Conspiracy lunatic thread - people who believe in absurd nonsense are dangerous


From what I understand it's on hold because either the Texas families wanted the liquidation but the Connecticut families didn't or vice-versa. Either way, one set of families is disputing the liquidation, because the liquidation will essentially mean a 'one-and-done' payout from what's in Jones' estate right now, and after that he can just work for his father or whatever on paper and go right back to doing what he's been doing, making money off of other people's pain and suffering, but if the liquidation is reversed they will potentially be able to make claims against his assets in perpetuity because of the amount of the damages awarded to them.


jumbled pile of person
You know, for as much as we like to talk about freedom of speech as an inalienable right, I think it ought to be one of those "rights" that you can lose if you abuse it too much. Like, criminals can already lose their rights to own guns, and no one who matters, even the most hardcore second-amendment nuts, will argue that it's unfair. Life, liberty, and property? Fines are the most common punishment for minor offenses; prisons exist for a reason; and if someone is a clear and present danger to the lives of those around them, the cops can and will shoot to kill, and the only regrets anyone will have is that they couldn't be taken alive to find out what his freaking problem was.

So why, when someone is found guilty of spreading dangerous lies about innocent people to the tune of over a billion dollars, can they not just be forcibly silenced so they can't do any more harm?

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
That's kinda why hate speech is a crime. Why, despite the freedom of speech, some things when said are in fact criminal. Once again, the problem isn't the rules, the problem is the oversight and the inherent bias in systems of power.


jumbled pile of person
First off, hate speech isn't a crime in the US. Only in the civilized world. Secondly, it's not what is and isn't a crime that bothers me, it's what is and isn't a punishment. This man should have been stripped of the very means to keep disseminating his hate speech by now, not merely warned that continuing to do so will lead to more consequences. For the same reason that violent criminals are locked up miles away from anyone else they might wish to do harm to.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Oh, agree absolutely: but you just said it yourself; the problem is the oversight. He's done damage, he's threatening people, it's literal terrorism. Why hasn't he had the means to disseminate speech taken from him?

The same reason trumps not getting swimming lessons in gitmo for stealing US national secrets: rich, white, male american.
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Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
Wouldn't be surprised if Elon buys it, but really I can see any wealthy extreme-right person looking for a propaganda platform to own to take a stab at buying it.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
I dunno; there's a built in, rabidly dedicated audience, that any right winger would die for... but also a LOT of bad press from everyone else around it. You won't be getting any new people to pay attention.


jumbled pile of person
Is the IP even really of any value now that Jones isn't associated with it? I don't even know who took over when he got kicked off.

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