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  1. Reimagining Quintessons

    I think Star Trek DS9 does a good job of explaining what I'm talking about. The Bajorans think of the wormhole aliens as gods and worship them. Starfleet knows they're wormhole aliens and know they've interacted with the Bajoran society in the past; but they're not gods. Similarly the...
  2. Reimagining Quintessons

    Transformers is fiction, and in fiction you want a diversity of characters. In real life, all bank robbers want money. In fiction, you have fictional bank robbers who want money, who want to antagonize Batman, who rob banks as art, who rob the bank as a distraction so they can place something...
  3. Reimagining Quintessons

    I haven't actually watched S3, but the mutliversal aspect is a bit much I think. You're free to do "Conversion Brainiac" if you want, but you need to introduce normal Brainiac first. That feels like an IDW elseworlds thing. But we do know that magic exists in the Transformers universe...
  4. Reasons why Grandus should be the next titan

    I'm inclined to think that this might be time for a better Metroplex/Metrotitan. Short of that, though, maybe... Broadside?
  5. Reimagining Quintessons

    In the G1 movie. Quintessons were weird and goofy with a strange, unknown connection to the Transformers. In G1, S3 it's revealed the Quintessons built the Transformers... although I've been more of a fan of the idea that the Quintessons enslaved the transformers. Either way, they seem to have...
  6. Transformers: One - New Animated Prequel coming September 20th, 2024 - New Toy Official Images!

    I want this to be inoffensive and fun, but from the trailer I think it's kitbashing the G1 Quintesson occupation/enslavement with the IDW "The Primes/Autobots are real d-bags, but... oh no... Megatron has gone TOO FAR in opposing fascism!" backstory. The IDW story never made sense to me. If...
  7. Post-War Transformers Conflict: Sports?

    Unique sub-faction symbols is a neat idea. Given the premise, I kind of imagine a Car-Robots-style enterprise; some key new molds coupled with strategic reuse of good and available molds to fill out the cast. A traditional anime would be great, but honestly a CGI show would be fine, preferably...
  8. Post-War Transformers Conflict: Sports?

    That's a fun idea. Maybe each participant world proposes a game and judges over the game. 1. Cybertron 2. Earth(?) 3. Char 4. Junkion 5. New? Quintessa and maybe 6. Velicitron, 7. Beast Planet, etc. as needed. For the sake of convenience, I think each world would present a team of 5...
  9. Post-War Transformers Conflict: Sports?

    Fair question. I'm not actually sure we need factioned-judges; there are civilians after all, but I take it we'd see judges from both sides as appropriate. However, this does raise an interesting question - would there be sports that allow cheating/deception? For example, a "no holds barred"...
  10. Post-War Transformers Conflict: Sports?

    I'm envisioning this as a post-G1(ish) universe, where factions are practically nationalities; especially if they end up on different planets. (I'm not a big fan of that; it sounds vaguely cruel of the autobots to banish the decepticons, but then again I'd be worried about "Decepticon...
  11. Post-War Transformers Conflict: Sports?

    One of the more novel, if under-developed, premises of some recent Transformers shows and comics is the aftermath of The Great War. G1 never really showed us this, but G2 did feature the two factions teaming up against the "G2" Cybertronians with an uneasy truce. Armada ended the war, only for...
  12. Transformers x Hot Wheels images leaked!

    The $80 price tag here is obscene and shameful. At this point I kind of hope everyone even fringe associated with this project is fired. Like if I go to a bakery and they try to tell me a half loaf of break for $80, I hope they go out of business just for the insult, let alone because I don't...
  13. The Transformers: The Movie (1986) minus Unicron?

    Offering an in-universe explanation for why the military coup faction started shooting to kill is always going to be an uphill battle. That said, I'd like to think that there's more to it; every time we saw Cybertron in S1-S2, it was ghost world, practically unchanged for millions of years...
  14. The Transformers: The Movie (1986) minus Unicron?

    G1 transformers biology was still in development through Beast Wars (and arguably IDW). I'll agree that there were plot reasons why characters died in the movie, but we can explain this in-universe; the Decepticons have better/fully charged weapons... and less reason to take prisoners. On...
  15. The Transformers: The Movie (1986) minus Unicron?

    To be fair, Megatron did survive a dunk in lava and millions of years of stasis lock in the Ark. Space isn't going to kill him. Where he drifts is an empirical matter, but given there were witnesses, I suspect an enterprising Shockwave or whomever could go pick him up given enough time.
  16. The Transformers: The Movie (1986) minus Unicron?

    From an in-cannon perspective, how would the G1 canon have differed had Unicron not shown up in The Transformers: The Movie (1986)? There are, I think, two big features worth exploring - (1) the change of leadership and (2) the Autobot Moon Bases. Let's start with the latter. We don't know...
  17. Energon Universe - ongoing Transformers and G.I. Joe comics from Skybound

    Furman's Infiltration did away with all of that and it worked. The question you need to ask yourself is who knows what when. MTMTE is a kid's cartoon and it told you everything. Infiltration is a comic book set in a new universe and did something different; so the POV characters were human...
  18. Energon Universe - ongoing Transformers and G.I. Joe comics from Skybound

    Who's got time for character and world building? Narration is overrated. And they needed the time to remind everyone of Vietnam. Because of all the conflicts in human history to juxtapose with a war between two facts of aliens based on a children's toy line, Vietnam was one of the options...
  19. Energon Universe - ongoing Transformers and G.I. Joe comics from Skybound

    I read this earlier in the week. It really reminded me of IDW's Beast Wars ongoing... practically everything is the same, and what's different isn't interesting. I also get the impression the writers really assume that you've watched MTMTE, so they don't need to explain what Transformers are...
  20. Transformer Alt Modes as a metaphor for Self-Determination?

    I was never a fan of IDW's dystopian pre-war past. Inexplicably they set things up so overtly wrong that Megatron was completely justified in rebelling against their unjust leaders, and Optimus was inexplicably unjustified for not assassinating the assorted Autobot Hitlers that he served under...

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