Energon Universe - ongoing Transformers and G.I. Joe comics from Skybound


Well-known member
Void Rivals #3 is out!

It's another alright issue. The plot's kind of slow, but it's basically giving us a tour around this new universe they're making, so I guess it's fine. We get a few more Transformers-adjacent cameos. Next issue might be a big one, since I get the feeling that MIGHT be the end of this first story arc.

Oh, and it has a 3 page preview of the Transformers comic inside of it, as a bonus. Nothing mind blowing, but the art IS looking pretty decent.

So, spoilers ahoy!
Our main characters end up fighting a giant robotic scorpion for a few pages this issue. I'm sure this is a reference to something from the cartoon that I'm forgetting, but I can't quite place it. MAYBE it's supposed to be one of Lord Chumley's robotic drones? But, it's not the right color for that. It's bugging me. (...heh)

We DO have a Quintesson in this issue! Saw it coming from a mile away! A Quintesson Prosecutor to be specific. He mentions the Age of Wrath. Probably something akin to the version in the Covenant of Primus Guidebook for Aligned instead of the Dreamwave miniseries. I'm surprised THIS is what they decided to reference. It's not much, but it does give us a little more background information to this universe.

Nebulons exists in this universe. That's just interesting to know. And our main characters have one of their ships, so that's a good excuse to meet them down the line, maybe.

Slizardo gets a mention!

Heh. I like how they end up "dealing" with the Skuxxoid.

And one of our main characters betrays the other one. To be fair...I think it's probably a better idea for them to stick together anyway? It at least gives them some proof about their claim that they're actually the same species. It's harder to deny visual proof...even though I doubt it's going to end up making any difference. From the cover for the next issue, we MIGHT be meeting a new villain for the book.

We also get a pretty sizable letters page this issue. They DO address the similarities to Enemy Mine, so I appreciate that. There is a interest in adding ROM to the universe, but probably not right now. And they hint that MAYBE, POSSIBLY some Decepticons could show up in Void Rivals. We'll have to keep a eye out.
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Another babka?
A four page preview of Transformers #1 was released



Well-known member
November Solicitations are out.

I guess Void Rivals #6 will be the end of the first story arc. And teasing something at the center of the Ring.

And Transformers is teasing the first appearance of someone. Either Megatron...or maybe GI Joe.

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
Transformers #2
I'd love it it the secret appearance was something way out of left field, but yeah, it's probably Megatron or a Joe.


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
Well I'd personally love to see

Megatron AND the Joes G2 style

but I doubt it would happen at this point.

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
Literally the first paragraph
When we first told you about The Energon Universe, a new shared universe stealth-launched by Robert Kirkman and Lorenzo De Felici in Void Rivals #1, we speculated on how big it could become – possibly, ahem, transforming the Big Two comics universes (Marvel and DC) into the Big Three with continued success

Uh huh. Walking Dead and Invincible, not enough to be a credible threat to the big two. Transformers and GI Joe, though? Look out Marvel and DC!!!

Please ignore the last time comics tried that. This time will be different!

SHIELD Agent 47

Active member
Literally the first paragraph

Uh huh. Walking Dead and Invincible, not enough to be a credible threat to the big two. Transformers and GI Joe, though? Look out Marvel and DC!!!

Please ignore the last time comics tried that. This time will be different!
Gee, Rich Johnston loves to crow about breaking scoops at the unbelievable rumour stage, doesn't he?


Well-known member
Void Rivals #4 is out!

And, yeah, there's probably a *little* bit more Transformers involvement in this one. For...two whole pages, but still, a character DOES show up.

Otherwise, this is still a solid comic, but it still really hasn't managed to "wow" me. Things are happening. I AM interested to see where this story goes. But, it's also a TERRIBLY slow burn with a lot of talking and not a lot in the way of action. And the world-building just isn't interesting or unique enough to keep me engrossed. Still, there are hints that something is coming.

Spoilers for who shows up below as well as a few other things.
Honestly, I though maybe a couple pages of the comic got stuck together or something. Because they have the story with our two main characters and then...WHAM! A Transformer shows up out of nowhere. And then that particular story ends after what's almost a two-page spread. It feels so random and out of place. Just a two page spread in the middle of this comic about a completely different story out of nowhere.

