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  1. Dvandom

    Final Fantasy

    I had one where I joined at the end, killed a few crabs, and did not get credit (but got a little company scrip) I had to hang out for a while until it popped again. ---Dave
  2. Dvandom

    Final Fantasy

    I did it on one of my newer characters last night and was reminded of how annoying it is to have a mission that requires waiting for FATEs to pop. ---Dave
  3. Dvandom

    Final Fantasy

    Betrayed by Twitter.... ---Dave
  4. Dvandom

    Dungeons & Dragons

    Yeah, d30 is about as old as the Zocchihedron. Impact Miniatures has also done some custom dice casting Kickstarters for things like d5, d7 (I have two different kinds of d7), d9, d11, d13, d21 (plus a d21 with all the consonants and a d5 with the vowels), and a d36 that has all of the 2d6 pip...
  5. Dvandom


    He played Caesar, the first talking (non-human) ape, as well as the main male Chimpanzee scientist in the original movie. ---Dave
  6. Dvandom

    Dungeons & Dragons

    I keep my d100 and d120 (and a d60, a d48, two different kinds of d24) at work as part of a demo when I teach about entropy. I also have an old film canister full of a hundred or so tiny d6s. IIRC, DiceLabs made my d120, but if you hit Amazon you should be able to find d120s for around $20...
  7. Dvandom


    Is he voiced by Roddy McDowall? ---Dave
  8. Dvandom

    Identify an old robot toy, definitely not a Transformer so I put it here

    Yeah, I often treated them as a cheap way to see how the transformation worked, even if it didn't work WELL and I ended up tossing it in the trash later. I almost always got my money's worth out of the KOs carried by Big Lots and (the sadly deceased) Tuesday Morning...but that pipeline dried up...
  9. Dvandom

    TemTem early thoughts

    I got back into it after a few months off, managed to get through two more zones and partway into the second-to-last one, but now I'm done for good. The NeoEdo dojo is total BS, it's a beam-dodging puzzle maze with teleports between rooms...which can drop you onto a beam because it's an MMO and...
  10. Dvandom

    Identify an old robot toy, definitely not a Transformer so I put it here

    That one at top looks specifically to be the Xabungle knockoff available at Big Lots in the 90s, they also had the support robot Irongear (robot to "land battleship"). ---Dave
  11. Dvandom

    Final Fantasy

    Well, I just finished the Weapon arc, after laying it down when Endwalker dropped. I rode the GP-03 Gundam up to fight Eva Unit 04 to save Au Ra Rei Ayanami from the machinations of DeSaad in what's ostensibly a FFVII homage arc. (I will say, if you gotta do a "fight as someone else" duty, the...
  12. Dvandom

    Final Fantasy

    Without giving spoilery details, in the post-Endwalker stuff (especially the tribe quests) the PC does get to bring some hope to the hopeless. But yeah, some of the EW content, especially Ultima Thule side quests, is SO INCREDIBLY GRIM. And then there's Thrillingway. (shudder) ---Dave
  13. Dvandom

    Timey Wimey Business- a thread for Doctor Who

    Now, we need to get some canonical closure with Susan Foreman while the actress is still alive. :) (Her canon, much less her deuterocanon in books and radio dramas, is a horrifying mess.) ---Dave
  14. Dvandom

    Final Fantasy

    Mind you, as a solo duty with significant amounts of large AoE, Rhitatyn's fight is VERY hard for a caster (and lengthily tedious for any melee job). I've been playing a gag character who's only a Pug/Monk, and the reliance on combos along with utter lack of ranged attacks is going to make that...
  15. Dvandom

    Transformers: EarthSpark

    No, if you check TFWiki there's significant differences beyond color. The shield doesn't turn into a sidecar at all, it just stores on the back seat. ---Dave
  16. Dvandom

    Final Fantasy

    I think Sadu's more interested in Cirina, based on a bit of dialogue later on. I think they may also be trying in general to limit how many group duties there are for whatever reason, possibly part of the move to make the MSQ as solo-able as possible. The Rhitahtyn fight used to be a...
  17. Dvandom

    Final Fantasy

    Yeah, "play as someone else in a solo duty" is something they really fell in love with, keeps them from having to balance encounters for varying jobs and gear qualities. And even if you play that person's job, it works differently anyway so you can't really play it your way. ---Dave
  18. Dvandom

    ♫♪ Deck The Halls With Lots of Pony ♫♪

    Huh, Flurry Heart instead of Babs? ---Dave
  19. Dvandom

    Final Fantasy

    Pictomancer trailer: FemHroth trailer (and yeah, they're all basically Muscle Mommy): Pictomancer Slides: New location trailer: Also, 6.55 launching Jan 16. ---Dave, unlikely to have high enough IL to do the later patches until the level cap goes up.
  20. Dvandom

    Customs Legacy Strongarm touchup

    Mainly just added the dropped glow colors back, added a few more glow bits, and some minor details. Decided that extending the fender stripe to the back was too much hassle, and my Minerva Shelley custom demonstrated the problems with painting the tail lights. ---Dave

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