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  1. wonko the sane?

    The "and now I'm feeling sad" thread.

    Was feeling pretty good: had a good day, had a nice drink, in a good mood. For various reasons I wound up in the address book to my oldest email account. I saw that there was a bunch of saved addresses from kijiji. I figured this wasn't right, so I started deleting them. Really, no big deal...
  2. wonko the sane?

    Deep Rock Galactic: space dwarves mining and killing!

    Been enjoying this lovely title for a while now. As we know, I have a type: so it's an open world, survival, crafting, simulation... what? It's NOT?!?!? It's a mission based, up to four player cooperative run and gun? You choose your class (and you can change this at any time using the terminal...
  3. wonko the sane?

    The "Neat information but probably doesn't deserve it's own thread" thread.

    So the general idea HERE is: information which you feel the need to share, but probably won't really need it's own thread long term. As an example: They're making a new earthworm jim cartoon and video game. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0"...
  4. wonko the sane?

    Skyrim! Because all the really good stuff never actually leaves.

    Today, on top of being a very important day for other reasons, is also the drop date for skyrim anniversary edition. I didn't see a thread for it, or a general bethesda thread, so here we are. Some of what you need to know if you still play. And as an aside: ten years ago today, I walked into...
  5. wonko the sane?

    Game sequels and content.

    This is a pretty open and broad subject, but my specific example is going to be fallout. Not only because that's what got me thinking about this particular subject, but also because I'm a fan of the series AND the current games make for an interesting dynamic in terms of content. Eventually...
  6. wonko the sane?

    Back 4 blood! Cause zombies weren't enough: we needed mutating worms.

    The spiritual sequel to the gangbuster games "Left 4 dead" and made by the same team! Using similar mechanics: achieve missions while running from safe room to safe room, culminating in a final battle. Graphically: it's amazing. I mean, for this kind of shooter. Are there prettier games? Sure...
  7. wonko the sane?

    The games you can't play anymore.

    Now, I don't mean titles you can't play for technical reasons like the console died, or you suck at configuring emulators, or you lost the cartridges (unrelated note, am I the only one that misses cartridges?) or something. I mean the titles you cannot play because you can't stand them anymore...
  8. wonko the sane?

    Ranting about quebec: newspark edition!

    Alright, so here's a nice little story for you. Joyce echaquan, an Atikamekw woman, went to the hospital in sept. of 2020. She was in pain and needing help: but in the hospital she found racist taunts, completely apathy to her condition and care, and finally: she found her end. This week, the...
  9. wonko the sane?


    Because the viking minecraft styled after an MMO shall not be ignored! Hearth and Home update dropped on the 16th, and the changes made to the game were awesome. More food, more recipes, new building parts. All the things you could have wanted. Is anyone else playing?
  10. wonko the sane?

    Wonkos crap! Get it out of my closet.

    Please ignore, stuff has been dealt with.
  11. wonko the sane?

    Car Meachanic Simulator 2021

    Okay, so one of the youtubers I routinely watch for "let's play" videos recently started doing a CSM 2021 series. Which inspired me to try CMS 2018 again. Which... did not work... did not... I like the core concept of most "simulator" games. I've been a fan of mechanic simulators way back to...
  12. wonko the sane?

    The Canadian federal election thread!

    Because while an unnecessary election during a global pandemic ******* sucks... at least it's only a month long. Let's run through the suspects, shall we? -Liberals/Trudeau: the ass responsible for us going into an election two plus years early. Making almost all the same promises he made last...

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