He-Man, and also the Masters of the Universe


This whole Havoc thing with the powering up of the villains is really interesting. It's a particularly odd take on Beast Man but ultimately I think it all works really well.

Really liked Kronis. He and Evil-Lyn made a cute team. I thought his Havoc mouth looked kind of goofy on the toy but in motion it's nicely executed.

I'm glad they plan to do more seasons. It's weird but good, and more sophisticated than one might think at first glance. There's stuff that I'm not super fond of, the "everyone powers up" thing isn't my scene but makes a lot of sense for the most part. I'd like an older, hairier Duncan. And Teela... it's just hard not to bring some baggage. Like, do we assume there's a "Na" on the end of her name? The Duncan/Teela relationship is such a major part of everything else - as is MAA/Sorceress. And clearly, all bets are off in this new thing. But it's hard to shake some of the old associations when you've been in this for decades.


Well-known member
What really surprised me was how EFFECTIVE skeletor was. He did more in like 5 episodes in this series than the original did across like 40 years and god knows how many episodes and comics.
Honestly, this Skeletor has easily become my Roomate's and my favorite version of Skeletor. He manages to be both campy as hell with some wonderful lines, and highly competant and a legit threat. He imo one of the best parts of this show. And we really want Season 2 sooner then later.

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
So, question... does anyone know what happened to He-Man.Org?

Seems like everything but the forums are gone, and I can't find an explanation anywhere.


Eorzean Idiot
I've never been to heman.org before. But just typing the address in my browser, I do see a front page with news and updates. Which I guess is only slightly more than a forum. *shrugs*


Well-known member
According to a thread in the "Site Development" part of the forums (you have to have a username to visit that part of the forum), the main website's just down temporarily while they're working on it. Mind you, they've been working on it since September 17 or so. They haven't really said if they're just updating it or if something similar to what happened to us happened to them. But, I wouldn't be surprised if it's just something to make the site a little more mobile-friendly or something.

Deathy G1

Active member
Finished season 1 of the new show. I am pretty sure the transformation of the Dark Masters was among the coolest things I have ever seen in a cartoon (up there with Unicron's transformation in the '86 Movie).


Eorzean Idiot

This finally arrived from Amazon (I cancelled my preorder from BBTS). Some assembly required but not much.


Here's the front. I don't have any other Castle Grayskulls to compare this too. This is my first and I absolutely love it. I usually don't care to buy playsets. But this wasn't a playset made just to make a playset. Like, I've seen playsets where it's like "cool and all, but where the hell did it ever appear in the show?" This? This is Castle...hugging...GRAYSKULL!

Including the Sorceress (who I also never had a toy of before) also helps.


Back side. Lots of accessories. It's also pretty massive. Like, most toys I just put on display and don't touch again too terribly much except to take down and admire a bit. But this has so much...stuff!!


And this is how it'll be displayed for the foreseeable future. I had to clear some space off, but this is home. I do love that sorceress.

So yeah, I now have my first Castle Grayskull and it is glorious.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Totally, yes! Evil Lyn had all the creepy smiles and Beast Man coming out of himself is original as hex!

I can imagine a time skip by season 4. Maybe 5 years is enough for Duncan to grow a beard and get over his awkwardness to romance this Sorcereress. (Pleeeease have her confirm her name is Teela Na)

Btw, 2002 MotU in their toy lore confirmed that their Teela was fathered by the amnesiac Fisto, right? Or was it still Duncan?

Are there toys of CGI MotU? How are they handling the everybody having an Adam mode? That's two figures per character.


Eorzean Idiot
I may get that Skeletor (is there any way to shut off auto correct?). I'd be more excited about a Teela or a Ram Ma'am. I don't think I need yet another Evil-Lyn. It kinda depends on if they release her powered up form or not.

I'm just happy to see that toys are incoming.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Thanks for the link!

Why are they getting motorcycles?! Only He-Man and Skeletor and Man At Arms? If it's all guys, where's Cringer, Trapjaw, Beastman? Which figure gets Orko as an accessory?

Deathy G1

Active member
My Origins Man-E-Faces arrived today and had the sloppiest paint I have ever seen on a MOTU Origins figure. In addition, the face turning mechanism stuck so badly on his human face that I needed pliers to move it. After several times moving it, it got no better, so he is heading back to Amazon for an exchange (luckily there are more left).

Speaking of Man-E-Faces, I’ve been trying to think how other MOTU characters can be adapted for the new Netflix show. This is what I’ve come up for him:

An orphan boy much younger than the rest of the masters (think Adam’s age in the flashbacks) Perkaedo was initially thought to be feral when he was found in the woods by the Masters, but it was soon discovered that he was just acting like the personality of one of his favorite toys, a green monster, to get the Masters to keep their distance.
Krass gets Perkaedo to let his guard down after they bond over similar backstories and he shows her his two favorite toys that he’s kept with him, the green monster and a robot, who he then pretends to act like.
When all the Masters are about to be defeated and captured, Adam manages to use the Power Sword to seek help, which it does by sharing the power with Perkaedo, imbuing his two toys with the Power of Grayskull. While playing with the toys, Perkaedo says the words of power, transforming into an adult like He-Man, but with his toys’ faces and personalities swappable with his own. His robot side is then able to pick up a distress signal from Ork-0 and he heads to the rescue as Man-E-Faces.
Last edited:


Eorzean Idiot
Hope your replacement's better. Mine was just fine, so if it's any comfort, I think it was just that one and not a problem with the toy in general.

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
According to a thread in the "Site Development" part of the forums (you have to have a username to visit that part of the forum), the main website's just down temporarily while they're working on it. Mind you, they've been working on it since September 17 or so. They haven't really said if they're just updating it or if something similar to what happened to us happened to them. But, I wouldn't be surprised if it's just something to make the site a little more mobile-friendly or something.
Ah! That would be the missing key, then. I looked for news about it there, but I don't have a forum membership, so it never appeared for me.

Weird way to run things, if I'm being honest.
Yeah it was never confirmed in the show. Different writers said different things (IIRC). One saying she was, another say she wasn't.
Classics followed on from where 20XX left off, and I think it confirmed Fisto as her father. If it didn't, I think Neitlich did himself.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Fisto as the father! Yes! Well then, young Duncan can be tossed to the side. Introduce his jock bro and have him get into a love/hate relationship with young Sorceress please!

Could even link him with Trapjaw. Fisto could start out as a Dark Master, mirroring Trapjaw's robotic arm. He could have been in contact with Kronis cuz he was looking for his bro.

(I swear, I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that Fisto got named as Malcolm. The new comics maybe?)

(I'm sticking with my expectation of a new female Man-E-Faces ala Melanie Phases, haha. )


I’m not dead yet!
Or maybe, hear me out. This Teela is just the sorceress and Teela, and there won't be any family relations with Man at Arms. I mean it's a new series and all, not every character needs to beholden to previous iterations. I think they were hinting already at a familial bond between Eldress and Teela as it was so that idea may stay a bit, but I don't feel we need to time skip ahead just so we can get the characters we had before back.

Powered Convoy

Or maybe, hear me out. This Teela is just the sorceress and Teela, and there won't be any family relations with Man at Arms. I mean it's a new series and all, not every character needs to beholden to previous iterations. I think they were hinting already at a familial bond between Eldress and Teela as it was so that idea may stay a bit, but I don't feel we need to time skip ahead just so we can get the characters we had before back.
Agreed. Teela was originally meant to be the Sorceress and her original toy was meant to double as the Sorceress's precursor, the Goddess. Her being the Sorceress is just getting her to where she is supposed to be for once.

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