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  1. The Nth Doctor

    Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

    Yeah, for all intents and purposes, Pike has an entirely successful run on the Enterprise before handing it over to Kirk. Kirk doesn't even know Pike was crippled until the events of The Cage. I do think it's a mistake to expect characters who were on TOS to be identical to their portrayals...
  2. The Nth Doctor

    Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

    Yeah, this is very much a different timeline, even if they want to pretend otherwise, so the direct correlation with previous iterations of the characters aren't as big a deal. My only 'problem' with Chapel is that she sometimes mildly clashes with the tone of the show, in my opinion anyway...
  3. The Nth Doctor

    Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

    Nurse Chapel is such an odd case. Her character in TOS was pretty nothing. Notable for swooning over Spock (who is basically the character Majel Barrett was going to be before Number One was merged into Spock) and being occasionally ogled by various male characters, but I don't remember her...
  4. The Nth Doctor

    Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

    Just want to note that very few bigots actually realize they're bigots. They usually make arguments that don't directly state their prejudices and frequently sound perfectly rational, as long as no larger context is considered. That's how so many get away with it. Like, obviously I can't...
  5. The Nth Doctor

    Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

    TNG, as much as I loved it, was very much TOS on steroids. Bigger, bolder and more ready to shove its idealogical phallus down your throat.
  6. The Nth Doctor

    Sonic The Hedgehog

    So... How likely you guys think it is that any of this will be in the final game? Like, it looks like it could be fun. I am having terrible 2006 flashbacks, though.
  7. The Nth Doctor

    Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

    Dis and Picard are more political intrigue than social reflection. More about the drama of the plot than the meaning of it. Which isn't a bad way to write TV, but doesn't make a great Trek in traditional terms. It probably worked better with Picard because he was always the Diplomat Captain...
  8. The Nth Doctor

    Obi-Wan Kenobi - streaming on Disney+

    All I can think is SUBTITLES FOR A JAWA?? But, yeah, like seeing Obi-Wan deal with the fallout of Vader and the Empire rising... Like that's gotta be depressing as hug. Obviously the story will revolve around his need to reconnect with the Force and find *ahem* "a new hope".
  9. The Nth Doctor

    Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

    I think a lot comes to conflicting ideas of what 'Trek' means. Like, the people complaining about politics in Trek? Those are Star Trek fans, too. The same kind of people who would play Wolfenstein and then claim there was no message about racist, authoritarian regimes. Paramount, of course...
  10. The Nth Doctor

    Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

    Like, if Diamond Select were to scale, the TNG Enterprise they did would have to be at least twice as big to scale with the TOS Enterprise. Same with the Excelsior... Like scale for Sci Fi ships is challenging to say the least. And, like, that doesn't even touch on ships with inconsistent...
  11. The Nth Doctor

    Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

    Yeah, the big draw for me was the obscure and prototype designs they did. Like, no one's going to give the Wolf 395 ships or the concept Ambassador Class that much attention again. Just got to see the latest SNW and once again they took an ostensibly old idea and makes it feel fresh and...
  12. The Nth Doctor

    Willow - streaming on Disney+

    Who had this on their bingo card this year? Who? Just... OK, sure, I'll take it. Loved Willow as a kid, so this is a great announcement.
  13. The Nth Doctor

    Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

    Eaglemoss isn't too bad, but both the ships I bought had pretty noticeable paint issues. Also, like, kinda pricy for the size and all they do are ships.
  14. The Nth Doctor

    [IC] Mey Hem: Submitted For Your Disapproval (cont.)

    "What did this woman look like?" Beathra asked, brow furrowed thoughtfully. "I may have met them recently."
  15. The Nth Doctor

    Destiny 2 Electric Arc Staff Boogloo

    Really enjoying it so far. The new area gives a lot of Warframe vibes in the best way and I love the rework for Solar. I've not had much time to really sink my teeth into the new weapons and story, but it seems good so far.
  16. The Nth Doctor

    Mey Hem RPG: Sword & Sorcery After the End of the World!

    I was going to have Monday elaborate on the lady she saw Patch with, I've just been super busy and tired lately. I'll try to get a post tonight.
  17. The Nth Doctor

    Sonic The Hedgehog

    They also very smartly skipped a lot of the fish out of water stuff by having him already been on Earth for a long time before he's discovered. So he already has a working understanding of society, if somewhat warped.
  18. The Nth Doctor

    Disney+s Live Action Rescue Rangers Is Not What You’re Expecting

    Man, I knew there was something special coming when I was watching the trailer and realized that Chip, Dale and Putty were all moving at different frame rates. A shitty movie wouldn't take the time to make sure that the hand drawn character was not 60fps and definitely wouldn't have bothered...
  19. The Nth Doctor

    Sonic The Hedgehog

    I think a big reason for the success is that they aren't afraid to focus on the CG characters as people first and effects second. Sonic, Tails and Knuckles are all treated as if they're real, living characters, which I feel like most of the previous iterations of this have shied away from.
  20. The Nth Doctor

    Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

    I'm really appreciating how well they are invoking the feel of classic Trek without it feeling like a retread, even making it feel fresh and relevant to issues today with the 'misunderstood culture bigotry' thing. Also, on an entirely too nerdy note, seeing Number One and Christine Chapel in...

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