MegaMan Legends
Played on PS1
Wish I could get the N64 version just to have it and mess around in it. At least I have the better version. Another version of MegaMan, but I really liked the setting and the 3D gameplay wasn't bad. Also even though he's barely in the game MegaMan Juno is cool. I kinda wish we could get remakes of these games, but I doubt it'd ever happen.
Also it was the first appearance of Tron Bonne, and everyone loves her! (I'm sure there are some who don't, but yes I enjoyed her character)
Rating A
Misadventures of Tron Bonne
Played on PS1
I love this game. I'm so glad I got it when I did given it's like one of the top rarest and most expensive PS1 games now. The action levels are just so much fun. I love having the Serverbots to order around. I like the puzzle levels too and the first person RPG ones are neat too. I can't remember if there is one I'm forgetting...
Played this several times. To THIS DAY when my brothers and I are in a long line for food, we start humming the Cafeteria mini game music from this game. (We also start doing Server bot voices to each other of 'A lunch! Curry Rice!' ETC. Don't judge me)
A shame the game is so hard to get, because I wish more people could play it.
Rating A
MegaMan Legends 2
Played on PS1
Great sequel. I love the extra islands, the story is top notch. Man I wish we got that third game. >_<
My only gripes are:
1- What the hell is up with that quiz thing with the village elder in that one town? It's asking stuff like "Who was the lead singer of band?" I don't know! What does this have to do with MegaMan!?
2- Capcom PLEASE. If somehow we get remakes or new games. PLEASE let me shoot my megabuster while using the rolling skates. Seriously WHY can't I do that? It'd be so much fun.
Rating A+
MegaMan Zero
Played... via emulation... ^^;
So... yeah I sorta got a GBA ROM of this back in the day to play it. (I do own it. I need that DS collection of these games, but I do have the Legacy collection) I remember using save states a lot. I know this game is HARD.
Rating A
MegaMan Zero 2
Played via GBA SP
Okay so this one I played legit. Though I'm not sure I beat it. I remember finding out about the ranking system and so basically got caught up trying to 'Git gud' in order to achieve those special upgrades you have to get a high ranking to get. I do know I was having fun.
Rating A
MegaMan Zero 3 and 4
...Never actually played them. In fact I apparently still don't own Zero 3 for GBA.
Rating TBD
MegaMan ZX
Played on DS
I don't know if I ever beat this one. I really need to go and do that.
I did enjoy what was here, but yeah the map is a bit messy.
Rating B
MegaMan ZX Advent
Played on DS
Okay. Look I know this won't be usual for most, but I LOVE this game if I'm playing Grey. Just his story, the gameplay, having Alie being the one with ZX. I love it. Love it to the point I did all the challenges and got the 8-Bit Model A. Ashe is okay and I did play through as her once, but I just prefer playing this with Grey. So much I think this is my second favorite MegaMan game.
I love LOVE being able to become the bosses. Yes there aren't as many reasons to actually use them as I wish there was, but I still find ways they are helpful. I love this game.
Rating S
MegaMan Battle Network
Played on GBA
This is the only one of these I've played. (Well of the normal games. We'll get to that next game.) It's an okay set up. I'm just not a fan of the battle system. Never beat this and never went any farther. I'm still missing a chunk of these in my collection.
Rating C-
MegaMan Network Transmission
Played on Gamecube
So yeah I own and have TRIED to play this, but I really feel it's luck based. Like I've played a few times, gotten to Torch Man and just died because you can't really avoid his attacks, and it seems if you don't have a perfect roll of chips, he's just impossible to take down.
Rating D
Mighty No 9
Played on PS4
About the only other MegaMan like game I feel is worth putting on here. Honestly I like it. It's not perfect by any means, but I see the potential of this franchise. It just sucks they screwed up so much that I doubt we'll ever see a second game. The dash mechanic is just brilliant. It's so much fun and easy to get used to. At least I thought so. We just need more work on the stages, and some other tweaks. I feel if this got the same kind of upgrading we got between MegaMan 1 to 2, we'd have an absolute BANGER on our hands. Man I wish I could see that game.
Rating B+
And I think that's it. Like I said I'm missing some Battle Network games. (I have 1, 2, 3 blue, 3 white, and then 5 Team colonel. That's it.) I only recently got the Star Force games, and haven't had a chance to see if I'd like them yet.
I'm sure there are some games I'm missing, but I don't think I have them. Also I do have access to the racing game in my X Collection for PS2, but not played it.
Okay. Your guys turn!