Don't Stop, Carry On - Gundam thread


Well-known member

Of all of the mobile suits to be the first SOC, they chose.......the Tryon 3? I mean, I guess it being a super robot homage already makes it fit in with an SOC collection, but......really?
"Have you already forgotten?! Gunpla...IS FREEDOM!"

(This is probably the exact reaction that most Gundam fans are having to this news.)

I, for one, welcome the Tryon 3 wholeheartedly. That's just a fun, cool suit.

Although, I will admit, they could have chosen something from G Gundam or one of the Astrays, if they wanted something more "super robot" from Gundam. That would have worked, too. And maybe be closer to what some fans expect.

But, if I had the money and space, I'd probably be down for this. I know something more "traditional" probably would have made more sense for the first figure of this line, and this is kind of a deep cut...but it's a cool cut.
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The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
I'm not really against it, just kinda baffled by the choice. I'd even be tempted to go for it if SOCs weren't so expensive. Especially since the Tryon 3's HG kit is kinda crap.


Active member

So it's alt-UC and Char manages to wipe out Solomon with some psycommu fuckup


Well-known member
Oh no, the tabletop fans are gonna feel this their wallets.

Gundam's getting a tabletop miniature game. It actually looks slightly tempting. But, I have no skills painting miniatures. I'd probably just ruin them.

It's only a matter of time until someone figures out a way to use these in their Warhammer armies. It is inevitable.
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I’m not dead yet!
There's been a few Warhammer fans I've seen lately getting their modeling fix with Gunpla already lately. If they can come in swinging a lower price like the larger Gunpla already are it could potentially make an impact in the war gaming scene.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Forget some weird new Gundam series, the big news of 2025 is that BandaiNamco released After War Gundam X on Tubi TV!

After finally being able to watch it some years ago, we were REALLY robbed by Bandai's decision to go full bore into the Universal Century.


Heck it, dropping a couple photos of my latest gunpla build, Lfrith Ur. The WfM kits have been quite solid and a lot of fun - Lfrith is in the running for best BFG accessory, IMO.




Maystor missspelur
Gundam experts I need your help

I know a ton on Gundams but my head just to full of TF trivia to store it all so I need you help
I bought a Gundam model kit but I gave it to a guy to put together and paint for me I never got it back along with A GGG Frame Arms kit from (Kal)
Im looking for that kit again but I have zero idea its name or series its from so you can rule out Wing, G, X a chunk of 0078-83 Zeta and ZZ though

Here is what I do remember of the kit
It was Gundam
It had 3 modes a Tank and Jet/Ship and robot mode
It was teal/blue green as its base color

Its not a ton to go on I know I been searching but coming up blank

Found it 10 seconds later Google was useless and switch to Bing and found it in seconds

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Bandai has deemed fit to grace Tubi TV with another of its failed Gundam series: AGE!

Entire AGE series is streaming subbed for us all to enjoy and probably say "it's not THAT bad".

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