Caldwin's latest obsession (subject to change)


Eorzean Idiot
It's that look of "you get to keep your body parts because of me."


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
I leveled up again and now a stray cat wants me to feed it. What do they like?


Eorzean Idiot
Well, any cat would like tuna. For something cheaper, there are cat treats you can get from about any grocery store.


Nonstop Baaka
Is that the pregnant one that was poking around your yard? I have one stray I feed, I've tried to bring him inside but he won't have it. He gets a bowl full of dry kibble and a quarter can of cat food a day. My father in law feeds his strays with a full can of food a day, lol. But yeah, if you don't have cat food, canned tuna or chicken (preferably packed in water) will do.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Not the pregnant one. A different one. My neighborhood is full of them. Some crazy cat hoarders used to rent a house here, but when they left they didn't take the cats with them.

I'm told this one isn't friendly but so far it's pretty talkative.


Nonstop Baaka
..... *cracks knuckles* Any idea where they moved? Asking for a friend.

I hope your area has a catch/neuter/release program. Cats multiply fast. I gained my stray's trust by staying within eyesight and talking to him while he ate. Eventually I was able to give his head little pats. Now he expects a little attention before eating. He's even touched noses with our dog through the barely open screen door. He still won't let me pick him up or take him inside, though. He's gotta be at least 10yrs old now.


Eorzean Idiot
..... *cracks knuckles* Any idea where they moved? Asking for a friend.

Like for this alone. It's bad enough when people hoard things and let them deteriorate. But these are living beings. Hoarding so many that you can't possibly take care of them all and then simply abandoning them all is just...gah, these people are scum.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
There's no way to know. They were renters, and the people who owned the house have since sold it. Any records are several degrees removed now.

There's no program to deal with strays around here. My neighborhood has a benign neglect deal going. The city seems to barely know we exist.


Eorzean Idiot
C'mon, hooman! Let's get going! I have places to be.

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