Energon Universe - ongoing Transformers and G.I. Joe comics from Skybound

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
I'm not really going to argue, but it's kind of forcing a square peg in a round hole... if the square peg is small enough, it WILL fit, but you know it's not really meant to.
Well, Secrets and Lies did explain it...

Since Hachette used the IDW "Classics" versions for their "Definitive G1 Collection" reprint series, it really wouldn't surprise me if Skybound does the same for this release.
I didn't get those, so... are they the same recolorings? Or truer to the original?


Continuity Nutcase
Yeah, I've learned to ignore IDWs stuff. Again, if you like them, fine, but trying to say they "fit" is the kind of forcing of pegs I described earlier. It's not a clean fit at all.
One could say the exact same thing about "Plight of the Bumblebee!"


Well-known member
One could say the exact same thing about "Plight of the Bumblebee!"
Fair enough, although it, at least, isn't trying too hard to fit things that don't go together. It largely stands on it's own.

But perhaps I should have included it when I mentioned included the cartoon crossover (besides the UK stuff). It's obviously going to be included in the set, and no one (including myself) is going to suggest it shouldn't be there.


Continuity Nutcase
Fair enough, although it, at least, isn't trying too hard to fit things that don't go together. It largely stands on it's own.
I'm confused. What in "Man of Iron" is trying to fit things together? It's largely a standalone story likewise stands on its own... which is a large part of why it doesn't fit where "Robot War" claims it takes place (among other problems it has taking place at that point).

Moving it to after "Prime Time!" allows it to exist at a much more inoffensive, non-intrusive point in the story where its events can happen without interfering with the comics' main narrative, which it most certainly does interfere with in its "Robot War" placement. "Prime Time!" is the conclusion of the Shockwave arc, while "Rock and Roll Out!" marks the beginning of the next arc, with "Shooting Star!" creating a lull in activity between the two, as there's a long time-gap of multiple weeks during that story and Megatron is the only Transformer character to feature in it. The present-day events of "Man of Iron" take place across only three days, allowing it to easily slot in during the time of "Shooting Star!" as a side adventure a few Autobots, the Seekers, and the Condors had while Megatron was stuck in gun mode with Joey Slick.


Well-known member
I'm confused. What in "Man of Iron" is trying to fit things together? It's largely a standalone story likewise stands on its own... which is a large part of why it doesn't fit where "Robot War" claims it takes place (among other problems it has taking place at that point).

Moving it to after "Prime Time!" allows it to exist at a much more inoffensive, non-intrusive point in the story where its events can happen without interfering with the comics' main narrative, which it most certainly does interfere with in its "Robot War" placement. "Prime Time!" is the conclusion of the Shockwave arc, while "Rock and Roll Out!" marks the beginning of the next arc, with "Shooting Star!" creating a lull in activity between the two, as there's a long time-gap of multiple weeks during that story and Megatron is the only Transformer character to feature in it. The present-day events of "Man of Iron" take place across only three days, allowing it to easily slot in during the time of "Shooting Star!" as a side adventure a few Autobots, the Seekers, and the Condors had while Megatron was stuck in gun mode with Joey Slick.
I think you're misunderstanding my intentions. I was simply saying that certain stories were never originally intended to fit into the main US continuity ("Man of Iron," in fact, differs from most other UK material in this regard). I only brought up the "not really trying too hard" bit after both the IDW stuff and Plight of the Bumblebee were brought up later. It's not really relevant to my main point. I don't care enough. I was simply describing my thoughts on the make-up of a theoretical Vol. 2 that would match Vol. 1 for having 50 issues.

Everything about continuity is a rabbit trail. If you want to include stuff, or find ways for forcing the differently-shaped pegs to go into the holes, go right ahead! It simply doesn't mean I'm likely to. I'm pretty comfortable with having multiple continuities that exist alongside each other. Not everything has to fit together.

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
Define "those".
IDW Classics or the Hatchet jobs.

Yeah, I've learned to ignore IDWs stuff. Again, if you like them, fine, but trying to say they "fit" is the kind of forcing of pegs I described earlier. It's not a clean fit at all.
I mean, fair, but sometimes Marvel's stuff didn't even fit with Marvel's stuff. And I'm not even including the UK stuff in that statement (that just makes it ten times worse)!


Continuity Nutcase


Well-known member
I’m VERY interested in the “Til All Are One box set which weaves the US and UK series together using the UK edits to the US stories”

I’ve wanted an easy way to read the premiere run of Marvel UK and this seems like it’ll be it.

