HasLab Victory Saber


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
My Kabaya set has not left Victory Saber since I combined it. Victory Saber is cool.


Staff member
Council of Elders
Well, I'm glad this got funded. I ended up deciding not to pick it up, but that wasn't because I didn't think he was cool, I just need to start limiting my purchases as I have no more display space.


Koopaling Aficionado
Is anyone else not going to keep these guys in the Victory Saber form? I genuinely am not a fan of that from because it's just Star Saber with platform shoes and a flight pack. At least God Bomber became all sorts of armor for Ginra.
I'm planning on displaying Star Saber and Victory Leo separately. I too am not supe fond of the combined look. But individually they rule.

Octavius Prime

UT Enthusiast
I'm planning on displaying Star Saber and Victory Leo separately. I too am not supe fond of the combined look. But individually they rule.
I'll admit that this Haslab mold has made me more fond of Victory Leo's design, especially in robot mode. The heavy weaponry helps!


Wondering bot
Victory Saber is now offically in production:

As Star Saber puts it: Lets say go, which is a werid catch phrase, I guess it sounds better in Japanese than English!


Well-known member
It's his favorite Value Meal number and he's trying to get everyone to order it.

-ZacWilliam, a joke that only makes sense if you know a tiny bit of Japanese.


Well-known member
Victory Saber is now offically in production:

As Star Saber puts it: Lets say go, which is a werid catch phrase, I guess it sounds better in Japanese than English!
From Star Saber's TFWiki entry (in the footnotes):
"Let's say go" is a Japanese language pun, as it is written with the English word, "Let's", and the Japanese word "seigō" (整合), meaning "coordinate" or "integrate" (as seen in print in "Shine, Five Stars of Victory"). As such, it's hard to preserve the pun in translation, so the official DVD releases of the series by Metrodome and Madman Entertainment didn't bother, rendering the phrase simply as "Let's say go".


Continuity Nutcase
He also uses just "Say go!" as his command to be launched forward when taking off to fly out of the Autobots' base.


Wondering bot
Well last night I finished my Victory rewatch and honestly its pretty good, something I noted is that the Dino force never transform into their robot Dino modes the only transforming they do is either Dinoking or transout from their shells!


Wondering bot
theyre so stupid they probly dont know they even have alt modes

Maybe, still they were fun to watch and at the end they pretty much reform themselves as a construction crew aside from one who hanging out with kids!

Another thing of note, the main badie Deathsaurus, thou he is defeated at the end, his fate is left open to speculate on, unlike LioKaiser's, who pretty much meets his end, but Deathsaurus did suffer some heavy wounds! Going back to the Dinoforce, they were the only shown bad guys in the early days of Transformers to have actually killed humans and those humans who died were the main human character of Jan parents, they died when he was just a baby and since then he was pretty much raised by Star saber and the other Brainmasters! The most under developed character of the series has to be Galaxy Shuttle, who seems to spend much of the time as a normal shuttle ferrying the Autobots to and fro, by the end of the series, I would say that they pretty much forgot that he was a actual character and merely a set piece, of couse speaking of set pieces, the bases for both sides don't actually transform within the show and are pretty much implyed to be just means of transport for them!


Continuity Nutcase
Deathsaurus and Liokaiser do return later before Violengiguar shows up, but in forms that seem kinda undead, as if they were resurrected (maybe by Violengiguar). And their return is very brief since they're dealt with pretty quickly as Violengiguar brings for the Nine Great Demon Generals.


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
I really love that Victory's final boss isn't some unexplained space demon. Aside from how gimmicky the toys are the show really takes things back to basics. It's Autobots and Decepticons fighting over energy. It works.

Agreed. I do kinda miss the days when the war was about resources and fighting the forces of evil tyrants. Without any mcguffins. :)


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
And since the rules of drama dictate that the Decepticons must reactivate the fortress for the grand finale, Victory requires that the Decepticons must successfully get away with the fuel sometimes.

Victory takes a while to get going but it's a good show.


Another babka?
And since the rules of drama dictate that the Decepticons must reactivate the fortress for the grand finale, Victory requires that the Decepticons must successfully get away with the fuel sometimes.

Victory takes a while to get going but it's a good show.
It's better than Prime /hottake


I can't wait for this thing to ship :D

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