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  1. Caldwin

    Random Thoughts From Out of Nowhere

    Where's my remote? ... Wha? Where's my remote? It was right hugging here? ... WHERE THE HUG IS MY REMOTE?!?! *finds remote on tv tray not 2 feet away from him* ... What the hug is my life?
  2. Caldwin

    Random Thoughts From Out of Nowhere

    Hookers and blow.
  3. Caldwin

    Mortal Kombat

    Could be interesting. It looks like they really changed the designs of some characters. I barely recognized Kano And Sub without his costume.
  4. Caldwin

    He-Man, and also the Masters of the Universe

    Holy crap! I only just now got a notification about this and it's releasing IN TWO DAYS!!!!
  5. Caldwin

    Toy and Action Figure Thread

    I never was a big fan of Gargoyles. In fact, I never even watched it until a few years ago. But I absolutely loved the story arc of Demona. I was only able to get the first couple season, so I don't know if she ever redeemed herself. But the fallen hero aspect of her character always struck me...
  6. Caldwin

    Street Fighter 6 Announced

    Kimberly does look like fun. My main is usually either Chun Li or Cammy, but I've seen quire a few new faces that look like I'm going to have to try out.
  7. Caldwin

    Serious theological question for mature Christians

    How did this get around to politics and what a person thinks about Trump? Personally, I've said nothing but hate sin, love the sinner. I haven't cast stones at anyone for anything. Do you now want me to throw stones at Ttump? Shall I bring in political figures from the other side and start...
  8. Caldwin


    That was actually the first Gorillaz song I ever heard.
  9. Caldwin

    Serious theological question for mature Christians

    Using their religion to gain power for themselves while harming others... If that's true (realize when I say "if" I really mean "of course it's true because, like you said, it's been going on since forever"), then not only are they missing the entire point of who Jesus is, they've made...
  10. Caldwin

    He-Man, and also the Masters of the Universe

    I liked that last one.
  11. Caldwin

    Serious theological question for mature Christians

    Here's the thing. I hate prolonged discussions for one reason. I feel pretty confident in what I said in that first post. I was pretty careful of my wording in that first post. But I'm not a great debater. Someone starts trying to put words in my mouth, twisting what I say...any number of a...
  12. Caldwin

    Ninja Turtles - Cowabunga!

    Actually, they've both gone up against literal demons. They're probably rather evenly matched. Just to make sure we're on the same page, I'm talking Ryu from Ninja Gaiden, not Street Fighter. Though I wouldn't count Leo out in a fight with the latter either.
  13. Caldwin

    Ninja Turtles - Cowabunga!

    Ryu wouldn't stand a chance against Leo.
  14. Caldwin

    Caldwin's latest obsession (subject to change)

    Cute! Foxes are the best kind of doggie!
  15. Caldwin

    He-Man, and also the Masters of the Universe

    Woah, geeze, Fero! This is supposed to be a family friendly board.
  16. Caldwin

    Serious theological question for mature Christians

    Also, I was talking from a personal way of living stand-point, not a political standpoint. Politics is a whole other can of worms I'm really not prepared to get deep into at the moment.
  17. Caldwin

    He-Man, and also the Masters of the Universe

    Aww! Get my hopes up and then smash them. I was really looking forward to that four-legged Teela.
  18. Caldwin

    Serious theological question for mature Christians

    Okay, there was a link to this thread in the LTBTQ thread. That is the only reason I found my way here. I wouldn't reply, except this is something that has been weighing heavy on me. Let me say that this is a very complicated matter and even trying to get all of my feelings down into a single...
  19. Caldwin


    It's one of their more mellow songs. It's one of those songs that fits so many situations. It's the song you listen to when you fall in love. It's the song you listen to when everyone else says they don't see what you see in her and that she's totally wrong for you. It's the song you listen to...
  20. Caldwin

    He-Man, and also the Masters of the Universe

    That was its main selling point for me. Otherwise the vintage would've been close that I probably wouldn't need the Origins version. It feels like they really went all out with this one.

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