I’m envisioning $300-$500 given it’s 332 issues but it is nice this is one and done.


I'm very eager to see more details on this one. I wonder if they'll include the G2 annuals as well? I saw a rumor claiming the G2 comics would be in this too but no mention in the video makes me doubt they'll be there.

Don't forget to sign up for updates on the Skybound site so you can get the Jetfire card if you back the KS.


Continuity Nutcase
I'm very eager to see more details on this one. I wonder if they'll include the G2 annuals as well?
There was only one G2 annual.


Active member
I’m VERY interested in the “Til All Are One box set which weaves the US and UK series together using the UK edits to the US stories”

I’ve wanted an easy way to read the premiere run of Marvel UK and this seems like it’ll be it.

I’m envisioning $300-$500 given it’s 332 issues but it is nice this is one and done.

332 issues but generally each one was half as long as a US issue, right? So hopefully not that much, though I guess anything that had to go through Kickstarter rather than regular press is gonna have a bump in price too (so it's not as easy as looking at the Compendium price and saying, $65/50 issues, so ~$430 for 332 issues.)

Still, I am definitely intrigued. I've collected some bits and pieces of the UK stuff over the years but like you I'm very interested in having the whole run in a one and done.


Well-known member
HOO-BOY That was quite a week.

A somewhat big info dump on Ancient Cybertron in Void Rivals and things are definitely about to hit the fan in Transformers proper.


Well-known member
Void Rivals #17 and Transformers #18 are out!

Let's start with Void Rivals. Because...guys...guys! Something ACTUALLY happened in Void Rivals! I know, I can't believe it, either.

I don't know if that actually means that this book is going to pick up the pace going forward or if we're going to have to wait another 5 issues for something to happen again. But, still, this one issue is worth picking up, just for some of the lore reveals. This is probably going to effect the main Transformers book eventually in the future.

Okay, I'm going to spoiling EVERYTHING in spoiler tags. So, you've been warned.
So, Zerta is actually Beta, Alpha Trion's girlfriend from "Forever is a Long Time Coming". She just got a upgrade alongside A-3 in this universe. Kind of a neat idea. I don't know if I like this BETTER than Zerta being a all-new character. But, it's some decent world building, so I'll take it. They do kind of skip over what turned them both into "Trions" though, which is a little annoying. I don't think we've ever actually seen how that works? I would to see the process or the ceremony or whatever it is.

This universe has a Age of Wrath. So, Skybound's probably taking cues from Hasbro's "unified" story bible. Orion Pax also makes a cameo.

And we FINALLY find out what the Goliant is. The Goliant is a weapon that the Quintessons created. The Goliant eats suns, and Zerta trapped him by manipulating the Zertonians and Agorrians into rebuilding their world around him. Zerta also purposely turns the Ringworld they create into a giant fuel depot that she planned to let her people use. I have to admit...that kind of makes Zerta come across as a bit of a jerk. Manipulating and profiting off bringing a sun-eater to a innocent solar system that has no means to protect itself. I'm not sure if we're supposed to think of it like that. But, this does not paint Zerta in the best light.

The Zertonian and Agorrian's gemstones on their foreheads are actually the shards of The Goliant's mind. They basically all have a splinter of his mind on their foreheads, and their societies been kept separate to keep the Goliant from waking up. And all this time the Ringworld has been draining The Goliant of his energy, so that the Cybertronians could actually have a chance to destroy them. Now, they need the Zertonians and the Agorrians to reunite and wake the Goliant back up, so that they can destroy him when he's at his weakest, or else he'll just start "healing".

I'll admit, this does feel a little messy. Like Kirkman had a few ideas he wanted to go with, and tried to cram them all in. There's not a great "flow" to this story. And a few things have a few too many uses and reasons for being. Still...I'm glad we finally have some much-needed context for what's going on. This is an overall good thing.

I do wish they'd go more into WHY the Agorrians split off from the Zertonians, other than to just keep their pieces of the Goliant separate. But, maybe that's another reveal coming down the road.

Oh, and Zerta has no legs...for some reason. They don't tell us HOW she lost her legs, but it looks a little violent. I have to wonder if there's something else living down in the center of the planet along with her. But, it is a little suspicious.

