A Long Time Ago In a Galaxy Far, Far Away.... - Star Wars General Discussion

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Got around to watching ep3 and, well, I was tickled at the ending. Darn you, you creatives, you! You're manipulating my emotions! Just saying I loved how Neel was tasked as the pilot and Captain Fern and Winn were drafted as gunners. KB knew what was up and started feeding the coordinates, but, I dunno, an acknowledgement nod from Crimson Jack would have been cool.

Also greatly enjoyed Kh'ymm owl spelling. I would have loved seeing some more stellar detective work, have the kids learn some galactic info like details on the *cough* Star Wars that they missed from being sheltered.

When it was revealed that it was X-Wings she called, I was actually startled. Hmm...

SM33 still fave character and I hope Jack doesn't sabotage kill him during this adventure.

I didn't get what you folks were talking about (what new ship) so I'm just going to get back to speed first.

Edit - saw up to ep 6. Gosh darn, I'm really enjoying this now.

Ep4 with Neel doing peace stuff could have been a little more subtle, especially with the other lady but I had a bit of Saving Private Ryan imminent death chills when the army was sending them to their deaths into the mist. If it wasn't aimed at kids, I'd assume they were sent out as scouts to be shot up?
Then SM33 at the end... geez!

Ep5 was Gooning Goonie-ing so hard, hahaha. The kids enjoying themselves is obviously being shoed in. It sorta sometimes doesn't work (Fern can let her guard down but KB is stonecold). Great Devil's planet whatever, luv it. The anti grav can't be for kids, geez. The acid was crazy.

Ep6 bit of a lull but the ground scene was low key terrifying. I can imagine it being filmed not for kids and ratcheting up the tension to motion picture levels. And the ending! I kept repeating it over and over. Would have had Winn get one good thing in but that could have been pushing it. Still, loved it.
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