A Long Time Ago In a Galaxy Far, Far Away.... - Star Wars General Discussion


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We need more Sith. Darth Malgus is a big dude. Maybe someday Disney will give us KOTOR movies.
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Don't count on it, Disney is going through the worse preiod they ever had, right now, park attendance is DOWN, Disney plus is loosing subs, their stock is at all time low from its peek back when Avengers End Game was in cinemas, its more than half of what it was back then, they got a bunch of lawsuits from shareholders, not to mention Florida state groverment body apointed to oversee what was formely RCID as they misused taxpayers money, Star Wars is not what it was due to gross mismanagement, Disney is a company in serious trouble, with a massive bill for the remaining third of Hulu coming at the start of next year, their revenue sources are drying up, because of their own foolishness and that on top of their reckless spending to try and boost Disney plus subs with their Marvel & Star Wars shows, yet nobody is really watching anymore, so getting movies based upon KOTOR is extremely unlikely until they wake up and smell the roses as they doubled down on stupid with the Rey movie, and even if they do green light a movie based upon KOTOR, they might just apoint someone who doesn't actually care about the source and rather promote a bunch of nonsance instead of producing something good to oversee it and it could end up as another financal bomb for them!


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
A LOT of what you said is false.(stock prices are NO WHERE NEAR their lowest point, heck they are still quite a bit higher than they were back around 2009) The legal situation around the RCID and Florida Government is purely political maneuvering, it's not really about misappropriated taxpayer funds and I think you know it. I will concede that they have largely mismanaged Star Wars, but that's more of an issue of lack of a unified vision and oversaturation than anything else. The Disney+ thing is more fatigue than anything else. Too much, too fast and too many streaming services ALL wanting their $8 to $15 dollars a month. As far as the parks go, that's been slowly heading towards a cliff for decades. They have essentially priced themselves into a corner.


Well-known member
Honestly, I’d love an animated series done in the style of cinematic trailers. No clue how expensive that would be to make though.


Active member
I just started watching Rebels on DVD recently.

As for Clone Wars that one ended weird when Anakin found Tano's lightsaber at the last chapter.

It'll be fun to watch all 7 series of Clone Wars together weekly. Also Rebels.


Well-known member
Rebels is a good watch.

I really enjoyed that finally season of Clone Wars. Was cool to see it all tie in and what was happening other places during ROTS.


Active member
"The Return of the Jedi" edition of 'Tales From a Certain Point of View' is now out. My library got a copy of it today.


Active member
Lol, you say that like Dark Forces wasn't a HUGE deal back in the day. Doom absolutely changed the landscape of gaming, but DF stood quite well on its own.

Very much so.

Of course I feel DF2 is MUCH better. But DF was a HUGE thing back in the day.. Also the first game I cracked by myself to play without the CD *granted they did the Copy Protection in the most literal half assed way*


Active member
I watched all 9 Star Wars movies together.

Story flow for all 9 was smooth and the generational switch went decent.

As for the story proper for all 9 it felt complete.

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