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  1. G.I. Joe thread - 09/13/2024: Pulsecon - Dreadnoks, Dogs and Cereal

    From the most recent issue. From the way I'm reading it that even though the series is ending at IDW it will continue with whoever gets the license next.
  2. Star Trek Lower Decks

    But is Lower Decks in the same continuity as Picard?
  3. Star Trek Lower Decks

    Yes. They could have used that circling bit to segue into the opening credits.
  4. Quantum Leap 2022

    Ben is kind of growing on me. The 2022 stuff just stops the episode in my opinion.
  5. Star Trek Lower Decks

    A missed opportunity to not do the Deep Space Nine opening for this episode.
  6. Star Trek Lower Decks

    I thought Mariner was the B-Plot.
  7. Star Trek General Discussion

    Time to find a new Kai.
  8. G.I. Joe thread - 09/13/2024: Pulsecon - Dreadnoks, Dogs and Cereal

    An article about IDW's 300th issue of G.I. Joe.
  9. Timey Wimey Business- a thread for Doctor Who

    An article from a few years ago speculating what if Roddy McDowell was the Doctor.
  10. Star Trek Lower Decks

    Surprisingly there is now a Lower Decks comic.
  11. Shattered Glass Thread

    Something I would like to see is to take the Shattered Glass character color schemes and use them to make new characters in the regular Transformers world.
  12. Babylon 5 to be Rebooted on the CW

    Something new is coming out.
  13. The Weird Al Thread

    Is it supposed to be a parody? Because I was getting that feeling.
  14. Shattered Glass Thread

    The first issue of 'Shattered Glass II' has come out. The switching of Ultra Magnus' faces reminds me a bit of Orion from 'The New Gods' The face he presents to people is really a disguise for his actual face.
  15. Ollies Bargin Outlet..anything good?

    Stopped in Ollie's today and it looks like they are starting to put out toys for Christmas time and they already have some Christmas stuff out for sale.
  16. Star Trek General Discussion

    Had a thought this morning. In 'First Contact' there is a starship Bozeman and then later on the movie takes place in Bozeman, Montana. Coincidence?
  17. The Repaint Concept Thread

    Rollbar from Crankcase
  18. Transformers Legacy toyline

    Energon Monsters?
  19. Transformers Legacy toyline

    How about a Pretender Bumblebee?
  20. Transformers Legacy toyline

    Will they be doing Autobot Pretenders? That'll be interesting to see since the Decepticons are based on the shells.

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