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  1. Caldwin


    I was being cheeky. I'm pretty sure that's all of them +/- maybe some demos...don't know if there was ever a Game & Watch. Oh...Game & Watch. I should go check and see about that!
  2. Caldwin


    I finally beat Kraid. So now it's after 11:00, I want to get to bed but I have so much adrenaline in my system now. I'm finding it really useful to watch other people on Youtube. Like, things I NEVER would have seen or done that makes things a lot more manageable.
  3. Caldwin

    Last Post!

    Uh, I don't think that's how that saying goes.
  4. Caldwin


    For anyone who cares what Meta Critic has to say.
  5. Caldwin


    Right now Kraid's kicking my butt. I can get through the first wave just fine, then it's like, what do I do now?
  6. Caldwin

    Rocks Fall, Everyone Dies: An RPG thread

    What's this now?
  7. Caldwin


    Agreed. It's kinda weird, but my experience has been that you run into a real item drought where you don't get anything for a while, and then it just rains items all around. Like except for a 2-missle expansion here and there, I got nothing for the longest time. Then all of a sudden...BAM...
  8. Caldwin

    He-Man, and also the Masters of the Universe

    I mean, there's definitely Battle Cat toys. I have the Origins one and have seen the Revelations one. Just take the armor off.
  9. Caldwin

    Caldwin's latest obsession (subject to change)

  10. Caldwin

    The games you can't play anymore.

    GoldenEye: I played it all the time in college and loved it. But the N64 controller, button mapping, muzzle drift with manual aiming and strafing mechanics...I just can't even.
  11. Caldwin

    [OOC] Nighthaze - ShadowRun/Cyberpunk but with Ponies!

    Family relations... You'll remember at the end of the last RP, Static had a Seapony son and an Earthpony daughter. So if Hazy has the Signal name, it kinda follows that she has a Seapony father and a Pegasus mother. She and Static love each other dearly, but Static is disappointed the open...
  12. Caldwin


    It really does make you fight for everything you get...including the ability to move about more freely. At least it does open up abit quicker than Fusion, which kinda herds you for most of the game. Making you fight for everything you get is kind of a double edged sword. On the one hand, I...
  13. Caldwin


    Kids never had a Metroid growing up. They don't understand. We've never had to wait for the morph ball like this before.
  14. Caldwin

    [OOC] Nighthaze - ShadowRun/Cyberpunk but with Ponies!

    This is a very very early rough idea. I'm going to be working on this. But... That's what I have for a character sheet so far. Hazy Signal, grand daughter to Static Signal. She's a hacker. As...
  15. Caldwin


    I just got the Morph Ball. For something you always get at the very beginning of every other game, they really make you work for it here. But boy oh boy was it a hell of a feeling of accomplishment to finally get it. Also got the Varia Suit. I've also said many times that I wish they'd bring...
  16. Caldwin


    My small collection of what I could manage to get of the Metroid series. It's not much. I wish I could some day get somewhere even close to owning all the games. But for now this is what I could scrounge together. Left to right, top to bottom Metroid, Super Metroid, Metroid II Return of Samus...
  17. Caldwin

    [OOC] Nighthaze - ShadowRun/Cyberpunk but with Ponies!

    Sounds kinda lonely. Static is just the one pony voice I have in my head. I have so many others.
  18. Caldwin

    [OOC] Nighthaze - ShadowRun/Cyberpunk but with Ponies!

    I don't mind if you want to bring in Ocean or Skivey. Aria I definitely think you could do something with, especially if Rhapsody is around. I hate to say it, but when it comes to Static, I kinda have a clingy/jealous 'nobody plays him but me' kinda mentality.
  19. Caldwin

    31 Days of Halloween (2022)

    I came tiptoe into our own room, and found Mina asleep, breathing so softly that I had to put my ear down to hear it. She looks paler than usual. I hope the meeting tonight has not upset her. Damnit, Jonathan!
  20. Caldwin

    [OOC] Nighthaze - ShadowRun/Cyberpunk but with Ponies!

    I was thinking along those lines, his pegasus (maybe unicorn) granddaughter Hazy Signal. That would also open up the roles. I'm still interested in hacker, but she wouldn't necessarily have to take after dear ol' granddad.

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