Takara Missing Link G1 Series


Olde-Timey Member
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Council of Elders
I'd be curious to see the "toy prototype" version in colors more like the version on the left in this pic:



Another babka?
You're not wrong. This one does a MUCH better job of actually transforming between Arcee's car and robot modes than any recent updates have done.

I'm looking at you, Earthrise Arcee. Half of your car becoming a "hoverboard" is not really transforming.
I've come around on ER Arcee if only because her robot mode is a pretty solid action figure of Arcee. It's a terrible Transformer but it seems impossible to get a mainline or even MP Arcee that's not compromised in some way.


Continuity Nutcase
I'd be curious to see the "toy prototype" version in colors more like the version on the left in this pic:
I think that's what it's already supposed to be. The original orange prototype derived its colors from the admittedly more peach-colored leftmost one.


Staff member
Council of Elders
I've come around on ER Arcee if only because her robot mode is a pretty solid action figure of Arcee. It's a terrible Transformer but it seems impossible to get a mainline or even MP Arcee that's not compromised in some way.
I've sold mine, but it might have been a good experiment to ditch the car shell (which was terrible as a depiction of the car anyway) and get one of the shoulderpad upgrade kits, and just have a modern Action Master Arcee. It looks good as just that.


Continuity Nutcase
The only version of ER Arcee that I got was the Galactic Odyssey Collection version of Lifeline, as I don't expect her to get another release anytime soon.


Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
I think that's what it's already supposed to be. The original orange prototype derived its colors from the admittedly more peach-colored leftmost one.

I had figured as much on the actual 80's prototype, but I would think that theoretical production colors may have skewed more towards the line art colors there of peach & pink instead of electric orange. That would be a nice "middle ground" between the prototype and the animation colors.


Continuity Nutcase
I had figured as much on the actual 80's prototype, but I would think that theoretical production colors may have skewed more towards the line art colors there of peach & pink instead of electric orange. That would be a nice "middle ground" between the prototype and the animation colors.
If we're speaking theoretically, then let's have this mold become the next Seeker mold, in that let's get a whole rainbow of Arcees going! Blue, red, yellow, violet, black, white, brown, the works! We'll show 80s Hasbro the folly of their "No girls allowed on boys' toys" policy and stick it right to 'em! :p

Fenix Twilight

Well-known member
The prototype's head sculpt is somehow tricking my brain into thinking it's Elita-1, I think it's because it's so different from the other and hey, how is that any different from other redecos over the years?

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
It just makes me happy that Takara care enough to produce these. I am excited for the prototype version but doubly so for what I hope will be a toon/movie-colored deco. As someone who loved the movie designs and toys growing up, it always bothered me that Arcee was absent. The modern takes on her have mostly been good, but for me, it will be so satisfying to see her blocky, G1 form alongside her fellow '86ers.

This reminds me: I had these neighbor kids -- you probably did, too -- who'd always tell me about how they had this friend or cousin or something who had every single Transformer, from Bumblebee all the way to Fortress Maximus and Unicron and even Arcee -- regular AND Headmaster versions!

I called them out on it, and they never provided anything resembling proof, so... yeah.

I guess in hindsight, it would be kinda funny if they were related to a Hasbro employee's kid who actually had some prototype Unicron and Arcee in their playroom, but that seems unlikely.

I think that's what it's already supposed to be. The original orange prototype derived its colors from the admittedly more peach-colored leftmost one.

I was going to suggest that very thing when I saw it.

I had figured as much on the actual 80's prototype, but I would think that theoretical production colors may have skewed more towards the line art colors there of peach & pink instead of electric orange. That would be a nice "middle ground" between the prototype and the animation colors.

Well, as noted, Hasbro would also change colors for the toys, too. Like refusing us magenta Hot Rod for 35 years.

This could have simply been a case of them jazzing it up for the toy aisle.

And then canning it before it could evolve towards the white version.


