Don't Stop, Carry On - Gundam thread


Nonstop Baaka
From Danbooru

Also from Danbooru
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Nonstop Baaka
Latest ep:
I didn't even care much for his character but that's just..... GAH
I am seriously going to have trauma every time I hear the birthday song in this series now.
.....doubly annoyed b/c I friggin love how this series is playing with me.


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
It also potentially got -really- dark if one theory I've seen brought up pans out:

So "Revenge from 21 years ago" - if this refers to the prologue, means Eri should be 25. Suletta is 17, and doesn't seem to look 25. A few other data points:
  • In the web-only story, it does mention Suletta first used Ariel's simulator when she was 4, BUT she is never referred to as Eri or Ericht in it at any point
  • When Aerial takes over and sends that NTD or whatever pulse, Elan has visions of what appears to be Eri from the prologue, and the same giggling
  • Suletta basically treats Aerial like family(though this point is weak admittedly given her social issues)
  • In the phone conversation at the beginning, the mom basically says "Aerial will win, she's my daughter"(though I think the subs worded it a bit different?)
  • The ED sequence seems to depict Eri and Suletta as different beings at points
  • A_ERI_al
Wacky fan theory that brings these all together: Eri died and was loaded, physically or otherwise, into Aerial, and Suletta is another child of Prospera. Though given Elan's situation and the comment from Propsera to the Peil lady suggests she was already well aware of what Peil was doing, so Suletta may not even be hers, but a face-modified adopted daughter too if she has access to the same techniques.

The other explanation would be that Eri was somehow put in Cryo for a few years(or the incident Prospera is looking for revenge for happened 4 years before the events of the prologue), and the "Newtype ghost" Eri is Aerial's AI having impressed itself on 4yo Eri because she connected deep enough first for it to.


Well-known member
I am loving the theories that are being thrown around for this show.

Ironbite-wonder what'll happen to the fandom if they're wrong.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Witch from Mercury is now streaming, weekly, from's Youtube channel. New episode every Sunday, in case you didn't want to spend money on Crunchyroll.


I’m not dead yet!
But they are still dripping it out weekly despite the first 12 episodes already being aired huh?


Nonstop Baaka
Last ep of season 1:
During the ending credits:
Me> Sure, Mom, let's encourage your daughter to murder.
TMM> She hasn't killed anyone yet.
*post ending scene*
Me> *Swearing up and down*

At least the Happy Birthday song wasn't involved this time, I guess?
Also, geez. Poor Guel.
Everyone's gonna be so traumatized next season.


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
Season 2 is supposed to start April 5th

As for the latest ep:

So that's where all the required Gundam angst for these first 13 eps was put. They crammed it all into ep 12.

Second thought: Is Suletta brainwashed cyber-newtype style(and triggered with the phrase), too innocent that she just doesn't get it(though given how she was reacting to the people getting shot, I think this is least likely) or, the possibility I haven't seen others bring up, is she totally disassociating there at the end? Personally I'm highly leaning to the last option once it clicked, as throwing someone who just did rescue work and duels that werne't "real" into that traumatic a situation could totally cause disassociation I'd expect, and she'd literally not even be "seeing" the blood in that situation - like her eyes may be seeing it but the brain's not acknowledging it. Then again, cyber-newtype shenanigans is a staple of Gundam. So what do you all think?

Lastly, Obari did work on certain parts, which is obvious and gave us a new Obari pose scene for the collage:

But one thing: the way it's holding it, the backpack.. getting total Huckebein vibes off this. it's not quite a Black Hole Cannon, but

Looks to me like the influence has come full circle.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here

So I got my first Perfect Grade the other day.


Just sorting the parts, decided to compare the sword size to some other Astrays in my collection. HG Red Dragon, RG Red Frame, HiRM Powered Red, and MG Red Frame Kai. (Fun fact, the HiRM uses the exact same hand runner as the PG. Including the leftover knives from the PG Strike.)


Logically you know a 1/60-scale kit is much bigger, but you don't really think about HOW much bigger until you start building it.

This is gonna take a while.


Nonstop Baaka
Bring it! I'm ready for more trauma!
I think towards the end of the clip, Suletta said something about not getting defeated until Miorine's birthday? Ooh boy.

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