A Long Time Ago In a Galaxy Far, Far Away.... - Star Wars General Discussion


Well-known member
It is pretty iffy whether he would accept Luke's help. He probably went back to pirating.

But depending on what he did, he can show up on Mandalorian or Ashoka or Mandalorian.
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Well-known member
I saw on Facebook that they filmed a flashback of the Jedi who found Jod. I don't know why that was in the script or why they filmed it, but putting it in the show would have been a big mistake. Any scenes with a Jedi rescuing a desperate little kid, especially if we saw him lose her, would have generated sympathy for a character that had no business being sympathized with in the finale. I think they hit him exactly right as it was.


Well-known member
I saw on Facebook that they filmed a flashback of the Jedi who found Jod. I don't know why that was in the script or why they filmed it, but putting it in the show would have been a big mistake. Any scenes with a Jedi rescuing a desperate little kid, especially if we saw him lose her, would have generated sympathy for a character that had no business being sympathized with in the finale. I think they hit him exactly right as it was.

I feel that we are supposed to feel sympathy for him. In the finale he wasnt trying to harm or kill anyone. He threatens it, yes; but he never goes through with any of it. And he has plenty of chances to actually harm the kids and their parents. He even gets mad when the other pirates start firing on the populous indescrimately. He immediately stands down when he realizes he lost. He's not a monster, he's just a kinda understandably greedy asshole.

However the reason it got removed from what I read is that: "We want everything to be seen as the kids seeing it, and Jod having a flashback breaks with that."
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Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
I agree with not showing it. Jod wasn't meant to be the main focus anyhow. Also agree that he's not evil evil. He probably wouldn't have killed the kids. And parents. Maybe.


Well-known member
The only person Jod killed was Dogman and Dogman was a horrible person, who had personally hurt Jod before, planned to hurt the kids, and was in the way of all of his plans. For a second I felt like "Oh, that isn't the Jedi way!" but it is easy to mix up the values of different kinds of heroes in different stories. Kenobi cut off a guy's arm for hassling Luke then helped Luke snuff out millions of civil servants as a price for saving the Rebellion. Luke killed a bunch of people to save Han from Jabba. One of the reasons Jedi have lightsabers is for doing this sort of thing when the greater good calls for it. Jod wasn't really serving the greater good when he did that, but it wasn't something a Jedi wouldn't do. A little while later the mouse that lived in the droid was in his path and he saw it and nudged it out of the way and I think they were making a strong point there. Jod learned some stuff from the Jedi Master that stuck with him.


Well-known member
I mean, Jod isn't a Jedi, he's just a pirate. We already know that not all criminals are bloody-minded murderers, they just do what they have to do to survive. Remember Han shooting Greedo? Hell, even Hondo had a few soft spots for people he liked, like those Jedi kids.

And judging by that behind-the-scenes pic I've seen, I don't think Jod's trainer was a Master; she seems to be wearing a Padawan braid. Probably an older Padawan who escaped Order 66 and found a Force-sensitive kid before the Inquisitors tracked her down.

. . . which is exactly what happened with Kanan and Ezra --maybe Jod is what Ezra could've turned into if everything had gone wrong.


Well-known member
I really feel like they should stick their landing and say this was the story and it is told. Something doesn't have to have a sequel just because it is good.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Minor update to the new round of Epic Heroes (Power The Force): In addition to the revealed figures, case listings also have a revised Mandalorian with the additional articulation in addition to a blaster and Darksaber with extra flair. It also looks like the bandolier might be a separate molded piece, and it’s a more “natural brown” than the prior’s near-red deco.

So you have another option between the Speeder bike and Mech for a cheap, articulated, Mando.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
More toy news:
In Demand Toys revealed the spring (fully year?) 2025 Epic Hero Deluxe figures:
Chewbacca (with Wookie Armor and firing bowcaster)- A new mold featuring the extended articulation seen in most 2025 figures.
Captain Brutus- The wolf pirate comes with a new harness to attach a projectile launcher. A couple interesting notes are that the figure does NOT feature the extra articulation 2025 figures have had thus far, and comes with two standard accessories. That latter point makes me think he was initially planned for the single card assortment before being bumped over...and might have been in development earlier than many other 2025 figures.



Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
Andor has been my favorite Star Wars thing in a long time. Very much looking forward to Season 2.


Wondering bot
Far to late for the brand, its in major decline after her poor strewardship, the mech isn't selling as well as it use to, they are frozen by fear and indecsion when it comes to Star Wars, Andor will not save the brand nor will Ahoska as Disney plus is a failing streaming service, the most resent show failed to chart on the Nelson ratings, if the Mano movie bombs, that's it for Star Wars in general, the brand will contuine to decline and end up joining the rest of dead IPs, sure the mech will be around for years to come but this the twilight of the brand in general as they lost future audiences in their stupidy! The only things of real value at Lucasfilm now are ILM & Skywalker sound, Indi died at the box office, Williow, had its streaming show turned into a tax write off, Star Wars in major decline, Lucasfilm is a failed studio at this point in time, due to gross mismanagement!


Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
I think Star Wars is too entrenched into current pop culture to die any time soon. I'd say that Disney put out too much Star Wars too fast and have been (generally) more concerned with style than story, but there are still some bright spots.

I think most people that have been disappointed with current offerings would come back pretty quickly if a new series or film came out that appealed to them.


Well-known member
I think the public will forgive a difficult period for Star Wars. In 1977 there had never been any and people took to it. They can do that again.

Fullstrength Motleypuss

Well-known member
Between Trump and this the misogynists are certainly having a good year.


Well-known member
I don't think Kennedy retiring is going to make Star Wars have less female leads. That is important to Disney too. Besides, Filoni is going to get her job, right? He created Ahsoka and then made her her own show. He produced Forces of Destiny.

I'm pleased to see her go because the Sequel Trilogy got launched under her watch with no plan and no through-line and then she watched Solo get halfway made before realizing it was off the rails, so when Howard came in to fix it it was no longer possible for it to make a profit. I think things have been going a lot better since then, but she oversaw the failed relaunch of Star Wars movies and despite a lot of announcements she has not been able to bring another one to screen for 6 years now.
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