Really.I think Star Wars is too entrenched into current pop culture to die any time soon. I'd say that Disney put out too much Star Wars too fast and have been (generally) more concerned with style than story, but there are still some bright spots.
I think most people that have been disappointed with current offerings would come back pretty quickly if a new series or film came out that appealed to them.
In my lifetime alone, I've seen Ninja Turtles "die", like, three times. Star Trek at least twice. GI Joe has died almost a half dozen times.
The cruel reality is that most long term franchises invariably go through peaks and valleys. The fact Star Wars has maintained as high profile as it has is something to be commended.
I'm also highly bemused that a LOT of the stuff Kennedy is getting railed on about...also afflicted Marvel, under Kevin Fiege.
That said, I'm also not immune to the fact that there seemed to be some bias in how certain projects were pushed and marketed. And I feel that Kennedy had no real "vision" for the brand, as we saw with the utter dumpster fire the sequel trilogy devolved into. Without any sort of consistent vision for the brand, we had an excess of media that casual consumers were often left confused because there was no foundation. I've mentioned before that I had casual coworkers who saw The Force Awakens, and were then confused by Rogue One thinking it was supposed to be a sequel!
Mandalorian was surprise hit...but its success was largely squandered because Disney and its license partners were too busy working on stuff in the pipeline to properly exploit any given success (or change course from any failure).
Not all of that was Kennedy's fault, but as head of Lucasfilm, she certainly had the target on her.