Staff member
Council of Elders
This reminds me: I had these neighbor kids -- you probably did, too -- who'd always tell me about how they had this friend or cousin or something who had every single Transformer, from Bumblebee all the way to Fortress Maximus and Unicron and even Arcee -- regular AND Headmaster versions!

I called them out on it, and they never provided anything resembling proof, so... yeah.

I had friends AND relatives like that. Sometimes it was mangled fanon-y misinterpretations, like saying the Ultra Magnus toy came with a free "ghost" Optimus Prime (the white inner cab robot). Having it be white instead of clear made sense enough; as a tiny boi I was more familiar with comic and cartoon depictions of ghosts.

But of course there were the fantastic fabrications.

A cousin in particular who, and I remember this fondly as an oddly specific example, said his friend of a classmate of someone on the school bus had a Unicron that in robot mode was (gestures to bottom third of nearby refrigerator) "up to here". It always amused me that saying, like, "knee high" or whatever was insufficient.

I wasn't the critical thinker you were, though. It was easier to buy into it because we were in the relative armpit of the universe as far as getting Transformers stuff went, both geographically and socioeconomically (looking back now I find that the country DID keep up generally, just our family was far from able to engage in such luxuries at the time). It was easy to rationalize that some rich kid somewhere had parents who could afford to throw down silly money on a toy tall enough to require comparisons to a refrigerator, and that they'd always be too far out of reach to bother verifying. Plus, I guess, I just WANTED to believe.


Another babka?
This reminds me: I had these neighbor kids -- you probably did, too -- who'd always tell me about how they had this friend or cousin or something who had every single Transformer, from Bumblebee all the way to Fortress Maximus and Unicron and even Arcee -- regular AND Headmaster versions
I'm too young to have known That Kid with Transformers but I did know That Kid whose uncle totally worked for Nintendo and here are all the ways you can get Mew in Pokemon Red and Blue. And also you know how your favourite Pokemon is Nidoking, ten year old LGI? Well if you beat the Elite Four seventy-five times in a row Professor Oak takes you to a special part of the map where you can evolve a Nidoking into Nidogod!


G-ddamnit, Josh.

Powered Convoy

There was a kid in 7th grade that said he had an uncle who worked at Toys R Us and he knew about all these upcoming X-Men figures that weren't really coming. I expected this to be in like 3rd grade, not 7th.

Which I suppose is better than the 16 year old I knew (when I was 17) that said he had a special Onyx Primal that had chrome parts instead of white...

I eagerly await more photos of the two Arcees.


Kaiser Dragon
My next door neighbors' youngest kid when I was growing up was several years older than me, so I didn't interact with him all that much, but we did hang out on occasion. When I got Fort Max, I guess he wanted to one-up me or something. He insisted he knew about some other Transformer that was even bigger than Fort Max, was motorized to walk like Trypticon, and could auto-transform itself. I was skeptical, to say the least, but it always stuck with me from then on


Continuity Nutcase
My next door neighbors' youngest kid when I was growing up was several years older than me, so I didn't interact with him all that much, but we did hang out on occasion. When I got Fort Max, I guess he wanted to one-up me or something. He insisted he knew about some other Transformer that was even bigger than Fort Max, was motorized to walk like Trypticon, and could auto-transform itself. I was skeptical, to say the least, but it always stuck with me from then on
For all we know, Japan may have released some such toy back then in one of their many sci-fi super robot toylines.


Staff member
Council of Elders
Oh, that was another thing I didn't have.

I remember eventually getting a hand-me-down of a hand-me-down of a catalog or two and treating it like sacred texts. Even when I'd grown up and eventually got a copy of the Generations book I'd pore over that. It's a big part of why I lean toward toy decos for so many things.

I half wonder how much more of a little jive I was to my parents (more my mom) due to the FOMO and how much of it I've just blocked out to reduce my self-loathing to livable levels.

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