If Larry's G.I JOE come's back with the new publisher could that lead to a Transformers G2 return as it may be the same universe.
It could be interesting to see what different ways both sequel's could go to compered to Regeneration 1?
Could the show had went on longer had they turned Optimus into Ultra Magnus, just leave him alive and as his or make step down as leader and him still be a part of the cast of season 3 as something else?
Will you please what was the accurate reason the Transformers cartoon was ended and why was Optimus Prime brought back when the show did not last much longer?
Were they right about using the media production on new brands like Visionaries and Inhumanoidos and if not why not go back to make a new Transformers season 5?
I meant the characters from the first two seasons.
The thread is a place to talk how the movie and season 3 could have been done better to the point it could have gotten a full season 4 and maybe more seasons.
I may not have liked that Hot Rod and Ultra Magnus were fighting though the writer explained why in the podcast interview though it did not happen in the movie.
I like the idea of alternate universes and could have been liked what if ideas that were in this issue and could have liked that they...
Most of the new Shattered glass toys may be more or less like how the first ones,were, so does that likely mean they will not make a Galvatron Shattered Glass if it does not have a helicopter mode like the first one?
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