How to survive?


You need to try a better brand. Black coffee is delicious.

Coffee, Tea, and Alcohol are all acquired tastes. No one loves the taste of them the first time they have it; it’s only over time that they grow to like it. And I think that has more to do with the drug effects, the way it makes them feel.

Caffeine is a powerful drug and if it were discovered today it would without a doubt be regulated.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Alcohol was an acquired taste for me, but I liked coffee right away. In fairness though, I didn't start with a normal cup of coffee. I started by not understanding why an espresso machine was only giving me squirts, so I kept hitting the button until I had a full mug.

Don't try that at home. I'm what you call a professional.


Well-known member
I’ve never been up on a helicopter but I don’t think it is safe because everyone onboard dies when a helicopter crashes. At least with a plane, there have been cases of the pilot landing safely by gliding without an engine. And you can eject, bail out from a military fighter jet. But with a helicopter or twin copter (eg. chinook) I’ve never heard of anyone surviving one of those crashes. When it goes down, it has a 100% fatality rate. Plus, if you make one mistake piloting a copter it can be lethal:

I think the reason why helicopter accidents are so fatal is because there’s no where else the copter can go but straight down.

There is a famous movie called Blackhawk down that you should maybe watch. I haven't seen it. But I heard a talk from one of the guys that survived the crash.

Why do people drink tea. It doesn’t test pleasurable like fruit juices, soda, coffee, or even water.

Originally because water tasted awful. Now people are just used to it.


My landline phone bill is $50, and it keeps going up. It was $45. I called my phone company and asked them if they could lower it. They were able to lower it to $42 for a few months, but now it bounced back up to to $50. So I’m worse off than before I asked them to lower my bill.

Is a landline normally this expensive. I thought calling the phone company and trying to get your bill lowered was supposed to be a good idea, but I just ended up getting f%#ked even more.


It's not a survival skill. It's just fun. And potentially lucrative if you push yourself far enough, but that applies to anything.

It isn't innate. It takes practice. So much practice. It's like bodybuilding. You have to keep at it constantly or the gains fall off scary quickly.

How do you learn to draw? Watching YouTube videos?

Some people just have the knack:

He doesn’t even need to pencil or ink.
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Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
How do you learn to draw? Watching YouTube videos?

Some people just have the knack:

I learned by setting an arbitrary Friday night deadline and forcing myself to post something whether I was happy with it or not. It kept me practicing, and kept my goals realistic.

I still don't really know what I'm doing. I play the odds. I draw the same line over and over until one of them ends up right. I typically spend an afternoon drawing and the rest of the week erasing.


I think artists are like athletes. The chance of making money doing it is slim to none.

Nevertheless, it seems like drawing would be a useful skill, yet it’s not really emphasized at all in school. Why is that? My guess is that it’s too difficult to teach.

Eveyone can come out of school knowing how to read, write and do arithmetic. I don’t think any education system can get everyone out of school knowing how to draw as a basic skill. It would be nice, but I just don’t think it’s possible.

Reading, writing, and math are skills you can teach everyone. Drawing is a skill, but I think it involves a larger factor of talent like music, sports, acting, painting, etc. than other endeavors.

Ancient man started out doing cave drawings to communicate but I believe they had to create language, a shorthand, that was universally teachable, and that anyone could learn (ie. anyone can make simple lines to create letters). Otherwise why wouldn’t they have stuck with drawing pictures, which communicates a lot more information than words (ie. a picture is worth a thousand words).


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
I don't know if it can be taught, since I didn't try to learn it properly. I didn't try any art books or videos. I just wing it.

Destron D-69

at Journey's end
My landline phone bill is $50, and it keeps going up. It was $45. I called my phone company and asked them if they could lower it. They were able to lower it to $42 for a few months, but now it bounced back up to to $50. So I’m worse off than before I asked them to lower my bill.

Is a landline normally this expensive. I thought calling the phone company and trying to get your bill lowered was supposed to be a good idea, but I just ended up getting f%#ked even more.
technically no, if your bill was set to go up $5 for the last couple of months -and instead it went down 3 from where it was, you've saved $16. if it's gone back up by $8 now after you pay that $50 this month, you've actually only paid $34... next month is actually going to be the first month where your bill goes up... that one phone call postponed your rate increase for 1/4 year my dude. plenty of time to try and save $5


Is it easy to get food stamps if you’re not working and you don’t have any money coming in?

I’ve never seen or been to a soup kitchen. Is the food good? Where are they? I thought they’re supposed to be all over the place, but I’ve never seen one.

Can you collect disability if you’re of very limited mental capacity and are on medication for depression?

Can you live off of food stamps and disability?

Rent is my biggest expense. Can I get housing assistance, or apply for having the government pay my rent? Aren’t there programs where I can get my landline phone bill paid for, and free internet service?
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During and after the pandemic a lot of people learned and decided they liked sitting at home, watching Netflix and playing video games. Being a couch potato is how they want to spend their life. They’re content living off of food stamps and collecting disability. They’ve resigned totally and completely from the workforce. Is there something wrong with this?


Why are so many females who accidentally get pregnant deciding to have the baby when the guy does not want it, and won’t be there for her or the child?

Is it because they can live off the welfare checks that they can get from Uncle Sam?

Why not throw a grenade on the problem with the morning after pill, abortion pill, or go nuclear and remove the issue at an abortion clinic?

And why didn’t they use the birth control pill and condom to begin with.

Whith all the wonderful toys and technology we have at our disposal today, why does this keep happening over and over again?


I don't know if it can be taught, since I didn't try to learn it properly. I didn't try any art books or videos. I just wing it.

How do you get the shadowing on your drawings right? I see people on YouTube do it naturally without thinking, but I’ve never been able to know how to do it. I think I have poor spatial intelligence and awareness.

I heard if you have photoshop you can do ANYTHING. I’ve seen people online just scan their drawing into Photoshop and color it fast and effortlessly,, automatically, even getting all the shadowing just right. How do they know how to get the shadowing so precisely correct?


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
I usually don't bother with shadows. I'm very lazy.

I don't use Photoshop. I use Paint.NET. It's free and it has the best interface I've found for an art program.


i cant take it anymore im at my limit
Why are so many females who accidentally get pregnant deciding to have the baby when the guy does not want it, and won’t be there for her or the child?

Is it because they can live off the welfare checks that they can get from Uncle Sam?

Why not throw a grenade on the problem with the morning after pill, abortion pill, or go nuclear and remove the issue at an abortion clinic?

And why didn’t they use the birth control pill and condom to begin with.

Whith all the wonderful toys and technology we have at our disposal today, why does this keep happening over and over again?
in half of the US, women don't even have that choice anymore.

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