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  1. Grand Theft Auto VI

    Trailer looks great. Online forum posts and comment about it are insane however. Like obvious flamebait and stuff that looks like it was posted just so someone could screencap it for angry tweets later. Reaction aside, they really did nail florida but more over im just impressed how real...
  2. Timey Wimey Business- a thread for Doctor Who

    So thinking more on the episode beyond "wow that was ******* creepy" I do have to say I really am loving how its been like 15 years but Donna still is just like... just Donna. like in all the best ways. Donna was always one of my favorite companions. She wasn't there swooning over the Doctor...
  3. Timey Wimey Business- a thread for Doctor Who

    Well that was ******* creepy. Thanks for the new nightmare fuel Dr Who
  4. Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

    Is it an oops or is it a "ah good we will have justification then"
  5. Timey Wimey Business- a thread for Doctor Who

    Oh gosh. Well on one hand I enjoyed the special and its definitely better written that most the who we got under Chibnal. On the other hand it felt like it got a bit.. sexist and trans-masc phobic towards the end with a completely unnecessary to the plot attempt at having a girl power moment...
  6. Timey Wimey Business- a thread for Doctor Who

    Would that even be considered drag? Its not like shes wearing a dress. Shes got high waisted jeans and suspenders on. Presumably she has womens undergarments on too but like... not like they were ever going to have a scene showing that and the doctor usually just nips into the tardis and changes...
  7. Timey Wimey Business- a thread for Doctor Who

    So I guess there is a bit of controversy with how Davros appeared in the Children In Need Skit. Namely that apparently instead of this just being a pre-injury Davros, RTD says this is now canon Davros going forward. Obviously this has sparked some discussion online as to why anyone would think...
  8. Scott Pilgrim Anime

    I mean canonically it is an either/or thing. The way this thing is written the books were the original canon, then time travel altered stuff, Movie version was something attempted in universe, then this overwrites the original canon.
  9. Scott Pilgrim Anime

    It has /something/ but its not much. It's mostly Scott being told he made mistakes rather than really realizing them on his own and growing because of it. Of all the adaptations Scott grows the least in this one something kind of evidenced in the fact that hes effectively stuck in a self...
  10. Scott Pilgrim Anime

    I mean I feel like its kind of a failure on the authors part if he couldn't have managed to both tell the story people wanted to see and flesh out Ramona at the same time. In the end they kind of sacrifice Scotts development for Ramonas rather than having both.
  11. Scott Pilgrim Anime

    Yeah.. I thought this was gonna be an adaptation of the books but like... yeah. And then even what part they did adapt the movie did far far better. Even with the same actors voicing the roles most people did.. very inferior jobs? Some like Schwartzman and Bhabha dont even sound like the same...
  12. Loki - streaming on Disney+

    I have never both loved and hated a series finale as much as this one. Loved because it absolutely was the best way to end the series, hate because I'm human and I would rather take something great and ruin it a little just so I can have more of it.
  13. Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

    Nothing like a war between two powers that think they can do no wrong
  14. Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

    Is she thinking about the Balfour Declaration? It was WW1 era not 2 but follows the general idea of the British wanting to establishing a nation for the jewish people in the region with the hopes they would join their war and help fight against the Ottoman Empire in the area.
  15. Star Trek Lower Decks

    I liked the ep and certainly didn't see the twist reveal but I have to echo what I've seen other say online and that tying Mariner to Jaxa just feels.. really odd. Especially given that shes apparently was so important to her but we've not heard a single word of her for all these seasons...
  16. Star Trek Lower Decks

    I know that in the TOS era the idea from Gene was that humans would have had to outgrown the idea of religion to achieve the civilization of peace and enlightenment that he was pushing for in Star Trek. That seems to have shifted over the years. Honestly I'm conflicted on it, historically...
  17. Star Trek Lower Decks

    One thing I hope they do is that if they are going to keep touching on DS9 cast is to bring back Garak. I wouldn't be opposed if he showed up with a certain doctor as well.
  18. Star Trek Lower Decks

    It might be, it might not be. Like the endpoint is them going "oh yeah were just friends" and them comically getting into a very suggestive position that they comment "feels right" which can be taken either way as "oh see they are just friends" or "man these two are really in denial" What can...
  19. Ahsoka - streaming on Disney+

    Not gonna lie. I didn't really 'get' what they were doing with the whole finishing her training bit. I've seen a lot of videos going on about how he helped her let go of her guilt and stuff but it didn't really feel like that was addressed at all...
  20. Star Trek Lower Decks

    I mean she called it a non sentient lump of flesh so not really concerns then. I suppose it could be said that not trying to return them to tuvix form first was an ethical breach but *shrugs*

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