He-Man, and also the Masters of the Universe

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
So we finally watched the season 1 finale and we loved it! Definitely two different directions to go with a very similar plot.

I loved the "New adventures of heman" line that they threw in.


I’m not dead yet!
Cool how they are using the figures to set up some of the old mini comic panels….

The only reason I know that is watching Spector Creative videos >_<

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Spector Creative is a great channel.

If I remember right, in one video, he said he's the one who named Ram Man as Krass (in the Classics toy bio?) and was pretty happy when they used it to name Ram Ma'am.


John Carpenter of Mars
I don't generally buy any toys that aren't transformable, modular or buildable in some manner, so I've just been enjoying Origins from a distance.

...at least until I saw this happy little chap beaming up at me from the peg and just had to bring him home.



Also, that CGI series was an absolute treat! Not quite up there with She-ra for me, but that's a rather high bar to hit. Will be needing a David Kaye Battle Cat of some description.


John Carpenter of Mars
I’d say that’s more modularity (unless there are ways to construct vast eldritch body horror nightmares from several figures) but I just pulled his arm off and yes you’re completely right. I only ever see them on card in store and it doesn’t seem to be called out as a feature on the packaging for whatever reason.


Well-known member
Not on package but most of them have a slip of paper inside that details which parts come off for "customizing."

-ZacWilliam, and of course the large size figures come with extra parts


John Carpenter of Mars
Ah, interesting; I'll have to blame my years of instantly casting aside Transformers paperwork for that one! We only get the standard carded figures where I am - I wasn't even aware that there was another pricepoint until just now.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
So I went to my local walmart in what has to be the first time in at least three months, and they had moved the toy section to a different part of the store, and actually stocked it!

I saw some really cool MOTU stuff there. I almost picked up that Netflix Skeletor throne set, as it looks awesome!

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Ah, interesting; I'll have to blame my years of instantly casting aside Transformers paperwork for that one! We only get the standard carded figures where I am - I wasn't even aware that there was another pricepoint until just now.
This one?

I changed the monster feet of Zodac when I saw it was possible.


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Well, the final issue of Revelation was VERY interesting. For the fans who think Teela was too angry and bitter in the show... she would be a LOT angrier if she knew everything that we now know.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
I finally saw a netflix Man at arms toy at the store. It was the first netflix series toy that I have seen. I passed on it, but I am looking out for a skeletor and heman.


Well there sure is a LOT in the new trailer for part two. It's way spoilerier that I would have hoped, though not much we weren't expecting I suppose.

Not a fan of Lyn's new outfit but I suppose it makes sense given her promotion (which was an element I wasn't expecting).

"Oh, there's one. BEHIND ME" is the greatest thing I've ever seen.

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