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  1. G.B.Blackrock

    HasLab Victory Saber

    I caught that, and am trying to figure out why you'd ever use translucent plastic for anything that you're going to paint over entirely.... The only answer I can come up with is "shared mold trees," but if that's the case, I have to immediately follow up with "why wasn't the sword placed on a...
  2. G.B.Blackrock

    Transformers Legacy toyline

    I'm sure there are a plethora of opinions on which repaints are "unnecessary" vs. "necessary" (recognizing, of course, we're talking about a toy line, so "necessary" is a strange word to use, but hopefully you get my point). For me, the issue was "unnecessary" pack-ins. Those Fossilzers are...
  3. G.B.Blackrock

    Timey Wimey Business- a thread for Doctor Who

    Valid point, although if memory serves, that was a specific decision made the heighten ties to existing companion Rose. I can't imagine why they'd hide the background of the actor in the current circumstances.
  4. G.B.Blackrock

    The US Supreme Court and its decisions

    I'm all for suggesting more decisive action, but let me be clear, ANY action I take is going to be toward the reduction of violence, never the promotion of it, whatever the co-existing political agenda.
  5. G.B.Blackrock

    Transformers Legacy toyline

    I've responded to this point elsewhere, but perhaps not here. I'm confident that I could indeed do so. I've done that kind of thing before. These days, I just find it too much hassle. I'm a lot choosier about my TF purchases these days (less financial reasons, per se, and more that I've recently...
  6. G.B.Blackrock

    Transformers Legacy toyline

    You're welcome to like it. It's an active detriment to me, which keeps me from spending the money.
  7. G.B.Blackrock

    Transformers Legacy toyline

    Yeah, if it's wasn't being sold packaged with that fossilizer, I might have picked this one up.
  8. G.B.Blackrock

    Timey Wimey Business- a thread for Doctor Who

    The thing that stands out most to me from this reveal... this will be the first actor to play the Doctor (as the lead role, so please no one start bringing up folks who showed up in flashbacks of some kind) who was born after the conclusion of the Classic series.
  9. G.B.Blackrock

    Traitor Watch - The 45 & 47 Thread

    In California (or, at least, in my part of it), we don't have "incumbent" on the ballot, but each candidate's stated career is listed as an identifier. Which, yeah, does amount to the same thing if the candidate's current job is the same as the job they're running for.
  10. G.B.Blackrock

    The US Supreme Court and its decisions

    In no part of my comments above did I suggest there was no crime here. The problem is, the fact of a crime doesn't mean that there's a court that can convict. We're talking about the SUPREME court, after all. For them, the only mechanism isn't a criminal conviction, but a political one...
  11. G.B.Blackrock

    The US Supreme Court and its decisions

    Indeed, we have to stop talking about impeachment like it's a typical criminal trial, where evidence of wrongdoing generally leads to a conviction. Impeachment is, and has always been, a political tool, and will always be subject to the political leanings of the relevant people involved.
  12. G.B.Blackrock

    Traitor Watch - The 45 & 47 Thread

    Vance was definitely Trump-endorsed (and by nearly all accounts, it absolutely made the difference in Vance's campaign). It's actually a pretty convoluted story, as Vance was a "never-Trumper" back in 2016.
  13. G.B.Blackrock

    The US Supreme Court and its decisions

    It would at least require an entirely different justification to overturn an actual law than it took to (apparently) throw out that ruling. The justification Alito uses just won't cut it.
  14. G.B.Blackrock

    The US Supreme Court and its decisions

    There is a HUGE difference between "voting is insufficient" (what you're now saying) and "voting is useless." We can discuss the need for additional action, but this idea that voting doesn't do anything... it's not only just wrong, it's harmful.
  15. G.B.Blackrock

    The US Supreme Court and its decisions

    "because we did"? That's absurd in the extreme. Just stop it. Not enough of us did. Pure and simple.
  16. G.B.Blackrock

    The US Supreme Court and its decisions

    Just because one doesn't always win does not mean that voting is useless. This kind of fatalism needs to stop. It's a poison and doesn't help anyone.
  17. G.B.Blackrock

    The US Supreme Court and its decisions

    I'm skeptical that court cases decided before Roe was even decided (early 70s) are so likely to be invalidated by its rejection.
  18. G.B.Blackrock

    Star Trek: Picard

    I don't dispute they could have done this. I wouldn't have minded if they had, certainly. I'm just not all that upset that they didn't.
  19. G.B.Blackrock

    Star Trek: Picard

    It's really not. It's not relevant to THIS story at all. It's only something we know about because of the old series.
  20. G.B.Blackrock

    Star Trek: Picard

    You're right. They did make that reference to the hallucination. But my contention is, they didn't have to, and I refuse to get up in arms every time they don't do something they didn't have to do in the first place.

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