Since Bed Bath and Beyond started going under, I was eyeing the KitchenAid stand mixers. Sadly I wasn't able to get one at a discount that seemed good enough, but I got a 4.5qt one at Target anyway. There's def cheaper ones around, but I like the possibilities with all the attachments. Would like to get at least one of the pasta rollers. I heard about the metal bowls having residue that got in food even after washing, so I scrubbed that sucker multiple times with baking soda paste. Tried out a basic bun recipe, and it didn't stain. However...

I think my yeast might be dead, and/or I didn't mix the dough right. The mixer worked wonderfully, but the buns barely rose. What was supposed to be light and fluffy buns turned into dense bread that had the consistency of gnocci. I mean, it's still good, just not what I was aiming for. I think I'll need to look up videos so I know what the dough should look like in the bowl. XD