Transformers: Cyberworld, Mecha Anime Bulls for Days

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
From a “reliable source”, Silver Optimus at TFW2005 is reporting that Cyberworld will launch in July.

Which I figure was a given since retailers do their fall resets in August. If a media venue doesn’t reveal it early, expect a full reveal this weekend.


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
I am at least as excited to find out more about this as I am for anything in the collectors lines.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
I am at least as excited to find out more about this as I am for anything in the collectors lines.
I mean, as nice as the ”Kidult” ( :p I hate the term, I prefer “legacy fans”, myself) lines are…like Marvel Legends or Star Wars Black, once you know a name or source…you pretty well know what you’re in for. Transformers may have the wrinkle of conversion, but if I tell you we’re getting a Beast Wars Rampage…you can pretty easily discern the general “vibe” the final figure will have. Makes me miss the the old “CHUG” days when the design team was far more open to reinterpretation (Classics Grimlock, 2010 Kup) or different base sources (Thrilling 30’s IDW love).

I don’t expect Cyberworld to have the greatest toys, but if ”MegaBull” is any indication, there should at least be some fun ideas. And I’ve said it before- Rise of the Beasts Core Voyager figures held their own against the Generations class, the Prime Changers are punching above their weight in a lot of ways, and the RotB Beast Weaponizers/Battlemasters are my favorite “kids thing” Hasbro has done since splitting off demographics.
Hopefully, Cyberworld channels THOSE vibes, rather than the far more questionable Cyberverse and Earthspark lines.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
ROTB's kid stuff appealed to me a lot, but the paint-free block coloring just does not work with the character designs. I can't get past it. If Cyberworld manages a similar level of fun, but with character designs that actually fit the paint budget, I am prepared to love it.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Reveal will be tomorrow. I’m actually surprised someone hasn’t leaked anything at this point, be it an early press partner reveal or online emailer posting product images.

Then again, maybe BECAUSE it isn’t being targeted at collectors, nobody with any real press pull is bothering to dig too hard at the subject.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Collider got the scoop on Cyberworld.

It’s…a direction. It’s actually NOT that far off from what I thought it would be (go me?), but the execution? Eh…I need to percolate on these a bit. I‘m digging some of the ideas, but these are NOT the “Rise of the Beasts” Beast Alliance caliber products I was expecting…

My initial impression was this line feeling like some sort of weird divergent evolutionary track off of Action Master Elites or something. Right down to garish to early 90s colors, even!
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Fullstrength Motleypuss

Well-known member
Yeah, that Scorponok gives off major Action Master Elite vibes. Not sure about the rest, although I kinda want the Skybytemobile.


Well-known member
Well we got G2 Scorponok now.

Like other's I'm kinda not sure about this series, but on the other hand I do kinda like how not all characters are getting their tradtional alt modes; so we're actually getting some form of creatvitiy with the characters. G2 Megatron that's a missile truck, Mirage that's a jet. What looks like a Junkion Dinobot? A Galvatron? and Megatron that are beasts, and not the typical beasts they get paired with? Skybyte is like one of those weird Hot Wheels toys.

I kinda wish they had a few more paint apps on them though.


Continuity Nutcase
Did they seriously base Grimlock off of the electronic Rescue Bots Optimus Primal toy?


Another babka?
There's a lot here I like. It's kind of a wild take where not everything is a hit but there's enough intriguing stuff that I want to see where it goes.


Well-known member
Yeah, Grimlock looks like a similar transformation to Rescue Bots Dino Optimus, but they somehow made it worse.

Other than the adorably stupid Skybytemobile, I'm thinking I might skip this line entirely. It's certainly not worth dealing with flaky distribution or buying iffy toys sight-unseen.



Continuity Nutcase
The article also confirms that the show on YouTube will be 36 5-minute shorts.


Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
I'm 100% sold on the Junkiosaurus. Probably Megabull as well. Pretty hit and miss overall. I don't hate it, but it's clearly designed for younger kids. There's nothing at all wrong with that, the brand needs to reach out to younger kids, these just might not all be for me.


Staff member
Council of Elders
Yyyyuuup this is not for me, and this is one area where I'll be saving money. It's neat how random so much of it is (that G2 Megs has such repurposed AOE Hound vibes, what looks like Mirage as a jet, and a nifty Junkion beast dino thing) but everything looks like it's on an Authentics shoestring budget.

I love that Scorponok (whom the article hilariously pegs as originating from Bay's 2007 Transformers.. and ROTF) is a riot of color and seems appropriately massive, and I dig how unabashedly bonkers Sky Byte On Wheels is. I hope it does well with its target audience, which I'm content to be well outside of.
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Fenix Twilight

Well-known member
Wasn't sure what I expected from this but a $60 G2 colored Scorponok (or souped up Double Punch if you prefer) was not on my bingo list, neither was a Grimlock with a gatling gun tail arm or a Junkion colored Snarl (or it's a new bot?) but I love it when they mix things up like this.

So I guess Decepticons are beasts in this line? Except for G2 colored MISSILE TRUCK MEGATRON!!? Okay I might be on board for this line. Oh and Skybyte has wells, so he's a shark-car?

Weird how the article was talking about Bay's Scorponok, I mean there was two episodes of Earthrise that share this design, I was expecting something completely different when I scrolled down. 😂


Continuity Nutcase
Weird how the article was talking about Bay's Scorponok, I mean there was two episodes of Earthrise that share this design, I was expecting something completely different when I scrolled down. 😂
The Bay movies are probably all that the writer of the article has seen.


Staff member
Council of Elders
Bringing these into the thread from the front page.

Apparently that's Mirage and Galvatron, in what might be the first dragon Galvatron since BW2! (Well, sure, RID2001, but...)

That G2 colored Megs IS a retooled TLK Turbo Changers Hound. Armored something.

I'd be into the beasts (the junkosaurus and megabull mainly) if the altmodes had separate rear legs rather than essentially a big chunk. But I understand why they don't. So maybe just Skateboard Sky-Byte.

transformers-cyberworld-armored-cyber-changers-assortment-bumblebee.jpg transformers-cyberworld-armored-cyber-changers-assortment-galvatron.jpgtransformers-cyberworld-autobot-mirage-cyber-changers.jpgtransformers-cyberworld-cyber-changers-assortment.jpgtransformers-cyberworld-cyber-changers-assortment-megatron.jpgtransformers-cyberworld-cyber-changers-assortment-optimus-prime.jpgtransformers-cyberworld-cyber-changers-assortment-snarl.jpgtransformers-cyberworld-ultimate-cyber-changers-megatron.jpgtransformers-cyberworld-grimlock-chomp-battle-1.jpgtransformers-cyberworld-grimlock-chomp-battle-2.jpgtransformers-cyberworld-grimlock-chomp-battle-3.jpgtransformers-cyberworld-grimlock-chomp-battle-4.jpgtransformers-cyberworld-grimlock-chomp-battle-5.jpgtransformers-cyberworld-scorponok-strike-battle-set-1.jpgtransformers-cyberworld-scorponok-strike-battle-set-3.jpgtransformers-cyberworld-scorponok-strike-battle-set-4.jpgtransformers-cyberworld-scorponok-strike-battle-set-5.jpg
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