Conspiracy lunatic thread - people who believe in absurd nonsense are dangerous

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
asylums cost money, psychoactive medication makes money. You tell me why they stopped being committed.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
It's a bit more complicated than that. A lot of asylums were using dubious techniques that were doing more harm than good, resulting in a backlash against them which didn't exactly help them get extra funding and ended up getting not only the bad ones shut down but many of the good ones as well. Gotta remember that they used to do lobotomies and electroshock to try and cure various mental ailments even if those treatments were known at the time to not be the best course of action for the person's condition.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Oh, I'm aware, my grandfather got both electroshock and insulin shock therapy... to treat his undiagnosed PTSD from the second world war.


Active member
Not sure if I told y'all about my former co-worker.... but I could fill a few paragraphs with his conspiratorial nonsense.

I'll just leave this one for now.

He claimed that there are no real medical reason for a Woman to have an abortions. Ectopic pregnancies? Yeah... Doctors just make complications like that up as an excuse for them to kill babies (his words obviously).


unfortunate shark issues


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
Interesting post I saw today:

But there is a very real psychological dynamic in play here, where the existence of an existential threat without a clear, causal enemy coordinating it is utterly unbearable to conceive of, for these people.

Systemic issues - especially those emergent from a confluence of causes - that have no clear, obvious "this person/group is At Fault" to blame cannot be borne, because that means there is no possible way to exert agency to keep oneself safe.

Which means they need a scapegoat. Someone to hold responsible, even if they "know" that it's not true. A devil. Someone ontologically evil, who can be blamed for "bad things happening even tho I did everything right".

Because without a clear causal agent, that would mean the "bad thing" is happening for no reason, which means "bad things" will keep happening regardless of their attempts otherwise, and thus there is no escape - they are helpless.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Oh wow... no one explain to them how little agency they actually have over the world around them. The average individual is basically always bending to decisions they never got to see, never heard of, and were made by people whom they will never met or see in their lives.


Active member
"You think people make choices? No. People think they make choices. They think they're gonna steer right or steer left...but they didn't build the roads. The big choices already got made for them a long time ago."

-- Brennan Lee Mulligan


jumbled pile of person
The Barbed Wire's effort to buy InfoWars is exactly the sort of thing I was hoping would happen, but it's not likely they're going to come anywhere close to affording it; I'd never even heard of them until now. A smarter move would be for a bunch of left-wing entities to pool their resources. And if the result is that they can't agree on what to do with it afterwards in a typical case of "the left eating its own", the worst that'll happen is that the whole thing collapses, which is probably what we all wanted to happen to InfoWars anyway.

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