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  1. Caldwin

    Ninja Turtles - Cowabunga!

    I don't know when this is supposed to hit the streets. But one way or another, I'm going to have to get this.
  2. Caldwin

    He-Man, and also the Masters of the Universe

    Well, it arrived today. It wasn't supposed to be here until Monday at the earliest, but I sure ain't complainin'! Just inside the package it looks awesome. Here's a look at what's coming up. Some new versions of He-Man and Skeletor. I must admit, that Skeletor looks pretty sweet, but I...
  3. Caldwin

    [IC] Nighthaze - The offical unoffical sequel to STOMP

    "Still waiting for Kai," Hazy answered. "Why so glum, chum?"
  4. Caldwin

    Random Thoughts From Out of Nowhere

    I've been talking more about TMNT, MotU and video games more than anything. The Transformers toys I buy are few and far between. The Transformers media I watch is even fewer and further between. But the community is still here, even if it feels...shrunk.
  5. Caldwin

    TMM Hungers: The Next Course

    What more could a guy ask for?
  6. Caldwin

    [OOC] STOMP Remembrance Project

    Well, that too.
  7. Caldwin

    [OOC] STOMP Remembrance Project

    Because as much as they were never going to be friends...they actually made a pretty good team.
  8. Caldwin

    Ninja Turtles - Cowabunga!

    I didn't want to spam this thread with a lot of pictures (more than usual), so I put this in my own little thread in Mayhem. Scroll to the bottom for a lot of TMNT toys.
  9. Caldwin

    Caldwin's latest obsession (subject to change)

    Saves You 15% Or More on Car Insurance - 2 Xenomorph - 1 The 80's Idea of Futuristic Hair Styles - 1 Shell Shocked - 1 Roadkill and Cheeseburger Babies! They're babies!
  10. Caldwin

    Caldwin's latest obsession (subject to change)

    Donald Trump - 1 Kraang Subprime - 1 Toxic Avenger - 1 Crazy Cajun, I Gar-un-tee - 1 The Rock Biter From Neverending Story - 1 Filet-O-Fish
  11. Caldwin

    Caldwin's latest obsession (subject to change)

    The Brains Behind the Shredder -1 Sometimes Good. Sometimes Bad. Always Bloodsuckers - 1 A Big Dirty Rat...And An Unfortunate Mutant - 2 Rules Over a Small, Vast Kingdom - 1 Couldn't Get His Own Name, So He Took His Creator's Nickname - 1
  12. Caldwin

    Caldwin's latest obsession (subject to change)

    Shredders Daughter/Granddaughter or Splinters Daughter or Not Related in Any Way to Either of Them - 2 Donatello - 1 What is it With Scientists and Putting Your Brain Into a Robot Body? - 2 IDW Did Them Better, But We'll Never See The Toys - 2 Life, uh, finds a way - 1
  13. Caldwin

    Caldwin's latest obsession (subject to change)

    Are You Sure You're Not a Part of This Franchise? - 3 Jeff Goldblum -2 Terminator Rejects, 4 Say Your Prayers Toitles! - 4 They Ain't Gettin' Any Prettier - 3 Don't Look Up TMNT Slash on Deviant Art. Trust Me. - 3
  14. Caldwin

    Caldwin's latest obsession (subject to change)

    Taught Them to be Ninja Teens - 3 Goongala! Goongala! - 2 Making Coleslaw - 15 Ridin' Dirty - 3 Soldiering Iron - 4
  15. Caldwin

    Caldwin's latest obsession (subject to change)

    So here's how I'm going to do this. Instead of cramming as many toys as I possibly can into a single picture, I'm going to do this by character. That way, instead of having to constantly drag my entire collection out every now and then, I can just drag out the characters and update those...
  16. Caldwin

    Worst business decisions ever.

    Big Mac is for someone who has a short lunch break, no other options and doesn't mind having to sit on the shitter for a solid half hour afterwards.
  17. Caldwin

    Ninja Turtles - Cowabunga!

    Okay, to be honest, I'm definitely going to regret getting this at the end of the month when I have to pay my mortgage and my refrigerator is empty. But this was just sitting there on the shelf at Target. Like...this is one thing I thought I'd never see, I walk into Target expecting...
  18. Caldwin

    Ninja Turtles - Cowabunga!

    That's fair. In fact, back when I was a kid, I didn't like it either. But it was the only Shredder toy at the time. So faced with "this or nothing," I went with it. Now there's so many different Shredders in my collection that "different from the show" doesn't really bother me much anymore...
  19. Caldwin

    Worst business decisions ever.

    Everything 38 Studios did from inception to bankruptcy? I mean, I love Kingdoms of Amalur. I absolutely LOVE Kingdoms of Amalur. But imagine if Schilling had been the least bit competent about handling the money! Who knows, maybe the game was only as good as it was because he did act so...
  20. Caldwin

    Ninja Turtles - Cowabunga!

    Okay, one example that didn't hold up too well to the copy/paste...but you get what I'm trying to say, right?

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