"Our pest control technicians will conduct a 14 point home inspection, then burn down your entire neighborhood, and maybe the town next door for good measure. This ensures that there is no place left for those pests to hide!"
One way is to pop a more detailed post (here), and then post a shorter message and link to the post (here) at the (other) thread.I like the idea of cross-posting.
Unless it should just have its own thread?
I didn't read the recent ish DC comics. What were the callbacks?Enjoyed Revolution greatly. Lot's of lore being borrowed from various sources. Some Mini comics, some Filmation, a lot of the "Classics" Toyline era stuff, even a bit of DC comics stuff from the last decade. Especially with the tease they gave at the end.
I didn't read the recent ish DC comics. What were the callbacks?
OMGrayskull, I didn't even realize who that person was! I took it for granted that it was just another person! That's an amazing connection!They made Adora a full Hordak like suit like seen at the end there and called her Despara. And I was sure there was a flash in some of Skeletor's memories that was a call back to him and Hordak kidnapping Adora from the Secret of the Sword. And a lot of Revolution mirrored a bit of the DC comics like Randor Dying and Adam becoming King. Teela becoming the Snake goddess, and Hordak and the Horde taking Eternia and warping Castle Grayskull
Probably not very likely - they were lucky to get a paltry 5 episodes for this season. After all the bitching over the first season I doubt Netflix wants any more to do with it.-ZacWilliam, I wonder what the odds are of them getting a third season to follow up the tease... Netflix likes killing things early, but those properties have been so separate now it would be cool to see them actually come together again.