So...Shockwave shows up. On Cybertron, no less, it seems. This Shockwave seems to be taking care of the planet like he was in the cartoon (no surprise there). Shockwave mentions all the other Transformers are in stasis, so it seems Shockwave's the only one awake, probably. The Skuxxoid tries to sell him the Quintesson. And...Shockwave isn't interested. This Shockwave actually seems...emotional, about the whole thing, not even wanting to SEE a Quintesson on their planet. I've gotten so used to IDW's version of Shockwave that it's kind of weird having him not want to perform some questionable experiment or torture the Quintesson for intel or something. It's almost refreshing, even if it does feel a little off. Kind of wondering what the Skuxxoid's going to do with the Quintesson now? Who else would want to buy a Quintesson, hmm?

Oh, and for those of you following the Void Rivals story iteself, the leaders of the two factions are revealed to already know about each other and be in contact with each other. They seem to have a little conspiracy going to keep this war going, for reasons we don't know about yet. Kind of expected that. I'm just not terribly surprised. I feel like it WANTS to be a big reveal but it's just a little too...well trod for me to care.

Oh, and they end up putting BOTH characters in the same cell in jail. Not even the cell next to each other, they're just too lazy to open up another jail cell to keep them separate. I'm SURE that won't lead to these two teaming up together to escape and find out some big secret about their world. NOOOOO.

I will mention, in the letters pages, they do tease a bit that there IS a reason why this is called the ENERGON Universe. Maybe my theory about these guys being evolved from Energon itself isn't so crazy after all. We'll probably find out in issue #6, one way or another. Kirkman does love his big twist reveals.

Oh, and a reminder that the ACTUAL Tranformer comic is coming out next week. Make your plans now! It might be a big one!
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Salt-Man Z

that is not dead which can eternal lie
First issue was pretty great. Story was nothing groundbreaking, but the art was fantastic. I liked the bit with
Jetfire being the one to start the repair process, not realizing there are factions now. And the visual of Thundercracker et al being reassembled only to fall apart when Prime blasted Teletraan was dang cool.
I do hope the story really goes off in its own direction quickly, though, so we avoid the treading-water-rehash that the BW comic took so long to get past.


I’m not dead yet!
I’m not sold. It’s a twist on an already old story. Some characters are a bit different and some dynamics are strained between them, but we are pretty much retelling More than Meets the Eye/ Marvel #1. The biggest thing that makes it a tad unique is some shock value and the whereabouts of certain characters unseen.

Like it or hate it, at least IDW started both eras more uniquely than trying to ape the original story.

Salt-Man Z

that is not dead which can eternal lie
Like it or hate it, at least IDW started both eras more uniquely than trying to ape the original story.
Crazy to think that the first IDWverse was the very first reboot of a "G1" universe. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe every other TF media up to that point had either been a continuation of some version of the G1 comic/cartoon, or a complete reimagining a la RID2001 or the Unicron Trilogy.


Well-known member
Hey, it's a issue with Transformers on almost every page. We actually haven't gotten that in a while, so I'm okay with it.

This is VERY much a *Bang* Bang* *Punch* *Punch* issue...but in a fun way. The art's good. It's kinetic and energetic. I think there will be people who enjoy this for the art alone.

Writing wise...that's the part that's going to be the sticking point for a lot of fans, I think. I want to say this feels like the G2 comic...but I feel like that would be considered a insult these days. And I don't mean it as a insult, it's almost a breath of fresh air at this point. But, I do think "gritty" is a good way to describe this comic. And it IS violent. If you usually let your kids read your Transformers comics...you might want to read this one first to see if you think it's appropriate. It's actually got a couple of moments that COULD upset little kids, maybe. Or maybe they'd be really into it. Which might be it's own problem, but something to think about at a different time.

And it's definitely G1-inspired. This is just a darker version of the G1 cartoon, so far. But, there are a few hints of something else going on in the background, which could be plot points later. There's a few things that they do that I like. And we actually get to SEE something that I don't think we get to see very often, in most versions of this franchise.

I think this was fun. Not deep. But, fun. If Daniel Warren Johnson keeps going after this miniseries, I kind of hope we get a more "thinky" secondary book down the line to help even things out a little. Of course, maybe that's what's Void Rivals is supposed to be but...I'm hoping for something a little more "substantial".

But, in the short term, I'm okay with big, dumb, action-packed fun. I think this series will be divisive, but I think it's worth a try.

As for it being worth $5...well, it IS longer than a normal issue. And the artwork's good so...yeah, okay, fine. I'm not happy about the added price, but fine.

