My Kabaya set has not left Victory Saber since I combined it. Victory Saber is cool.
That's a big difference, IMO.The only difference is that Godbomber also formed a shirt and gloves.
I'm planning on displaying Star Saber and Victory Leo separately. I too am not supe fond of the combined look. But individually they rule.Is anyone else not going to keep these guys in the Victory Saber form? I genuinely am not a fan of that from because it's just Star Saber with platform shoes and a flight pack. At least God Bomber became all sorts of armor for Ginra.
I'll admit that this Haslab mold has made me more fond of Victory Leo's design, especially in robot mode. The heavy weaponry helps!I'm planning on displaying Star Saber and Victory Leo separately. I too am not supe fond of the combined look. But individually they rule.
From Star Saber's TFWiki entry (in the footnotes):Victory Saber is now offically in production:
HasLab Update Transformers Victory Saber Officially Goes Into Production
Hasbro Pulse has sent out an update this morning informing backers that the HasLab Transformers Victory Saber project has officially goes Into production. They have let us know backers can are being
As Star Saber puts it: Lets say go, which is a werid catch phrase, I guess it sounds better in Japanese than English!
"Let's say go" is a Japanese language pun, as it is written with the English word, "Let's", and the Japanese word "seigō" (整合), meaning "coordinate" or "integrate" (as seen in print in "Shine, Five Stars of Victory"). As such, it's hard to preserve the pun in translation, so the official DVD releases of the series by Metrodome and Madman Entertainment didn't bother, rendering the phrase simply as "Let's say go".
theyre so stupid they probly dont know they even have alt modes
I really love that Victory's final boss isn't some unexplained space demon. Aside from how gimmicky the toys are the show really takes things back to basics. It's Autobots and Decepticons fighting over energy. It works.
It's better than Prime /hottakeAnd since the rules of drama dictate that the Decepticons must reactivate the fortress for the grand finale, Victory requires that the Decepticons must successfully get away with the fuel sometimes.
Victory takes a while to get going but it's a good show.