Fero has let us down, he’s usually the one who is the first to post a response about these films
It was decent! The film is tightly structured, but script is a bit on the thin side. It’s largely the performances that carry things through, and the cast did an admirable job all around. Harrison Ford does a capable job picking up from William Hurt, though, I remain sad that Hurt didn’t live long enough to “finish out” the character arc he started nigh on twenty years ago. Even Ford seemed like he was having a good time making this one.
As stated, the film is tight in its structure. Very little meandering, and at a strait 2 hours, it is probably among the shortest of the recent MCU films. It’s also probably the least “homework” films that I can recall, recently. Most of the high points about Ross and Wilson are recapped (along with the villain). And if you’re watching this, then you’ve probably seen Avengers Endgame. Obviously, seeing The Falcon and Winter Soldier and Incredible Hulk and other films give a more complete context to everyone, but it never felt necessary the way some of the prior films have placed on it. It’s rather unfortunate that the main villain was exposed years ago through casting, the typical “spy fantasy” nature of prior Cap films meant the film DID treat the reveal as a surprise.
All that said…it’s not perfect. It doesn’t really tread new ground, the effects are hit and miss (likely due to reshoots and reworking in development), and the final battle is a bit at odds at the spy nature of the rest of the film. It feels like a lot of the film was reworked to minimize “homework necessity”, and by keeping the story more focused (one of its strengths), it really doesn’t do much to move the overall “MCU narrative”. Probably one of the weakest things about the film is the fact it feels, at times, too much like a retread of material already covered by Winter Soldier and Civil War
By trying to “step away” from the Multiverse/cosmic stuff that has come to dominate the theatrical MCU offerings, Brave New World is hardly brave or new. But it’s like a nice slice of comfort food. It delivers what I want, it doesn’t get bogged down in broader franchise lore, and entire film is still a fun ride. After all the Multiverse stuff, sometimes you want a well made film where good guys fight and win against bad guys, y’know?