First things first, DWJ wants to show off how cool and amazing Shredhread is. He's just so metal, you won't even believe it, you guys. Yeah, it comes across as a little bit forced. But, meh...I don't mind it too much. Let DWJ play with his new toy. He's earned it. Shredhead seems to be turning the tide of the war on Cybertron almost single-handedly. Or single-sword-edly, since the sword is doing a lot of the heavy slicing here., did they have to kill Carnivac? He could have been a fun character. No one ever uses Carnivac anymore. His warrior ways from the UK comics has potential. I really don't care about Bitstream, Hotlink, and Nacelle getting offed, but Carnivac feels like a bit of missed potential.
Meanwhile, Ultra Magnus is still working on this whole "PTSD" thing. And it seems like his "therapy" is going to have to consist of using BIG GUNS to blow stuff up, because the US Government attacks him. I mean, I would THINK they'd be more concerned with the Combiners using a major city as a fire pit. But, I guess I really can't blame them being worried about a giant robot trying to build a secret fortress in the middle of the woods. It is pretty worrying. They don't know he's working through emotions. But, they all get captured. So...time for that GI Joe crossover, now?
Meanwhile, Devastator and Bruticus are still fighting, and everyone just has to deal with it. This is their new normal now, better get used to it.
"I exist to kill!" C'mon, Rumble. You're more than that. You're a complex and nuanced character, full of multitudes. Believe in yourself a little.
"Fearless leader!" I don't know why, but Starscream going down in flames and Bruticus being legitimately concerned is just HILARIOUS to me. This panel. Starscream is just so finished with this day. He loses his legs, he losing this fight, how could this POSSIBLY get worse for him? (That is foreshadowing...this day WILL be getting worse for Starscream.)
Devastator getting Bruticus in a headlock while they fall off a skyscraper together is PEAK! Great splash page! It's rare to see Combiners be this limber and dynamic, but it works!
"No, no, NO! Why can't ANYTHING go my way?!" "Because you are stupid, Starscream" Hahaha! Okay, fair. Imagine Soundwave saying that, but with Dexter from Dexter's Lab's voice.
But, Starscream's got that crazy in him. Headbutting Soundwave and tearing apart his chest.
"At least I'm not the one obsessed with his tape collection!" Heh. Also, fair.
And who should show up...but Megatron! Because today is the worst day in Starscream's life. Megatron walked...I don't even know how many thousands of miles...just so he could get the chance to ruin Starscream's day.
And believe it or not the first thing that Megatron heal Ravage. Finally, someone cared enough to heal Soundwave's cat! That's literally all he's been asking for in this entire book! No wonder Soundwave's so loyal to this guy.
I do wonder what the energy that heals Ravage from Megatron's chest could be? It's purple. So, is it just Energon? Or is this some sort of Decepticon Matrix? I could see them going either way.
"Autobots...retreat" This is such a ominous moment. It's well done, with Optimus in Megatron's literal shadow. long until Megatron gets his arm back?