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  1. The Random YouTube Thread

    ALSO, there is no way to do the "Stop Recommending this channel" when you are on the TV app. And I almost exclusively use the TV app.
  2. The Random YouTube Thread

    I'd rather youtube make the "stop recommending this channel" to actually work and stop throwing right wing nonsense into my feed. x.x;
  3. Transformers: One - New Animated Prequel coming September 20th, 2024 - New Toy Official Images!

    It's just license.. I mean.. That's like Super 7 who makes TF figures.
  4. Power Rangers General Discussion Thread

    It actually wasn't until Beast Morphers they started selling the Zords.
  5. Power Rangers General Discussion Thread

    My walmart for years refused to carry ANY megazords. I'm talking back to Power Rangers: Samurai. Would sell the individual auxiliary zords.. but never the megazords.
  6. Power Rangers General Discussion Thread

    So long and short of your post is.. Genwunners ruin everything.
  7. Dubbed vs Subtitled

    I'm not sure TokuHD knows english.. OR japanese... or any language.
  8. Dubbed vs Subtitled

    Bleh at TV-Nihon. Just the worst thing about my picture is that was an official released Sub. x.x;
  9. Dubbed vs Subtitled

    Even then... lets be honest, someone would likely say something, "But I feel like a third/fifth wheel" or use some other idiom.
  10. Dubbed vs Subtitled

    Also.. For those "Subtitles are better!" I present the case of "NO ONE ON EARTH SPEAKS LIKE THIS!!!!"
  11. Dubbed vs Subtitled

    Ironicly if Subbers had actually subbed Naruto correctly, and not ignored Naruto's speech tick, most people would have understood that the "Believe it." that the Dub put was pretty accurate.
  12. Depressing Beast Wars question

    Honestly.. I was one of the few people back in the day that liked the DOOM sprites more than the Quake Models.
  13. Dubbed vs Subtitled

    I agree with you, mainly because most of the words that translate best into those... aren't necessarily the same as cursing in the US.. but yeah, the whole making Vegita drop F-bombs and just a lot in old fansubs really turned me off fansubs for a LONG time.
  14. Dubbed vs Subtitled

    O baka-chan-tachi Translators note: You fools. *No I'm not joking... That's a fricking popular sub groups actual work.*
  15. Dubbed vs Subtitled

    It really depends. I can usually take either in MOST times, although times the dubs -can- feel off. If you want a good Dub I still suggest Ultraman Z and Blazar on youtube. I think the biggest problem with the sub vs dub thing is false information we had as kids when we got such subs that...
  16. The Random Image Thread

    They underestimate me!
  17. The Random Image Thread

    I want a Kamen Rider version..... >.> <.<
  18. Digimon General Discussion Thread

    Not gonna lie... be nice if they could stop Genwunning.
  19. Digimon General Discussion Thread

    I'm just sad that yet again... It's Genwunned.
  20. The Toku Thread

    Not officially. No.

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