He-Man, and also the Masters of the Universe

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Saw the first ep of the CGI Netflix Masters kids.

I didn't watch Trollhunters universe but I feel like it's a transplant or something. Am I right?

Modulok as a game, nice. I wonder how that really looks.

I didn't know the line up so I didn't know they gender bent THAT character, geez, haha. Saw the name in the credits.

Adam of the Tiger Tribe, ooookay. Kinda boring. Duncan has an instant backstory that's a bit cooler.

Does OG Sorceress have a name? I'd have loved it if this new dark skinned Sorceress used that name instead, so she can eventually 'hang out' with Duncan. But starting her off as Teela? Kind of a missed opportunity.

Reeeeeally hope we see kid versions of Evil Warriors soon.


Eorzean Idiot
Well... you can always buy them on Amazon and cancel your BBTS order. These things do happen and the inverse has happened just about as often.
I just did for Castle Greyskull. I'm thinking maybe that Mosquitor was a scalper, so I'll be a little more patient for that. Greyskull should be here next week.


Eorzean Idiot
OG sorceress name is complicated.

In the original toy line (and packed in comics), in an effort to get as many characters out of the same mold, Teela (without the snake hood) was the warrior we would all come to know as Teela. Teela Na was the sorceress who would turn out to be Teela's mother and become who we know as the sorceress.

Later waves in the toy line introduced a sorceress toy more in line with how she appeared in the cartoon.

To my memory, I don't recall them ever using the Teela Na name in the cartoon. The just called her sorceress. Now she wasn't able to leave Greyskull in her normal form. She could only leave Greyskull in the form of a falcon and the falcons name was Zoar.

Clear as mud? It's possible I confused some things. So someone feel free to fact check me.


Well-known member
this blog is absolutely the best resource for the history/development of the original MOTU toyline:

-ZacWilliam, basically Mattel designed two ladies for the first wave: Teela and the Sorceress/Godess but then got cold feet about doing two girls in a boys line, combined them into one figure and made-up Zodac to patch the spot in the wave. But the Sorceress/Godess concept stuck around in a bunch of forms weirdly linked to Teela because of the combination.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Thanks for the info! I haven't seen the rest of the eps yet soooo I dunno yet if this Teela has Na as her last name and romances Duncan later. Would be funny/awesome if it did.

Also, are they really making a live action She-Ra?


Eorzean Idiot
I heard about a live action She Ra by Amazon Prime. Not sure what stage of production it's in.

Personally, I'd be squicked if Teela romances Duncan. Whatever they are in this continuity, in pretty much every other continuity their father/daughter.

I think I'll watch a couple episodes tonight. Not sure what to expect. From what I've heard, I'm prepareing for a "like it as a show but not as part of the franchise" thing. But we'll see.


Eorzean Idiot
Okay, I actually enjoyed it. I only watched the first two episode, but I actually like it so far. It's like Masters of the Hero 6. I honestly like this far better than Revelation. It's actually kinda cyberpunkish, which I thoroughly enjoy.

But ugh, that theme song! *shudder*


Well-known member
My read on it has been:

50% Old Style MotU
25% Fortnite
25% Trollhunters

-ZacWilliam, It's 100% fun though.

Powered Convoy

Really liked this new CG show. The animation on the main characters is really good. I'm impressed with Teela's jacket (the clear part on her sleeve and the fact it moves like a jacket and isn't pasted flat to her like a lot of other CG TV shows do) and Skeletor's face. The space wings and hair effects are great on the Sorceress and Evil-Lyn.


I haven't had real problems with BBTS in the past, though you do have to be patient. I have a stack of preorders with them and had a couple ship a few weeks ago. However, placed a couple of preorders this week and they were like "you have to order these for your POL instead of immediate shipping because we don't ship to Australia anymore". So they've suddenly switched to "we'll just hold onto anything that arrives for you until further notice". So for the next couple of MOTUO and Masterverse waves I guess I'm looking at inflated eBay prices or waiting an extra year for local retailers to get stock. Amazon has stuff occasionally if your timing is really good. Last time I looked, EE would ship here but had ludicrously high shipping rates compared to any other store.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
I didn't realize that the new cgi show was out already! I will check it out this weekend.


Eorzean Idiot
I watched the first two episodes last night. I hope to do a deep dive tonight.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
I'm up to ep5 and I'm enjoying it a lot! The only thing I hated so far is the dumb toilet humor at the start of ep 5. And I guess the weak intro.

Great origin for Keldor and Adam. Adam is still a bit boring but let's see. The He-Man body is so weirdly shaped.

Sharing the power is so Shazam. Plus family and all that. Each Master has a toyetic accessory to use, all right. So let's see some for the princes of Avion and Andrenid.

Krass is totally Gogo Tamago from Big Hero 6. I'm waiting for her to use those bungee cables she used once.

This Teela is the Sorceress so, yeah, she might as well be Teela Na and her daughter can be Teela Jr. Once Duncan matures anyway, haha.

(Duncan should still have Fisto as his jock bro. Is Fisto's name Malcolm? He has a name, right? They can have Mekaneck as their hanger on kid bro who keeps peeking around, haha.)

(Ooh, do Man-E-Faces ala Double Trouble in Netflix She-Ra. Call her Melanie Phases or whatever. Sy-Klone can be Shy-Klone, a female robot. Of course, by turning Masters into Mistresses, that means some of the eventual Princesses of Power must be gender flipped to Princes too, haha.)

(Aaand I'm rambling. Anyhow, it's good so far! Skeletor didn't need to be buffed up if he was to be a skeleton but, eh, they needed that bath joke. Evelyn's legs are waaaaay too long. She's be a spider giraffe if they were thinner. Whoops, still rambling.)

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
I just watched ep 6 of kid Motu (Neo Motu?).

Um, did I miss something? When did the RK unit save Duncan's life?

Also, did they mention what RK stands for? I feel like they should have. Reconnaissance Keeper? Recording Kit?

From a previous ep, don't know the culture of their time but, honestly, if given a choice between a sword and a scepter, I would choose a scepter. Sword means fighting and bloodshed (a shield would have been for defending. A scale would be for justice). While it didn't look much of a ruling scepter, I think it would have been the more peaceful seeming choice to go for.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
We watched the first two episodes of the new MOTU, and we loved it. We definitely plan on watching more of it.


...even Team Whirl.
I was indifferent - figured the new show looked cool, but wouldn't have much time for it - then I saw David Kaye is in it. There's incentive to make time...

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