Far to late for the brand, its in major decline after her poor strewardship, the mech isn't selling as well as it use to, they are frozen by fear and indecsion when it comes to Star Wars, Andor will not save the brand nor will Ahoska as Disney plus is a failing streaming service, the most resent show failed to chart on the Nelson ratings, if the Mano movie bombs, that's it for Star Wars in general, the brand will contuine to decline and end up joining the rest of dead IPs, sure the mech will be around for years to come but this the twilight of the brand in general as they lost future audiences in their stupidy! The only things of real value at Lucasfilm now are ILM & Skywalker sound, Indi died at the box office, Williow, had its streaming show turned into a tax write off, Star Wars in major decline, Lucasfilm is a failed studio at this point in time, due to gross mismanagement!