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  1. mx-01 archon

    HasLab Victory Saber

    Galactus got an extra, previously unannounced tier on the final day, when orders suddenly surged, and he went from "unfunded" to 10K over the top in the span of a weekend. Not saying that VS will necessarily see that large of a surge, given the difference in fan-bases, but Hasbro will have...
  2. mx-01 archon

    Outdated game mechanics.

    If it's Contra, that feels like it's by design. Either that, or they do a full black-out pause screen. They probably didn't want you to be able to pause the game to reassess your situation.
  3. mx-01 archon

    HasLab Victory Saber

    It's no doubt that there's a difference in scale between the fanbases. But Galactus racked up near 30K orders, while Hasbro's targeting only 20K here, so *shrug* we'll see what happens. Hasbro only seems to unveil the tiers if it seems like it's within reason to hit them (don't want...
  4. mx-01 archon

    MPG - new Japanese Transformers series

    There's five other figures that go with him. And if the set doesn't somehow fail, then there's still another potential 10 or so sets to come after. As far as single/low figure count lines, wouldn't be the first time. Trans-Scanning, Dual Model Kit, that SUV Optimus with snap on body panel...
  5. mx-01 archon

    HasLab Victory Saber

    Galactus did more than that in, like, three. Blew through three whole tiers in its last weekend. Hasbro even unveiled a completely new tier in the end because it went so far over the "last" goal. Crowdfund trajectories are rarely linear. Large dump at the beginning, giant rush at the end is...
  6. mx-01 archon

    HasLab Victory Saber

    Looking at the fold-out bits on the insides of Victory Leo's legs, you've got that square-shaped brace that hooks over Victory Saber's toes, and then the U-shaped bracket that probably clips onto something on the bottom of his feet.
  7. mx-01 archon

    HasLab Victory Saber

    As I understand it, it's something that he essentially deus ex machinas out of his ass to withstand a barrage of cannon fire, and then pretty much immediately discards thereafter.
  8. mx-01 archon


    Yeah, Sony puts up a lot of money to hold onto their exclusives, it seems. I mean, FF7: Remake was supposed to be a timed exclusive, with that window expiring in April. All that happened on that front is that the game got a new PS5 edition. Still no word on PC or XBox ports. Genshin Impact...
  9. mx-01 archon

    Hasbro Opens A New Division To Develop AAA Game Titles

    Unfortunately, I feel like that's an element that invites a lot of brainstorming, but will eventually go nowhere. It's another one of those burdensome concepts that would ultimately make the game unfun to play. It's the same reason why Superman makes for a terrible videogame protagonist. See...
  10. mx-01 archon

    Outdated game mechanics.

    I think he's probably talking more about the concept of "Lives" and then the eventual "Game Over" you get from losing them all. You know, the holdovers from the quarter-munching arcade days. Because God of War or Dark Souls certainly wouldn't feel the same without their "You have Died!" text...
  11. mx-01 archon

    Hasbro Opens A New Division To Develop AAA Game Titles

    Just furthering the point, this is why we see game studios invest more on repetitive franchises now, rather than constantly innovating. Franchise games can reuse many of their previous assets, shortcutting development cycles by a significant margin, whereas something new will require most of...
  12. mx-01 archon

    HasLab Victory Saber

    The Japanese orders will be added to the final total. Same way it worked for Unicron. Everything gets lumped into the same pool, eventually.
  13. mx-01 archon

    Hasbro Opens A New Division To Develop AAA Game Titles

    The realities of the gaming marketplace nowadays have essentially pushed AAA-level licensed games out of contention. It's no longer a feasible business model. Only the largest of the largest brands (Marvel and Star Wars, in this case) can still manage to pull enough profit to make the venture...
  14. mx-01 archon

    HasLab Victory Saber

    The traditional Japanese business structure is very insular. They bully on in their own way and tend not to cowtow to international pressures, for better or worse.
  15. mx-01 archon

    HasLab Victory Saber

    I said the toy itself will be the same. There might be a package variation, if only just a sticker slapped on the box with extra Japanese text. I don't know how Unicron was handled in that regard, if they got a different instruction booklet or what.
  16. mx-01 archon

    HasLab Victory Saber

    That's a bit misleading. The TakaraTomy release will be the same toy. This is just the TakaraTomy leg of the same crowdfund initiative.
  17. mx-01 archon

    Netflix Live Action Cowboy Bebop Series

    Ed's never been announced/cast for the series. Either cut completely, or maybe something they're holding out on for a potential second season. Unless it's something they want to be a surprise, for some reason. But all the episodes teased by the opening are stories where Ed didn't really have...
  18. mx-01 archon

    Genshin Impact Breath of the Waifu

    For a dose of amazing fandom overload, there was apparently a Fan Anniversary event held by the Chinese fandom, showcasing some awesome fan works. Music, animations, film works, the whole shebang. (For those unfamiliar with bilibili, hit the blue...
  19. mx-01 archon

    Hidden and Undocumented features thread

    Power of the Primes Blot's lower monster jaw is a separately casted piece from the rest of the head. By nature of the flexibility of the plastic, it's possible to open it slightly. But it's clear that it's not an intentional feature, since the piece is molded with no real joint clearance, and...
  20. mx-01 archon

    The Leaked Listings Thread

    You say that, but a good portion of the leaked slate is for characters that haven't had any representation since the 80s. The WFC trilogy already tackled a large majority of the 84/85 characters that we see all the damned time, and then of course SS86 (and some of Kingdom) for the '86...

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