Studio series toys recently got a price cut in our country. If it ends up being as significant as the deluxes and Voyagers, I’d bite. That said, I can live with Kingdom Galvatron even if he’s the exact shade of Grimace purple
Why do these stupid gacha game ads think some idiot rolling for characters and reading stats is gonna make me want to play their garbage game? That jive means norhing if you’re uninvested.
considering painting in the shin vents but then again, even the toy has that part in blue. That said it’s a big flat plank so it’s super easy to apply or remove.
This is interesting. Depending on how this goes, it may make Motormaster from wave filler to a buy. The sword and shoulder boxeas look like they'll be taking inspiration from Menasor.
If we’re going by the Batman comparison, all these organizations are more like the dozens of generic, vaguely Mafia dudes Batman’s always beating up in between fighting The Joker or Bane or evil multiverse Batmen. They're not memorable enough or significant enough to warrant the writer to dredge...
Not gonna lie. I'd be somewhat interested by a half-way affordable Grandus just to stand him next to Tor, Pyramidas, the Lost Galaxy carrierzord and the Turbo Artilleryzord as the Multiverse of Grandus
I don’t much like or dislike the headmaster play pattern but I do agree about shoehorning characters with head shapes that aren’t blocks into the gimmick. My main turn off about TR was that the sculpting was pretty ugly in general.
also stupid stickers
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