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  1. wonko the sane?

    The "I am officially old" thread!

    NOPE! Not a birthday thread. Can someone PLEASE explain to me what the hug is going on with the grimace milkshake? Cause I am absolutely baffled.
  2. wonko the sane?

    Steam summer sale is on!

    In case you haven't logged in since about 1 pm (central canada.) yesterday: the steam summer sale for 2023 is on. I've already acquired monster hunter rise and forts. Thinking of dipping back in for X4 before the end of the sale. We'll see. Also seems to be another year where they aren't doing...
  3. wonko the sane?

    The Stupid Purchases thread!

    Cause we all buy stupid jive... especially when drinking. I need to hide my wallet when I break out the whiskey. Anywho! I just bought a portable retro emulation console off aliexpress, cause of a sudden urge to play blake stone... while lying on my bed. To be fair: I've been toying with...
  4. wonko the sane?

    The new 7 days to die thread!

    Because I can't seem to find if the new spark had one, and because the long awaited, highly anticipated, sometimes controversial alpha 21 (experimental.) finally dropped! So here's a new thread for the eternally in alpha 7 days to die. Mods: feel free to merge if necessary. So far, I've played...
  5. wonko the sane?

    The Real Ghostbusters Comics 1-5 for sale.

    So here's the story. I acquired these a few years, read them and stored them in the comic box for loose ends, and then forgot I had them. This series specifically came up in the ghostbusters thread, so I went and found them out again and decided to see how long the series was and if it was...
  6. wonko the sane?

    Adventures in home computing!

    Curiosity and a little skill, when combined, can be a scary thing. So randomly while killing time this morning (I was waiting for some delivery guys to show up.) I saw a video reviewing the intel arc GPU. Since the arc is one of the potential candidates when I build a future new computer, I...
  7. wonko the sane?

    The "How bored are YOU?" thread

    *stares at steam library* ... ... ... ... ... *signs up for ultima online endless legacy*
  8. wonko the sane?

    Empyrion: Galactic Survival.

    I had a thread about this ages ago on an allspark long lost. But I have playing again, so here we are. A brief recap for those who might not know: It offers building a la space engineers, but simplified, as well as a massive universe and many survival features (like hunger, and bad guys to kill...
  9. wonko the sane?

    The forgotten titles project!

    Back by unpopular demand! Where you explore the unplayed, or little played titles you already own in an attempt to justify... the literal hundreds of dollars you've put out over the years only to ever increase your executive paralysis and resort to the same three titles over and over and over...
  10. wonko the sane?

    Make your Mark and cutie marks...

    So... why the hell are they only on the one side? Aren't the stamps supposed to be on both sides of the plot?
  11. wonko the sane?

    Elite Dangerous: because when you aren't alone, they want to kill you.

    But it's not personal, it's just business. So yes, another space game. Been around about 10 years now, recently got a DLC which added first person content that the devs are rather half heartedly attempting to "no man's sky". Kinda working too, recent opinions are on the uptick. Anywho: I'm...
  12. wonko the sane?

    Thank you all for the attention, the situation is resolved.

    Howdy folks. I am requesting some help from my american colleagues to acquire a Terrorsaur from target. Whom ever is willing to help must be willing to take a simple canadians money, and then ship internationally. Or walk it, I honestly don't care. Want terrorsaur. Let me know, thank you.
  13. wonko the sane?

    The artemis moon mission.

    Hey folks, let's talk about this for a moment. On monday, the artemis rocket will be launching, with the goal of swinging round the ass end of the moon to takes all kinds of meaningful readings and notes to fine tune the manned mission planned to launch in 2024. This is going to be the BIGGEST...
  14. wonko the sane?


    Because, as some of you know, I have a type when it comes to games. So, an open world, crafting, base building, survival game. I've been playing for a while now, got about 9 hours under my belt. I actually had to restart and reduce the difficulty because it IS geared towards playing...
  15. wonko the sane?

    The steam summer sale is ON!

    *checks wishlist* ah... I feel cheated. These savings suck.
  16. wonko the sane?

    Guess what game is back? That's right: Fallen Earth.

    So, here's the story as I know it so far! Fallen earth is an MMO dropped in 2009 using a subscription base, bought two years later by gamers first, and monetized to death. It was purchased by little orbit in 2018, shut down shortly after, and came back THIS YEAR as completely free to play as...
  17. wonko the sane?

    The Slaverian Trucker, formely: the wasteland trucker. Post apocalyptic "summer car" with a healthy dose of eurojank.

    Another roughly physics based driving, survival and car maintenance game coming out of eastern europe somewhere. It's popped up in my queue and youtube a bunch of times, probably due to my time and research into "the long drive". Now, some of you are probably wondering what I mean by...
  18. wonko the sane?

    Dying Light 2: stay human

    Open world, resource collecting, zombie fighting, with a long form story with "moral" choices AND free running? Sign me up! I was a fan of the original, not like fallout level of fandom, but I definetly played it more than most of the games in my library: and was thoroughly impressed by how...
  19. wonko the sane?

    Space Engineers! Adventures in Survival!

    Acquired this little scifi-sandbox game an age ago and poked at it a few times. The general slowness of the survival start, combined with the learning curve, and a game which generally seems to be working against you in terms of hidden settings and poor documentation, kinda set me off giving it...
  20. wonko the sane?

    General Question for the artists, about tablets.

    My nephew is powerfully driven by drawing, and it's become kinda obvious that he's not going to abandon the habit like other things he's chosen to do over his short time on this earth. Consequently, I am looking for information regarding entry level tablets and software so that next time he's...

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