Spoilers below!
So, Sparkplug's a alcoholic and his son Spike is trying to drag him out of a bar. And we learn Spike's older brother (...I think?) Jimmy, was a astronaut who died in a explosion. Chances are it's Transformers related, but they really don't go into it. This...is probably going to set the tone for the rest of the comic, more or less. I can totally understand some fans just getting turned off right at the start because of these first few pages. I'm almost surprised that it wasn't Daniel or Buster or even forgotten Butch. I kind of wonder if "Jimmy" isn't a nod to the IDW comics and Jimmy Pink...but DWJ's gone on record saying he hasn't read most of IDW, so I don't think that's likely. Odd to just make up another son, instead of making it a reference to something else.

Oh, and Carly paints AMAZING murals on the side of vans. It's...a nice little detail honestly. I dig it. And again...it kind of sets the tone for the rest of the comic. It makes this Carly feel a little more punk rock and I appreciate it.

So, Spike and Carly end up just falling into the Ark and...who should show up but Jetfire! I was wondering if Jetfire was ever going to show up again in Void Rivals. And...later on in the issue we learn that he definitely WON'T. Still, hey, they linked these two comics together. They did the bare minimum. Good for them!

I find it kind of interesting how Teletraan-1 repairs everyone by just...making everything float back together. Even stuff that looks like it's all banged up just kind of repairs itself around the bots. It's kind of a cool visual, but I wonder how that works? I would think that would take a lot of Energon, but maybe that's the point? And it does look alien and otherworldly, so good job on that, at least.

And of course...one of the first bots that Jetfire has repaired...is his old pal Starscream. Oh, the dramatic irony. It doesn't go well for him.

And this is the part that I meant about something we don't usually get to see. We don't usually get to see the Autobots and Decepticons wake up at the same time and face off right away on the Ark when they wake back up on Earth. I don't know, it just feels unique to actually get to see this war re-start again right in front of us, instead of slightly off screen for plot convenience.

I'm SHOCKED how Hasbro allowed Starscream to just...BLOW OFF THE FACE of a "sleeping" Bumblebee! I...honestly wasn't expecting that, since he's appearing on some of the covers. That's Hasbro's meal ticket! Wow! I mean...they're robots, so they can probably fix him....IF they had enough Energon, which is probably going to be the plot point later. This is ONE of the moments that may upset small children. I could see this scarring a generation like Optimus' death in the original movie. They even go farther with it, with Optimus cradling his "dead" friend in his arms. It's...more than I was expecting.

I'm pretty sure the line about Optimus' Trailer is a joke about how it was always disappearing in the cartoon. Because it HAS to be!

Starscream does indicate that there's something going on with Megatron. Probably more than just wanting to take control. It almost seems like Starscreams ANGRY at Megatron for something. Did he betray them at some point in this universe?

And as Jetfire lays dying, bleeding out and coughing out oil (another moment that could upset some children), they make some indication that Cybertron is "dying". And the "dying" part isn't really anything new. But...since we DO have the Void Rivals cast, I wonder if it'll be SOLVED in a new way later on? I have a feeling the Void Rivals cast will end up being key to this, in some way. We'll see.

And we get to see the Matrix. Right away in issue one. That's pretty quick. Too bad that it couldn't do anything for Jetfire, though.

Oh, and let's not forget the "SQUISH". Yeah...that might be the most disturbing part for the people not expecting this. You have to admit...it's done with a little flair, with the "lettering" being the most grisly part.

So, yeah, it's mostly a excuse for action and excitement. But, it's GOOD action and excitement, I think. It's not going to be everyone's cup of tea, but at least it's not boring. It feels relatively quick paced. I DO think this is what this entire 6-issue miniseries is going to be, but we might get a indication of something a bit more substantial by the end of this first arc.

But, they never answered the biggest question of all in this issue...did lil' Danny Warren Johnson ever find his missing Optimus hands at the back of the bus?! I may have to write in asking for closure on that. That's heartbreaking.
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Continuity Nutcase
Crazy to think that the first IDWverse was the very first reboot of a "G1" universe. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe every other TF media up to that point had either been a continuation of some version of the G1 comic/cartoon, or a complete reimagining a la RID2001 or the Unicron Trilogy.
Dreamwave? Their War Within series made it clear that that was a new G1 continuity incompatible with either the cartoon or Marvel comics, since the overall Dreamwave G1 series was like a mixture of both.

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