Transformers Retro series (Walmart TFTM Reissues)


Well-known member
So who do we know of?

Hot Rod

would have to imagine Skywarp since we are getting the other 2. Kickback and Bombshell for a 3 pack. Anybody else?


Two arms and one smile
I actually saw several Starscreams today at the location near my work. It's the first time I've seen him in the wild.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
I do wonder if we won't see all of the previous walmart G1 figures in this line. I could use a new soundwave.


Well-known member
I do wonder if we won't see all of the previous walmart G1 figures in this line. I could use a new soundwave.
You would think after the success of the Netflix Soundwave a G1 Walmart exclusive might be at the top of the list if available.

And I gotta say, im 42. I grew up with G1. I love it. But with the most recent lines of figures, I find myself wanting less and less G1 reissues (unless it’s Dinobots or cassettes) to be released and more updated figures in the Generations line.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
You would think after the success of the Netflix Soundwave a G1 Walmart exclusive might be at the top of the list if available.

And I gotta say, im 42. I grew up with G1. I love it. But with the most recent lines of figures, I find myself wanting less and less G1 reissues (unless it’s Dinobots or cassettes) to be released and more updated figures in the Generations line.

Same! That has basically been my collecting goals for the past few years, but there is something about those G1 toys though.


Well-known member
*GASP* A nonbeliever banish him to the wastelands!!!
I still want a minty fresh G1 Wheeljack, Mirage and Sunstreaker but that is not likely
There are a few I probably wouldn’t say no too. But I don’t mess with my G1 figures. Twincast, Mirage and Needlenose all have had unforeseen accidents.

Platypus Prime

Well-known member
I have to admit, I would be very tempted to get a Skywarp to replace the one my kids wrecked.

I understand that, my nephew has started borrowing a lot more (and some of it has been iffy on coming back) but I figure if a figure has issues due to a kid playing, that's 'line of duty'. Like just the other week when I found that he'd written the G1 door numbers onto RTS Wheeljack. That Wheeljack's not in the best shape anyway, but I certainly didn't expect that...

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
I understand that, my nephew has started borrowing a lot more (and some of it has been iffy on coming back) but I figure if a figure has issues due to a kid playing, that's 'line of duty'. Like just the other week when I found that he'd written the G1 door numbers onto RTS Wheeljack. That Wheeljack's not in the best shape anyway, but I certainly didn't expect that...
Yeah, I used to have a huge room for displaying my TFs and other toys, but then I got married and had kids, and every kid saw my collection space get moved to a smaller room with less space. The room they were in last was the guest room/PC room. My shelves were just TFs at this point and was divided up by line and faction for th most part, and my G1 decepticons were on a shelf that my kids could reach. I kept the door locked when I was at work, but the wife wasn't as vigilante and probably thought what was the worst that could happen when a 1 year and a three year old get a hold of classic transformers.

All my pristine ones were damaged. My once tight complete Skywarp was dismantle and his pieces lost to the wind. Both of my Soundwaves lost their doors, and my G1 Overlord was smashed up pretty bad to the point of being beyond repair.

I still have my Autobots though, but what's left of the cons are in a rubbermaid tub in the kids playroom.

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