Timey Wimey Business- a thread for Doctor Who


I’m not dead yet!
Dow was the Visual Effects producer for the FOX movie. Never was in front of the camera it seems.

But man we are losing a bit of the old guard aren't we lately.

Surprised I never made the Warner connection. His voice is never too far off from most of his other roles.

I'm glad though that I did get to check out both Bernard's roles in Who, but he'll always be lovable old Wilf.

Seems I could go see Sylvestor McCoy in a couple months at Rose City Comic Con. Not my favorite Doctor by far but it will be cool to see him none the less.


Well-known member
Finally getting around to watching the finale season of Gotham, and it just reminds me of how much I want Doctor Who to cast Sean Pertwee as the 3rd Doctor for some future Multi-Doctor adventure. He's like a mirror image of his dad. Just give him a white wig and he'd look just like the 3rd Doctor.


Well-known member
Finally getting around to watching the finale season of Gotham, and it just reminds me of how much I want Doctor Who to cast Sean Pertwee as the 3rd Doctor for some future Multi-Doctor adventure. He's like a mirror image of his dad. Just give him a white wig and he'd look just like the 3rd Doctor.

Except Sean Pertwee doesn't want to do it. He's dressed up as the Third Doctor one year for Halloween and appeared as himself in the Five-ish Doctors Reboot, but that was about it.


Olde-Timey Member
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Council of Elders


Wondering bot
Watched the regeneration clip earlier and they made a serious error on purpose, they changed the clothes during the regeneration process, someone should of pointed that out as its always been a thing that when a Timelord generates, they keep the clothes they were wearing on!


Active member
Watched the regeneration clip earlier and they made a serious error on purpose, they changed the clothes during the regeneration process, someone should of pointed that out as its always been a thing that when a Timelord generates, they keep the clothes they were wearing on!
Tell that to Troughton.

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
I still maintain that bringing him back is kind of dumb tbh. Yeah it's only gonna be for the 60th stuff but still.

I wouldn't be as bothered if they hadn't confirmed that this is literally the Fourteenth Doctor tbh.


Supreme System Overlord
Staff member
Council of Elders
I liked this episode a lot. Shame Jodie got a raw deal through her entire run and Chinball took it upon himself to tarnish the legacy. But I genuinely enjoyed this episode a lot. I thought the writing and pacing were leaps and bounds above anything we've seen in a long time.


Active member
I thought Jodie was an excellent Doctor.

I liked the plot device of the Tardis hologram allowing each of the older companions to interact with their Doctorsif only for a moment.

I thought the Master as Rasputin was delightfully over the top. And then he did a little dance to the song. Chibnall is not known for subtlety.

Perhaps we will never see the Time Lord/Cybermen again. That is completely fine with me. Chibnall took a risk and tried something different.

And there’s no way all of those old companions would have just left without seeing the doctor wake up. I didn’t buy that at all. I get that the story needed it to happen, but these are men and women who are still loyal to the Doctor after 40 years. They absolutely would’ve stuck around to make sure the Doctor wakes up and is OK.

Jodie‘s final line as the Doctor is probably my favorite final line of any Doctor so far.

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