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  1. Dvandom

    Final Fantasy

    A little disappointing that femHroth are significantly different from the men (especially since Encyclopedia Eorzea implied it can be hard to tell them apart). Looks like a new caster class being shown off by Krile. ---Dave
  2. Dvandom

    Customs Non-TF: Freedom Dragon now with MOAR FREEDOM

    I think they were trying to get the red and blue with minimal paint apps. They didn't even try to make it look like a bald eagle in color, just pearl white with a few bits. ---Dave
  3. Dvandom

    Customs Non-TF: Freedom Dragon now with MOAR FREEDOM

    The Freedom Dragon is a thing that exists, and can be purchased from Safari Ltd. But it's got a pretty boring paint scheme, so I got one and...improved? ---Dave
  4. Dvandom

    ♫♪ Deck The Halls With Lots of Pony ♫♪

    Huh, new Mauroz, why didn't I see that on my dA watch? (goes to Mauroz's page) Oh right...all the very NSFW stuff sprinkled in there, and I'd actually been checking dA at work, so I unfollowed him in 2022. Looks like I only missed a chapter or two of his serial, tho. ---Dave
  5. Dvandom

    Final Fantasy

    Sadly, it's another "wander around and talk to NPCs, and nothing else" event like Starlight was. Looks like crunch for the new DLC means cutting way back on seasonal events. ---Dave
  6. Dvandom

    IDW Unicorn of Odd #4

    Ah, it doesn't show up as "My Little Pony Classics," only under "MLP Classics," in Diamond's cruddy search engine. ---Dave
  7. Dvandom

    Best figures of 2023?

    Most of the stuff listed here is still sitting in my To Be Reviewed pile (except Devcon, whose wave I never saw in the wild and I missed the window to order for less than 100% markup online), but the only thing to get a Strongly Recommended from me in 2023 was...Noah Diaz Exo-Suit. ---Dave
  8. Dvandom

    IDW Unicorn of Odd #4

    Hm, can't find the Romeo & Juliet one on Diamond's site. When's it supposed to come out? ---Dave
  9. Dvandom

    IDW Unicorn of Odd #4

    I won't get my copy for a few weeks get (monthly shipments), but I expect Dorothy will do the high speed running trick rather than clicking her heels and just waking up in Kansas. After all, they've been aggressively using stuff from the books that didn't make it in the movie. ---Dave
  10. Dvandom

    Timey Wimey Business- a thread for Doctor Who

    I only have the previous issue. At one time I had the first dozen, but I guess they didn't survive a purge (or I loaned them to someone and never got 'em back). ---Dave
  11. Dvandom

    Get Any Holiday TF gifts?

    A friend got me the two-rabbits BeastBox set. And a LOT of my Pulse orders arrived over the last week. ---Dave
  12. Dvandom

    Dirty Pair

    I don't know why they went with Loveable Furball Mughi for the animation...while the Pair themselves had significant redesigns for animation too (the Affair of Nolandia OAV was the closest to their original looks), Mughi's change was a lot more drastic. My best guess would be that animating...
  13. Dvandom

    Dungeons & Dragons

    Plastic champagne glass from Dollar Tree. :) ---Dave
  14. Dvandom

    What's The Most You've Watched For A Single Year Of An Anime?

    I mean, there's some anime I've seen more episodes of (especially the Eternal Shows like Dragonball), but not all in one year. ---Dave
  15. Dvandom

    What's The Most You've Watched For A Single Year Of An Anime?

    I got the dubs of Gatchaman one year in the 00s and watched them all (105 episodes!) over the course of a few weeks. That's probably the most I've watched of a single anime in one year. ---Dave
  16. Dvandom

    Customs Core Class G2 Universe Megatron repaint

    I found a spare G2 Megatron at Ross the other day, and decided it needed to be painted to be closer to the comics colors (with some interpretation on my part). ---Dave
  17. Dvandom

    Dungeons & Dragons

    You should be fine, it's very episodic in nature and the necessary premise gets laid out in every installment. Kinda like old school James Bond movies. ---Dave
  18. Dvandom

    Dungeons & Dragons

    Yeah, they were "light novels" of the day. I have a copy of one that was sold as a Learn English sort of deal. Technically, the Pair first appeared in the Crusher Joe anime, but their own stories started as light novels. They also got some manga (I got the collection a few years ago, dunno if...
  19. Dvandom

    Dungeons & Dragons

    From the pre-anime design, one of the novels from about 1980. Mughi-as-Coeurl postdates the earliest Displacer Beasts, but it seems to be a parallel evolution rather than van Vogt -> D&D -> Dirty Pair. Here's the Marvel adaptation of the 1939 story...
  20. Dvandom

    Dungeons & Dragons

    Okay, so quick history of the Displacer Beast. It started as the alien menace called the Coeurl (yes, Final Fantasy grabbed the name) from A.E. van Vogt's short story "Dark Destroyer." Felinoid with tentacles and the ability to extract potassium from living things as it fed, not to mention...

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