Darak's dad is VERY opposed to Unity. So, yeah. Either he just doesn't want to risk freeing a Sun-Eating Giant Robot. Or The Unity will end up killing all the natives on this planet. Both are pretty reasonable positions to have, really. I assume this is process of "reuniting" with each other will probably end up killing both the Zertonians and Agorrians, because it feels like there's another shoe drop coming. And there's probably a bigger reason why these guys would resist going along with Zerta's plan. Because this is a comic book, and we need some drama. I feel like this is hinting at there being more to this. Plus, they cut away before Darak's dad tells Darak about what's going on. And that's just PRIME material for Darak to learn something that we, the audience, won't find out for a few more issues.

The Prysmosians get a mention. AKA The Visionaries The Knights of the Magical Light. So, those guys exist in this universe.

The Cobra-La team decides they want to try and follow where the Quintessons are going. This will probably end in intergalactic war.

Proximus is trying to help that kid he adopted find his mom. And the whole thing kind of has a Lone Wolf and Cub or Maika and Kippa from Monstress vibe. It's actually kind of sweet how Proximus is willing to mow down armies of soldiers just to help this kid out.

Meanwhile, Zalilak the leader of the Zertonians is in the Cavern of Rall undergoing some sort of test to see if he can become the First True Chosen...whatever that means. I guess he probably wants the Matrix-like power that Zerta seems to want to give to Solila? Someone's probably going to become the "Prime" of this planet, and there might be a war to see who it is. That's my best guess anyway.

But, yeah, WOOF, that was a good issue. It's a wonder what a little actual plot progression can do for a story. Keep this pace up, please!

Transformers #18 is also a really solid issue. It's mostly action, so there's not much to say. But, I will say...we finally get a meeting that's been a long time coming. Good issue. Kind of a turning point, in a way. I don't want to say too much, but it's recommended.

First things first, DWJ wants to show off how cool and amazing Shredhread is. He's just so metal, you won't even believe it, you guys. Yeah, it comes across as a little bit forced. But, meh...I don't mind it too much. Let DWJ play with his new toy. He's earned it. Shredhead seems to be turning the tide of the war on Cybertron almost single-handedly. Or single-sword-edly, since the sword is doing a lot of the heavy slicing here.

But...man, did they have to kill Carnivac? He could have been a fun character. No one ever uses Carnivac anymore. His warrior ways from the UK comics has potential. I really don't care about Bitstream, Hotlink, and Nacelle getting offed, but Carnivac feels like a bit of missed potential.

Meanwhile, Ultra Magnus is still working on this whole "PTSD" thing. And it seems like his "therapy" is going to have to consist of using BIG GUNS to blow stuff up, because the US Government attacks him. I mean, I would THINK they'd be more concerned with the Combiners using a major city as a fire pit. But, I guess I really can't blame them being worried about a giant robot trying to build a secret fortress in the middle of the woods. It is pretty worrying. They don't know he's working through emotions. But, they all get captured. So...time for that GI Joe crossover, now?

Meanwhile, Devastator and Bruticus are still fighting, and everyone just has to deal with it. This is their new normal now, better get used to it.

"I exist to kill!" C'mon, Rumble. You're more than that. You're a complex and nuanced character, full of multitudes. Believe in yourself a little.

"Fearless leader!" I don't know why, but Starscream going down in flames and Bruticus being legitimately concerned is just HILARIOUS to me. This panel. Starscream is just so finished with this day. He loses his legs, he losing this fight, how could this POSSIBLY get worse for him? (That is foreshadowing...this day WILL be getting worse for Starscream.)

Devastator getting Bruticus in a headlock while they fall off a skyscraper together is PEAK! Great splash page! It's rare to see Combiners be this limber and dynamic, but it works!

"No, no, NO! Why can't ANYTHING go my way?!" "Because you are stupid, Starscream" Hahaha! Okay, fair. Imagine Soundwave saying that, but with Dexter from Dexter's Lab's voice.

But, Starscream's got that crazy in him. Headbutting Soundwave and tearing apart his chest.

"At least I'm not the one obsessed with his tape collection!" Heh. Also, fair.

And who should show up...but Megatron! Because today is the worst day in Starscream's life. Megatron walked...I don't even know how many thousands of miles...just so he could get the chance to ruin Starscream's day.

And believe it or not the first thing that Megatron does...is heal Ravage. Finally, someone cared enough to heal Soundwave's cat! That's literally all he's been asking for in this entire book! No wonder Soundwave's so loyal to this guy.

I do wonder what the energy that heals Ravage from Megatron's chest could be? It's purple. So, is it just Energon? Or is this some sort of Decepticon Matrix? I could see them going either way.

"Autobots...retreat" This is such a ominous moment. It's well done, with Optimus in Megatron's literal shadow. So...how long until Megatron gets his arm back?
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