surfing their way right into my heart.

"I like working, working is fun. I like working, working is fun." Too real, Wild Manes. Too real.

Bailey's sacrificing the cart to her Ocean Goddess. Spirits of the Waves like macaron's too!


This must be a VERY small town, if they've already searched everywhere.

"Splendiferous!" Someone's got a word of the day calendar.

Did she ever bother to lock the rest of her store? I have the feeling there's going to be a real robbery, soon enough.
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This is how a unicorn comments

Wow... this song sucks.

2:54 - have we met her? I don't remember meeting her.

So there are preview thumbnails for at least two more weeks of Wild Manes though uhhh hey Wild Mane staff are you SURE this is the thumbnail you want for the next episode? Have you not met the Brony fandom?



Well-known member
I guess streamer intros are the new flashbacks?

That's a lot of clocks. Either she REALLY wants to be sure she wakes up on time, or she's gone supervillain on us.

"Is it my birthday?" Shouldn't YOU know that?

The things some people do when they're bored at work.

Wow, 6 months....I'm not sure that's worth celebrating, but you do you.

Butterhooves. It's actually a wonder this doesn't happen more often. They actually do quite well maneuvering things with their flat, slick, ungrippable appendages

What kind of dancer leaves bananas on their own floor? That's just asking for comic mishaps. She deserves this public humiliation!

You know, since you're not streaming this, you could just...edit OUT the fails? I don't know why this isn't being presented as a option.

Candy apparently has a cursed camera in her phone. Gotta watch out for those.

A blooper reel! So editing WAS a option! Although, now she still needs something to post for her actual vlog channel. Which means she probably has to do this all over again.

Wow... this song sucks.
I think there's something here. I think the problem is that it's got too slow of a beat. If you sped it up a bit and changed the rhythm a bit, you could give this song a fun 80s "Barbie Girl" type feel. Which I think they tried going for, but they might have slowed it down to take up more time. There's a possible remix of this song that could be pretty solid.

2:54 - have we met her? I don't remember meeting her.
She was in the third episode. "Coach Tilly". The one who almost broke Cocoa's back with her training regiment.
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Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
They know exactly what they're doing. The setting is boring, the characters are boring, this song makes me want to apologize to G5's music, so they gotta do something to get the internet's attention.


This is how a unicorn comments
I think there's something here. I think the problem is that it's got too slow of a beat. If you sped it up a bit and changed the rhythm a bit, you could give this song a fun 80s "Barbie Girl" type feel. Which I think they tried going for, but they might have slowed it down to take up more time. There's a possible remix of this song that could be pretty solid.
Too bad we'll never get it. I don't see anyone wanting to remix this that has the talent to do so. Heck we are LONG past the days where we'd get a dozen remixes of each Pony song. Like the Movie came out in 2017. I'm STILL wishing someone made a full length version of "Ponies got the beat".

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